Chapter 43
The days are going on as before, Lin Ruyu's life remains the same, she still gets up early to fight boxing, then goes to learn how to cook with Su's mother, and in the afternoon, she reads "Shan Hai Jing", "Sou Shen Ji", "Mirror Flowers" and other related works. Ming left the book, and went to that small restaurant to finish dinner at night, but most of the time she was alone, and occasionally her younger sister would come to accompany her.

Of course, the god-level spare tire Wang Tao will also follow!

However, there is one more item in this constant, Lin Ruyu will go to Zhonghai Institute of Botany every now and then.

The old locust tree in the Zhonghai Detention Center withered overnight and grew green leaves again within a few days. It has become the focus of research by plant researchers.

But this old locust tree was something Li Ming cared about very much, so Lin Ruyu naturally cared about it.

If Li Ming hadn't paid attention to this old locust tree, even if this old locust tree could produce gold, Lin Ruyu wouldn't be too curious and concerned.

However, in the past month, plant researchers have not come up with any results. They only know that the cells of the old locust tree divide very quickly and have strong vitality.

As for why cells divide rapidly and have strong vitality, it is not clear.

Lin Ruyu followed botanists to visit the old locust tree a few times, there was nothing special there, just a big, tall and ancient old locust tree with luxuriant branches and leaves to shade the sky, nothing else special that's it.

Lin Ruyu often thought, what would Li Ming do when he came under the old pagoda tree every night?

Looking at the stars or the moon?

But obviously not.

Li Ming won't be so boring.

Lin Ruyu felt that the old pagoda tree was important to Li Ming, but she knew that Tan Xiaoling was more important to him. Lin Ruyu thought that Li Ming would never come to the old pagoda tree again in his life, right?
Because Tan Xiaoling is in the distant Greater Khingan Mountains.

Now that it is September, the temperature in the morning and evening is already very high, with the refreshingness of early autumn, but the temperature at noon is still a bit high, and it still feels very hot.

But standing under the old locust tree, I didn't feel any heat, but felt inexplicably refreshed.

Lin Ruyu guessed that Li Ming came here every night before, maybe he came here for boxing, because Li Ming loves boxing so much, and it is a must every day, just like eating and drinking water.

Lin Ruyu also wanted to try the boxing that Li Ming gave her under the old locust tree to see if there would be anything special about boxing under the old locust tree, but Li Ming had told her not to show her boxing skills to others easily. outsider.

Therefore, Lin Ruyu gave up the idea of ​​practicing boxing under the old locust tree.

On the night when Li Ming settled down in Zhonghai, he went to the old locust tree, but the main purpose of coming today was not to practice, but to plant the seeds in the kit.

The old man He kidnapped his mother-in-law that day, and only asked Li Ming for blood coagulation grass, but he didn't say a word about the seeds, and he didn't seem to care about the seeds.

At first, Li Ming originally thought that these four seeds were the seeds of the Blood Coagulation Grass, but now that he thinks about it, it seems unlikely.

Because if it is the grass seed of blood coagulation grass, old man He has no reason not to ask for it back.

Although it can't be the seed of blood coagulation grass, Li Ming still plans to plant it. As for what it is, it will be clear when the grass seed sprouts.

Li Ming didn't plant four seeds at once, but picked out two of them, one was the one that looked a little deflated, and the other was a little fuller.

Because autumn is about to enter, Li Ming is not sure that this season is suitable for the seeds to germinate.

If it is not suitable, planting four at a time, wouldn't it be completely useless?

If these seeds are just some ordinary flowers and plants, then forget it.But if it was some spiritual herb, wouldn't Li Ming cry to death?

So, he first picked two to test the water!
If it germinates, it's good, if not, wait for the next spring to plant the remaining two.

He thought, if there is no problem with the seeds themselves, one or two of the four should germinate!
There were not too many weeds under the old locust tree, only a few sparsely grown. Li Ming picked a place that was not very shaded from the sun, and removed the weeds in that area, and then used the small shovel he brought to remove the weeds. I loosened the soil for this piece of land, finally buried the seeds, filled the soil, and patted it twice with a small shovel.

After finishing these tasks, Li Ming did not forget to unscrew the specially brought mineral water bottle and pour some water.

The water is neither mineral water nor tap water, but clean river water that he went to the suburbs to find during the day.

Regarding planting, Li Ming actually doesn't have much experience, and no one in his family has ever planted it.

Grandma used to grow some flowers and plants, but they withered within a few months, so Li Ming only got the experience of planting failure from grandma.

But the mother-in-law is different. She was born and grew up in the Daxinganling Mountains. She spent half of her life facing the loess and her back facing the sky. She is very experienced in planting.

And watering with river water is the main point I got from my mother-in-law.

As for why mineral water and tap water are not suitable for watering, my mother-in-law is not very clear, but only says that the probability of seeds germinating is very low when watered with that water.

Li Ming tentatively thought it was because of the bleaching powder, but he didn't delve into it because he is not an agricultural scholar after all.

After everything was settled, Li Ming broke off a twig from an old locust tree and inserted it next to the buried seeds as a mark, in case he couldn't find the place where the seeds were planted next time.

Li Ming looked at the time, it was still early, there were still two hours before dawn, so he simply sat down and meditated, absorbing the strange energy released by the old locust tree.

As dawn approached, Li Ming got up and left. Before leaving, he looked at the place where the seeds were buried, hoping that the seeds had sprouted.

But he knew that one night was absolutely impossible, so the ground was still flat, so he had nothing to lose.

I heard from my mother-in-law that there are many conditions needed for seeds to germinate, such as humidity, temperature, and the acidity and alkalinity of the soil.

Li Ming didn't know if the environment here was suitable, so he could only wait silently, hoping to meet the conditions for the seeds to germinate.

Now, Li Ming regrets that he didn't go to Heilong Province to bring some black soil, because he heard from his mother-in-law that black soil is the most fertile soil.

If these conditions are met, after more than ten days, the seeds will germinate and emerge from the ground.

Li Ming plans to wait patiently for more than ten days, hoping to have a good result!

Leaving the old locust tree, Li Ming went straight to his home, but the place where he lives now is the wealthy area of ​​Zhonghai, and he needs to pass through several commercial centers.

Donghai is known as the city that never sleeps. Even if it is three or four o'clock in the morning, the commercial center is full of singing and dancing, and people come and go.

Therefore, now Li Ming can't run straight home in a cool manner, but runs to half a dozen cars, which is very inconvenient, and Li Ming plans to buy a car.

Thinking about it in a blink of an eye, the family moved to Zhonghai, and the new home didn’t even have means of transportation, and the wife and brother-in-law wanted to open a shop, and it was inconvenient to not have a car, so they decided to take their family to buy a few cars after going back later.

The taxi passed by a breakfast shop, and Li Ming bought breakfast. When he got home, his mother-in-law had already woken up and was about to make breakfast. Seeing that Li Ming bought breakfast from outside, she didn't make it.

After breakfast, Li Ming suggested to buy a car. Tan Xiaoling and Tan Qingjiang didn't make any sense, so they took a taxi and went straight to the Motor City.

(End of this chapter)

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