The best immortal emperor

Chapter 45 I'm so dishonest

Chapter 45 I'm so dishonest

The sales manager had no choice but to call the supervisor of the car dealership because the customer said it.

When the supervisor heard that Li Ming already knew about the car being taken away, he couldn't help but frowned, and said softly, "What are you doing? Don't you make up a lie? Why tell the customer that the car was taken away by someone else? "

"Director Xu, things are not what you think, but..." Mo Xiaowu still wanted to explain.

"Okay, your internship period is up, go to the finance department to settle the settlement, and don't come tomorrow." Director Xu snorted coldly.

Get fired?

Mo Xiaowu's face was pale, and she wanted to explain something, but Director Xu had already walked towards Li Ming.

Manager Xu walked up to Li Ming and apologized: "Mr. Li, I'm really sorry, the people under him are not good at handling things. The A5 you ordered was actually ordered by someone else early in the morning, or you are waiting for two days. In order to express Our apologies, when the time comes, our car dealership will send you a few high-quality goods, plus top-level stickers."

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Li Ming looked at Director Xu and asked.

"What?" Director Xu was taken aback, but he didn't expect such a sentence from the other party.

"You should be the friend that fat man mentioned, right? Either give me the car, or give me a refund." Li Ming said.

When Director Xu heard this, he knew that he couldn't hide it. Maybe he heard the fat old man calling, so he turned cold and warned: "Mr. Li, this is Longwei Automobile. It’s best to figure things out.”

Li Ming narrowed his eyes, stared at Supervisor Xu, and asked in a cold voice: "Are you threatening me?",

What does Li Ming do?How could he be fooled by his few words?

"Threat? Hehe, I dare not, but if you want to make trouble here, don't blame us." Director Xu said harshly.

"Li Ming, if you don't count, just wait for two days." Tan Xiaoling persuaded by pulling Li Ming's arm.

Tan Qingjiang was very angry and asked: "Is this how you do business? It's too dishonest!"

"Hehe, sir, we didn't seem to invite you in, did you? It's because you were the ones who walked in." Director Xu snorted and sneered.

Li Ming stood up, stared at Director Xu for two seconds, and said, "You make me very upset."

As he spoke, he slapped his hand, Director Xu felt a pain in his face, and a tooth popped out.

Li Ming doesn't slap someone easily, otherwise he will lose his teeth!

"Damn it, you dare to hit me?" Supervisor Xu covered his face and glared at Li Ming angrily.

"Aren't you convinced?" Li Ming looked at Director Xu indifferently.

"You wait for me!" Director Xu said harshly, went to the side and dialed a number, and said, "Brother Chao, someone is causing trouble at the car dealership, please bring a few people here."

When Tan Xiaoling heard the other party calling for someone, she immediately became nervous.

Tan Xiaoling was very worried, pulled Li Ming's arm, and said, "Li Ming, let's forget it? Just wait a few days."

Li Ming patted the back of Tan Xiaoling's hand and said in relief, "Don't worry, it's fine."

Director Xu next to him snorted and said, "Is it okay? Brother Chao and the others will come later, if you don't let them beat you into a pig's head, I won't believe Xu!"

Hearing Director Xu's muttering, Li Ming cast a glance at him. Director Xu subconsciously took two steps back, obviously a little afraid of Li Ming.

He didn't expect that Li Ming looked weak and weak, and he was so ruthless that he knocked out a tooth with one slap!

After a while, the man named Chao came in fiercely with five or six strong men.

When Director Xu saw Brother Chao coming, he was overjoyed and said viciously, "Boy, just wait to be beaten into a pig's head."

Brother Chao came over with someone and asked, "What's the matter with Lao Xu? Who is making trouble here?"

"Brother Chao, this is the kid." Supervisor Xu pointed at Li Ming and said.

"Are you making trouble?" Brother Chao looked at Li Ming and asked.

Li Ming was in a bad mood. Today he came to buy a car, not to be angry.

Li Ming snorted and asked back, "Is this how you treat customers?"

At this time, a pair of young people walked into the 4S store, and the man said, "Rumeng, my family has some shares in this car dealership, and I can give you an internal price later."

"Cut, internal price, I thought you were going to say that you gave it to me directly." Lin Rumeng said disdainfully.

"Yes, I'll give it to you!" The man hurriedly changed his words, he was none other than the god-level spare tire, Wang Tao.

"Who are you to me? Why give me the car?" Lin Rumeng asked back.

"Friend, good friend." Wang Tao said hastily.

"Do you think I will accept it?" Lin Rumeng looked at Wang Tao like an idiot.

Wang Tao was stunned and could only keep his mouth shut.

There was a group of people around the store, and it was difficult not to attract attention. Wang Tao looked at it twice and said in surprise, "Rumeng, that person seems to be our brother-in-law?"

"What is our brother-in-law? I don't know you well, don't mess with your relatives!" Lin Rumeng reminded.

"That really seems to be Li Ming." Wang Tao said, pointing at the group of people.

Lin Rumeng looked over and saw that it was indeed Li Ming. She couldn't help being taken aback, and asked in surprise, "Why is he here?"

Lin Rumeng already had opinions on Li Ming, and with the matter of her sister, she became even more prejudiced.

But she is a people's policeman. The people around Li Ming saw that she was not a good person. They immediately walked up and shouted: "What are you doing? I am a policeman."

"Police?" Director Xu paused, and immediately said: "Miss Police, you came just in time. This kid caused trouble in our store and even knocked out a tooth of mine."

Lin Rumeng looked at Li Ming, and Li Ming also looked at Lin Rumeng.

Finally, Li Ming broke the silence and greeted, "Long time no see, Rumeng, how is your sister?"

It was just a simple greeting, without any other meaning, because the last time Lin Rumeng called and told him that Lin Ruyu had drunk to the point of alcohol poisoning!

"Okay, very good!" Lin Rumeng said fiercely.

Li Ming was helpless, he knew that Lin Rumeng already had opinions on him, and after what happened to her sister, it might be worse, but Li Ming didn't care about it. .

Wang Tao also knew about Li Ming and Sister Ruyu, so he greeted Li Ming, called Brother Li, and didn't call brother-in-law again.

"You know each other?" Director Xu saw that the two seemed to know each other, and said, "Miss Police, you won't cover up this man, will you? He knocked out a tooth of mine."

"What's going on?" Lin Rumeng asked.

Li Ming shrugged his shoulders and briefly explained the matter.

After Lin Rumeng heard about it, she frowned and looked at Wang Tao, "This is your store? It really is a big shop bully! A profiteer."

"It's just a minority shareholder." Wang Tao looked helpless, and immediately dialed a phone number. After saying a few words, he apologized: "Brother Li, I'm really sorry, we will definitely deal with this Director Xu seriously, no, fire him !"

"Who are you? Why should I be fired?" Director Xu quit.

"My father's name is Wang Lihua." Wang Tao said arrogantly.

Whether it's Director Xu or Brother Chao, everyone knows that Wang Lihua is the general manager of Longwei Automobile!
No one expected that this ordinary-looking young man would actually know the son of the general manager of Longwei Automobile Company. Manager Xu cried out in his heart!

This incident happened at his own car dealership, Wang Tao quickly apologized, saying: "Brother Li, calm down, the car will definitely be picked up today."

Li Ming didn't like to make troubles, and when he heard that the car could be mentioned, and the other party was an acquaintance, Wang Tao, he felt embarrassed to make trouble again.

Lin Rumeng looked at Li Ming, hummed a lesson and said, "Li Ming, even if Director Xu did something wrong, you can't hit him, right? And you even knocked out his teeth."

Li Ming looked at Lin Rumeng, but didn't say anything. He knew that this girl was not happy with him, so he simply ignored her.

Lin Rumeng played with the prestige that a policeman should have, but he had no choice but to give up on Li Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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