The best immortal emperor

Chapter 42 Thank you sister for not killing me

Chapter 42 Thank you sister for not killing me
Li Ming was stunned, and asked embarrassingly, "Is it necessary to be so surprised?"

Tan Xiaoling ignored it at all, looked at Li Ming excitedly, as if she had discovered the most interesting thing in the world, and asked, "Honey, can you fly?"

"This... not yet, but after the second level of Qi training, you can use the wind control technique, and you can fly for a short time. After the third level of Qi training, you will be awesome. You can sacrifice flying swords and control swords Flying can travel the world." Li Ming said.

"Honey, how much Qi training are you doing now?" Tan Xiaoling asked curiously.

"First floor." Li Ming said.

"Oh, it seems very low." Tan Xiaoling muttered.

Li Ming was embarrassed for a while, one level, it sounded really low!

"Husband, what spells can you cast now? Can you walk through walls, can you transform yourself? Why don't you become a little white rabbit to see?" Tan Xiaoling asked curiously.

"Ahem, wife, you're thinking too much. Supernatural powers are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Now I can only cast some low-level spells, such as fire spells, invisibility spells, rain spells, etc." Li Ming said.

"Invisibility? Doesn't that mean that others can't see you?" Tan Xiaoling was shocked, which was beyond her comprehension.

Li Ming didn't explain too much, and immediately used the invisibility technique to disappear from Tan Xiaoling's sight.

"Ah..." Tan Xiaoling was surprised, and she actually disappeared.

Later, Li Ming withdrew the spell and appeared in Tan Xiaoling's sight out of thin air.

At this moment, Tan Xiaoling intuitively comprehended the magic of a cultivator, opening her mouth in a round shape, and being able to stuff an egg directly, this shit is simply unbelievable!
After a pause, Tan Xiaoling seemed to have remembered something, looked at Li Ming slyly, and asked, "Seriously, what have you done with this invisibility?"

"No, I didn't do anything bad." Li Ming said.

Talking about cultivation with Tan Xiaoling, Li Ming felt magnanimous in his heart. He had never been so relaxed, and the inexplicable feeling of panic was gone!

It seems that keeping a secret forever is not an easy task!
Later, Tan Xiaoling agreed to move to Donghai.

A month later, Li Ming moved to Donghai with his family.

Tan Xiaoling spent more than half a month convincing her mother and elder brother. After convincing her family, elder brother Tan Qingjiang had to deal with some assets, which took another half a month.

Now, Tan Xiaoling regrets selling Donghai's house and bar, otherwise the whole family will not have a place to stay when they go to Donghai.

However, this is not a problem for Li Ming, because in the final analysis, this problem is a problem of money.

Li Mingfu's total assets can buy half of the East China Sea, so buying two villas casually is as simple as going to the supermarket to buy two ice creams for him!
The villa faces the Huangpu River, which is a wealthy area in the East China Sea. A villa needs to be tens of millions.

Li Ming doesn't have a high pursuit of material things, as long as he can live with people, but he wants to give Tan Xiaoling and the others the best, because he always feels that he owes Tan Xiaoling and her entire family.

After settling down in the East China Sea, Tan Xiaoling and her elder brother Tan Qingjiang planned to return to their old business and open bars and KTVs.

Tan Xiaoling has a deep affection for the Blue Flame Bar. Originally, Tan Xiaoling planned to take it back from Lin Ruyu's hand, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

Tan Xiaoling didn't want to see Lin Ruyu again, not only because she didn't want to see him, but more importantly because she was afraid of seeing her.

Tan Xiaoling felt that if she went to find Lin Ruyu by herself, no matter for any purpose, it would be another kind of harm to Lin Ruyu, and Lin Ruyu would also think that she was here to show off to her.

Tan Xiaoling is a very kind girl, she won't do things like sprinkling salt on other people's wounds!
Lin Ruyu should be very sad now, and also hate herself.

If it wasn't for her appearance, she and Li Ming should be living well now.

Maybe she is the one who sleeps in Li Ming's arms every day!
East China Sea.

That small courtyard.

There were three people sitting on the small table at home, Lin Ruyu, younger sister Lin Rumeng, and Wang Tao.

My younger sister, Lin Rumeng, liked watching gangster movies since she was a child. When she grew up, she became a policeman as she wished.

Lin's mother has returned to Yanjing, and her daughter has been in a very stable mood for more than a month. Although she has not completely recovered from her underestimation, she will not do stupid things anymore.

Lin Rumeng frowned, looked at the dishes on the table in horror, and asked, "Sister, you made all of these?"

"Of course, otherwise?" Lin Ruyu said with a natural look.

Indeed, these dishes are all made by her.

"Sister, can you spare my sister? As long as we don't try any more dishes, we will still be good sisters." Lin Rumeng looked at her sister complaining.

This table dish, how can it be said to be served, it is simply poison in the world!

Lin Ruyu blushed, embarrassed for a while, and said embarrassingly: "Sister, I know it's not very delicious, if you keep at it, I believe it will be done well next time!"

"Sister Ruyu is right. Where there is a will, there is a way. I believe that Sister Ruyu will definitely make delicious food in the world." Said Wang Tao seriously.

"It's as if it's true, don't spit out that piece of braised pork ribs if you have the ability!" Lin Rumeng said with a snort.

Wang Tao blushed, and explained far-fetchedly: "I didn't do it on purpose, I just wanted to vomit a bone, but I didn't expect to vomit even the meat."

"Are you sure?" Lin Rumeng looked at Wang Tao maliciously.

Wang Tao felt guilty for a while, the burnt braised pork ribs was really unpalatable, Wang Tao dared to vouch for his little brother, it was the worst braised pork ribs he had ever eaten.

But Wang Tao knew that Lin Rumeng didn't like weak and incompetent duplicity people, so he could only bite the bullet and say, "Sure!"

"Okay then, you win." Lin Rumeng chuckled, picked up three or four pieces of ribs and put them into Wang Tao's bowl, and said, "Eat it, this time I won't accidentally spit it out together with bones and meat again." Are you out?"

Immediately, Wang Tao felt an urge to die. What did he say just now?
The taste of this braised pork ribs is very strange, not only very spicy, but also very salty, salty and even bitter.

Seeing that the two of them were holding on to the braised pork ribs, Lin Ruyu took a piece and tasted it.

In the next second, Lin Ruyu vomited it out.

She said innocently, "I'm sorry, I mistook salt for sugar, and poured out half a jar."

Lin Rumeng immediately rolled her eyes, frowned and said, "Sister, are you sure you have the talent to cook? You seem to have been cooking for a month, right? Can't tell the difference between salt and sugar?"

"It's all white, how can you tell the difference." Lin Ruyu said with a natural look.

"Ahem, sister, don't you know that salt looks whiter and finer than sugar?" Lin Rumeng was speechless.

"Is that so?" Lin Ruyu asked back.

"Ahem, sister, why don't we give up, anyway, you are not short of money, you can eat big hotels every day, and you can't afford it." Lin Rumeng muttered.

"No, I must do it myself." Lin Ruyu said stubbornly. Although she knew that Li Ming would not come back, and knew that she would not have the opportunity to cook for Li Ming again, she still decided to learn how to cook well. Where is Li Ming coming back?
"Sister, please forgive me." Lin Rumeng cried.

"Sister, I support you!" Wang Tao stood up.

"Okay, Wang Tao, I'll get you some more braised pork ribs, it looks like you're enjoying it!" Lin Rumeng said with a smile.

Wang Tao's face turned petrified on the spot, just now he ate a piece of pork ribs that shattered his eggs with great effort, and now Lin Rumeng picked up another four or five pieces of ribs for him, this is to kill him!

"Okay, I know it's hard to eat, so let's go out and eat!" Lin Ruyu said helplessly.

"Sister, I treat you!" Wang Tao said without hesitation, and silently added in his heart: "Thank you, Ruyu, for not killing me!"

"Humph!" Lin Rumeng glared at Wang Tao.

(End of this chapter)

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