The best immortal emperor

Chapter 44 Buying a Car

Chapter 44 Buying a Car
Two taxis arrived at Auto City. Li Ming and the others got out of the taxi one after another. Tan's mother didn't plan to come, but Tan Xiaoling planned to take her mother, brother and others to visit the scenic spots in Zhonghai after buying the car, so the whole family All were dispatched.

The Auto City is very large, with more than [-] stores covering almost all the brands on the market.

Previously, Tan Xiaoling drove an Audi, which had a good appearance and performance, so she planned to buy another Audi.

Brother-in-law Tan Changqing also plans to buy an Audi. Li Ming thinks about it, why don't he buy an Audi himself, so as to save the trouble of going to a second store!

A group of people rushed into the Audi 4S store. The salesperson frowned slightly when he saw the whole family mobilized. It would be troublesome for a family like this to come to see the car. They would talk a lot, and they might not be able to buy it in the end, so they didn’t want to go to the reception. They prefer the kind of single nobles and industry elites.

A new intern saw that everyone was unwilling to receive him, so he walked over by himself.

The colleague standing next to her immediately sneered: "Xiao Wu, what is your vision? You also go to receive this kind of people? Didn't you see that they were all dressed in ordinary clothes? The clothes on their bodies would definitely not exceed five hundred , people like them can afford an Audi?"

Mo Xiaowu ignored the sarcasm from her colleagues, walked towards Li Ming and the others with a smile on her face, and said, "Sir, what kind of car do you want to buy?"

"You recommend, one for my wife, two for me and my brother-in-law." Li Ming said directly.

The salesman Mo Xiaowu was slightly startled, and bought two or three cars at once?Tyrant?But he looks really ordinary!Could it be that he was just kidding himself?
Even if Mo Xiaowu knew that the young man in front of her was teasing her, she would still recommend it.

"Sir, your wife is so beautiful. The red A5 is very suitable for her. You and your brother-in-law can drive the black A6L." Mo Xiaowu said.

"Take us to have a look." Li Ming said.

Immediately, Mo Xiaowu took them to see A5 first, the appearance was very good, and Tan Xiaoling liked it very much.

Without further ado, Li Ming said directly: "Give me one, do you have a car?"

"Sir, you are very lucky. A batch of cars arrived at the store yesterday, and Jiuyou has a red A5." Mo Xiaowu said with a smile, and said to himself: Is that why you bought it?Don't you want to tease yourself?
After reading the A5, and then looking at the A6L, the appearance and performance are very good, but when asked if there is no stock, Li Ming couldn't help frowning, and asked: "What stock cars do you have in your store?"

"Sir, there is an A8L and several A4Ls." Mo Xiaowu said.

"Take me to have a look." Li Ming said.

Mo Xiaowu was suddenly a little nervous, thinking that this ordinary-looking young man in front of him would probably buy that A8L.

Sure enough, Li Ming liked the A8L very much when he saw it, and said, "Brother-in-law, this car looks very good, it is very suitable for you to drive, what do you think?"

"It's not bad, but it's a bit expensive." Tan Qingjiang still knows Audi's models very well. This A8L is at least a million and 80, and Tan Qingjiang only plans to buy a car that does not exceed 50.

"What are you afraid of, it's not short of money. Give us one of these cars too." Li Ming said arrogantly.

"This..." Tan Qingjiang was stunned and wanted to say something else.

However, Tan Xiaoling had already said: "Brother, don't refuse, this car will be considered as a meeting gift from Li Ming."

"Well, a greeting ceremony." Li Ming replied affirmatively.

Tan Qingjiang could only accept it, but he was extremely happy in his heart. This is A8L!
Li Ming himself didn't have too many requirements for the car, as long as he could drive it, he ordered an A4L.

The combined price of the three cars exceeded 200 million. Mo Xiaowu brought the car purchase contract, and Li Ming signed it without hesitation.

Mo Xiaowu felt like she was in a dream, so she sold three cars?It's higher than her monthly sales!
Pay and get ready to pick up the car.

While waiting for the car to be picked up, Li Ming had nothing to do. He walked around the 4S shop twice and took a second look at the A5 his wife wanted to buy. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. It was really good.

"What are you looking at? Country bumpkin, I can't even afford this car if I sell you." An abrupt voice came.

As soon as Li Ming turned his head, he saw a woman with heavy make-up who looked like a monster walking with a big belly and a handsome man on her arm.

Li Ming frowned, a little displeased, he didn't seem to offend this woman, did he?But he wasn't stingy enough to go up and argue with this woman, he just glanced at her and walked aside.

I only heard the woman say coyly: "Honey, I want it, I want it."

Li Ming almost fell down when he heard this. My husband, I want it, I want it?This shit is a public place, okay?

"This car is a bit expensive." The man with a big belly frowned and said.

"Husband, isn't it just a car? You are reluctant to buy it for me, and you still say you love me and love me all day long, hum!" The woman pretended to be angry.

"Buying and selling, this is the only one." The big belly Pianpian immediately couldn't stand it when she saw her female companion act like a baby.

"Husband is the best, husband, I love you!" The woman with heavy makeup immediately kissed the man with a big belly, and the man was even happier.

He said, "One of the directors of this 4S store is my friend. I'll call and ask if there is any car."

Li Ming didn't listen any more, the man and woman should not be a couple, but more like a nurturing relationship.

After waiting for half an hour, Li Ming couldn't help frowning when he saw that the car hadn't arrived, what's the matter?Why did it take so long?

At this time, Li Ming saw Mo Xiaowu coming in a hurry, and said apologetically, "Sir, I'm sorry, the red A5 is gone."

"It's gone? How come it's gone?" Tan Xiaoling asked slightly surprised.

"Well, it's gone. It takes two days to pick up the car." Mo Xiaowu apologized.

Li Ming chuckled, narrowed his eyes, and asked, "Is that woman taking him away? She seems to be buying a car after us?"

"Sir..." Mo Xiaowu's face flushed suddenly, Li Ming was completely convinced.

"Call your manager over here." Li Ming said coldly.

"Sir..." Mo Xiaowu looked helpless.

"Go ahead, I won't make things difficult for you, you ask your manager to come out, and I'll tell him." Li Ming said flatly.

Anyone who happened to this matter would feel annoyed. It was obviously my car, so why was it picked up by someone else?
Isn't this bullying?
Is Li Ming so easy to bully?

Mo Xiaowu had no choice but to go to the manager.

Just now she had a dispute with the manager about this matter, but who said that he is the manager and she is an intern?

I can only swallow this breath.

Now that the client has done it, she happily called the manager over, but she was very surprised, how did Li Ming know that the car was picked up by someone else?

After a while, the manager came over and apologized: "Sir, I'm really sorry, but I can't decide this matter. Why don't you wait for two days? Then we can send you some exquisite gifts."

"Since you can't make the decision, find someone who can make the decision." Li Ming said bluntly.

"This..." The manager looked embarrassed, so he ran to call the supervisor, didn't he show his incompetence?He continued to persuade: "Sir, please help me out. It is not easy for us to go out to work. Can you wait for two more days? I will call you as soon as the car arrives."

"Then you return the car to me, and return the other two cars together." Li Ming got angry. He came here for consumption, not for anger.

"This..." The manager looked puzzled, "Sir, I can't decide this matter."

"Then find someone who can make the decision." Li Ming said with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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