Chapter 47
Li Ming's face was very ugly. Based on his rich experience, he was 80.00% sure that weeding was just a cover, and the real purpose was to dig up the things he planted.

Who poached it?
A researcher at the Institute of Botany?
But why do they make the illusion of weeding?
In their capacity, there seems to be no need for any pretense at all.

This looks more like the work of an ancient warrior or a cultivator. Could it be that the last footprint was not left by the researcher?But an ancient warrior, or a cultivator?
Li Ming quickly calmed down and came to two conclusions. One is that the other party is unlikely to come here specifically for him. It should be that he found something he had planted by accident and dug it up. The other is that seeds can be planted here. .

But now Li Ming doesn't dare to plant it lightly, if the other party picks it up again, wouldn't it be a waste of time?Make a wedding dress for someone else?

Li Ming didn't practice under the tree today, but jumped onto the branches. He was worried that the ancient warrior or practitioner was still nearby, and if he sneaked up on him while he was practicing, he would be in trouble.

At dawn the next day, Li Ming left the old locust tree and drove home.

It's just that I still think about the thing that was dug away, and I don't know what kind of spiritual grass the seed is, but fortunately, Li Ming still has two more plump seeds in his hand.

On the way, Li Ming bought breakfast and the whole family had breakfast together.

While having breakfast, Li Ming was still a little preoccupied, but he didn't show it. He was worried that the ancient warrior or the cultivator who poached him to plant the seeds would have plans for him.

When the cultivation resources on the earth were abundant, there were still many warriors and practitioners fighting for cultivation resources, not to mention that the cultivation resources are becoming more and more depleted now.

If the other party is really eyeing the seed in his hand, he might threaten him with his family, just like Old Man He.

Li Ming couldn't afford such consequences!

Tan Xiaoling is a very careful wife, she could tell at a glance that Li Ming had something on her mind, but she didn't ask on the spot, but asked privately after breakfast, "Li Ming, did something happen? See what's on your mind Heavy."

Li Ming didn't know how to explain the planting, so he just said, "It's nothing, I just lost something accidentally."

"Is it important?" Tan Xiaoling asked caringly.

"It's okay, don't worry, I still have more." Li Ming didn't want Tan Xiaoling to worry, so he didn't tell the truth.

"Oh." Tan Xiaoling replied, but didn't pay much attention to it.


Unforeseen circumstances caused Lin Ruyu to die at a young age, and she died to save Li Ming. In the end, Li Ming buried her in a mysterious ice coffin in a place called Longshan.

Li Ming blamed himself and felt guilty about this.

From then on, Li Ming retreated day and night. After a few years, his cultivation base increased greatly, and he finally succeeded in killing his enemy and avenging Han Rubing's blood.

And from that enemy, Li Ming got an incense burner.

Inside the incense burner is a spirit named Candle.

From Brother Zhu's mouth, Li Ming learned that he can enter the star world after he reaches the ninth level of Qi training, and there is a way to bring people back to life in the star world

So far, Li Ming has been practicing hard day and night, constantly exploring the secret realm.

During this period, he also made many friends, Mo Xia from Kunlun, the strange beast from Shenlongjia, and even recovered a white jade scale python.

Of course, there are also some enemies, such as Laomo, Qingyun Patriarch and others.

During this period, Li Ming owned a Qingfeng sword and a Naling card used to store objects.

A few years later, Li Ming successfully reached the peak of the ninth level of Qi training and could ascend to the star realm.

Make an appointment with Kunlun Mo Xia, and go to the Star Realm together in half a month, because she knows how to open the teleportation array in the Star Realm.

In a blink of an eye, half a month had passed, and Li Ming had to bid farewell to his wife Tan Xiaoling.

(End of this chapter)

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