Chapter 46

After leaving the Longwei car dealership, it was almost noon. Li Ming took his family to have lunch and planned to take them to the zoo in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, the two little guys were very happy. They watched monkeys and played with bears. They had a great time.

The family is also very happy and relaxed, and Li Ming is also very happy!
For Li Ming, the most important thing is that the family is happy. If the family is good, he will be fine!
In the evening, after Li Ming slept with Tan Xiaoling and his son Tan Siming, he went to the old locust tree to practice.

When he came to the old locust tree, Li Ming first checked the seeds he had planted.

Li Ming's face changed suddenly when he saw the traces of the soles of his feet on the planting area. It was obvious that someone had been here and found the seeds he planted.

Li Ming frowned very tightly, and asked secretly: "Who could it be? Old Master He's fellow disciple? Or the old Taoist Fang He?"

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of oppression struck. If old man He's fellow disciples were found, it would undoubtedly be the biggest threat to Li Ming.

Li Ming himself is not afraid of anyone. If he dies, he is dead. After all, he has killed others before, but he does not allow his family to suffer any harm!
After this happened, Li Ming was no longer in the mood to practice.

Perhaps the person who discovered his planting was watching here secretly, or was groping towards his villa.

Li Ming didn't stay any longer, so he left immediately and drove home.

When he got home, seeing his wife and son sleeping peacefully without any harm, Li Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Gently climbed onto the bed, kissed his son on the forehead, and took his wife into his arms, feeling a sense of happiness.

This is what home should look like!

In the near future, Li Ming does not plan to go to the old locust tree to practice again.

If it was old man He's fellow disciple who found him, it was undoubtedly to avenge old man He, so Li Ming decided to guard his family at all times to prevent accidents.

The next day, Li Ming woke up and asked the black girl to send some electronic equipment. He wanted to monitor the situation around his home, and even installed miniature cameras at several gates of the community.

Last night, Lin Ruyu lay on the bed, thinking about it, thinking that it was very likely that Li Ming planted it, so she went to the detention center at night.

Because if it was planted by Li Ming, he should still go tonight!
After all, Lin Ruyu arrived at the detention center a few minutes late. At that time, Li Ming had just come out of the detention center, so she missed it.

Lin Ruyu waited until dawn, but did not see a single person.

After a night, Lin Ruyu was a little drowsy, a little tired, and a little disappointed because she didn't guard Li Ming, whom she wanted to guard.

Lin Ruyu drove home and bought breakfast on the way. After returning to the small courtyard to eat breakfast, it was time to catch up on sleep. She decided to continue guarding tonight, thinking to herself: Maybe Li Ming had something important to do last night, so he couldn't go to the old locust tree. there.

Although there was no evidence or clue that the planter was Li Ming, Lin Ruyu's intuition told her that it should be Li Ming.

Maybe it was because she subconsciously hoped that that person was Li Ming, so she felt that that person should be Li Ming!

For half a month, Lin Ruyu would drive to the detention center every midnight.

But after half a month, nothing happened.

Lin Ruyu began to feel disappointed, that person should not be Li Ming!

For the past half month, Li Ming lived in fear, fearing that any accident would happen to his family.

But half a month has passed, and there is a slight abnormality around the house, even in the community. Li Ming can't help but hesitate. Could it be that he is too nervous?Didn't he find it from his fellow disciples at all?

It wasn't until he saw a piece of news that Li Ming was sure that he was thinking too much.

According to the news, the Institute of Botany of Zhonghai University of Science and Technology has conducted multiple experiments on the samples collected from the old locust tree in the detention center, and has achieved breakthrough tension.

Li Ming guessed that the people from the research institute should have discovered the planting area, but Li Ming couldn't figure out why the other party wanted to cover it with dry soil, as if deliberately concealing something.

Li Ming decided to visit the old locust tree tonight.

The experts from the Institute of Zoology were nervous about making a breakthrough, and decided to take some samples back for experiments. Naturally, Lin Ruyu would not miss the opportunity to see the old locust tree.

Every time under the old locust tree, Lin Ruyu felt an inexplicable peace in her heart, so peaceful that she could forget many troubles.

Today, Lin Ruyu came under the old pagoda tree again with the botanical research team.

After staying up at night for half a month, Lin Ruyu's complexion didn't look very good, but once she got under the old locust tree, she became energetic.

Lin Ruyu deliberately inspected the place where it was planted last time, and there was a tender sprout. Lin Ruyu was overjoyed, squatted down, and inspected it carefully.

The tender buds have two leaves, slender stems and leaves, which look a bit like bean sprouts.

"Is this what was planted? I don't know if it will work for Li Ming?" Lin Ruyu asked secretly.

Looking at Nen Ya'er, Lin Ruyu felt inexplicably fond of it, and decided to poach Nen Ya'er away.

She thought that this young bud should not be simple, otherwise the other party would not have deliberately planted it under the old locust tree, and it should be of some use to Li Ming.

If there is no use, just raise them like ordinary flowers and plants.

If Lin Ruyu knew that this tender bud was planted by Li Ming, she would never touch this tender bud at all, and she would not let others do it.

But, she didn't know, she thought it was planted by someone else, because she didn't see Li Ming after half a month of guarding.

Lin Ruyu borrowed the small shovel used by her instructor, pretended to weed, and took the opportunity to dig up the young shoots. The traces of weeding just covered up the traces of the young shoots being dug.

The mentors didn't notice the bud that Lin Ruyu dug up, thinking that Lin Ruyu was really weeding.

Later, after the instructors collected the samples, Lin Ruyu went out with them.

Back in the small courtyard, Lin Ruyu cleared out a clean place for the flower beds in the small courtyard to plant young shoots.

Seeing such a small bud, Lin Ruyu was worried that it would not survive.

Although it has already entered autumn, the sun at noon is still a bit hot. Lin Ruyu is worried that the tender buds will not be able to withstand the sun. After all, it is still so small, so she specially made a fence around the tender buds, and covered the fence with cardboard. Just enough to block the sun.

After finishing all this work, Lin Ruyuxiang was dripping with sweat, feeling a burst of satisfaction in her heart.

I hope this tender bud can live a long life, and I also hope that this tender bud can be of some use to Li Ming, so that she will feel better in her heart, because she has finally done something for Li Ming.

As night fell, Li Ming waited for Tan Xiaoling and Tan Siming to fall asleep, and then went to the old locust tree.

Seeing the mess being dug up under the old locust tree, Li Ming's expression changed suddenly, and he hurried to check the place where he planted the seeds, and it was indeed dug up.

Who dug it?Did the seeds germinate?It looks like weeding, but is it really weeding?
(End of this chapter)

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