Chapter 401

Every year at this time, Qin Yue's emotions would fall into a low ebb, and this year was no exception.

In the two years since she came back from the God of Medicine Sect, Qin Yue was bored in the boudoir by herself, shutting the door out.

Just like that injured puppy, hiding in a dark corner alone and licking its wounds.

This year, because of Li Ming's arrival, the mood is slightly better.

However, it was still gloomy.

Qin Yue will never forget that day, that day was the same as today, the sky was very hot, the sun was shining brightly, the mother and concubine were in the deep palace, her lifespan was about to expire, her breath became weaker and weaker, and she was dying.

Qin Yue watched her mother die in front of her like this, there was nothing she could do.

Before the concubine passed away, she gave herself a Soul Essence Stone, which Qin Yue always carried with her.

The soul essence stone has the effect of calming the nerves and nourishing the soul, which can make people feel peaceful.

Later, when Qin Yue went to the Medicine God Sect, she always took the Soul Essence Stone with her.

However, after entering the Illusory Realm Forest for experience, the Soul Essence Stone disappeared out of thin air, but there was an extra memory in her mind.

I thought it was a dream of the fantasy forest. In the dream, her name was Ah Jiu!

However, after stepping into the Nascent Soul Realm, Qin Yue found that the dream became more and more real, and the blurred person in the dream also became clear.

What surprised Qin Yue the most was that that person was beside her!

That person is none other than Li Ming!

This is also Qin Yue's coy Nascent Soul when she met Li Ming in the imperial city, shy and youthful, even though Qin Yue is hundreds of years old!

Li Ming always knew about the dream in Qin Yue's mind, but he didn't know that Qin Yue had already seen the person in the dream clearly!

When Qin Yue returned to the Great Qin Dynasty, she began to look through the classics, trying to find information about the Soul Essence Stone.

However, nothing was found.

However, unintentionally, Qin Yue read about the Resurrection Pill in an "excerpt from a foreign land".
Li Ming chatted with Qin Yue, all over the world, all over the world.

Li Ming tried to make Qin Yue happy, but no matter what he said or jokes, Qin Yue was always unhappy.

Suddenly, Qin Yue raised her head and stared at Li Ming with a pair of extremely clear eyes.

Li Ming was startled, knowing that Qin Yue had something to say, so he closed his mouth.

I only heard Qin Yue say: "Li Ming, we have actually met each other a long time ago."

"En?" Li Ming was startled, and looked at Qin Yue in confusion.

"In a dream." Qin Yue said.

"What?" Li Ming's heart bulged, and his heart speeded up.

"I mentioned to you before that I had a very distant dream, in the experience of the fantasy forest. However, I can't remember the person in the dream. However, with the improvement of my cultivation, especially It was after entering the Nascent Soul Realm that the dream became clearer and more real. On my way back to the Great Qin Dynasty, I saw the man in the dream clearly. Guess who he is?" Qin Yue asked.

"Who?" Li Ming was quite different, with an extremely embarrassed expression.

"You!" Qin Yue said bluntly.

"What?" Li Ming was taken aback, but he pretended.Because, Li Ming already knew that the person in the dream was himself, because he himself had the same dream in the Forest of Illusion, and in the dream, her name was Ah Jiu!

"Yes, it's you." Qin Yue said with certainty.

For a moment, the two fell into silence.

After a long time, Qin Yue asked, "Li Ming, did you have the same dream?"

"Me?" Li Ming paused, not knowing how to answer?
"Is there?" Qin Yue looked at Li Ming expectantly.

Li Ming took a deep breath and replied, "No."

Hearing this, Qin Yue couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

After a while, Qin Yue said: "I suspect that dream is related to the soul stone. Do you know the soul cloud stone? Or have you ever had a soul stone?"

Li Ming shook his head and said, "I've never heard of the Soul Essence Stone, let alone own one."

"Oh." Qin Yue replied disappointedly.

Li Ming didn't know what to say, but just looked at Qin Yue in a daze.

Qin Yue let out a long sigh, pursed her lips and said: "If the concubine mother is still there, you can ask her about the origin of the soul essence stone."

"So you've been trying to find the resurrection pill?" Li Ming took the opportunity to ask.

"Indeed." Qin Yue replied, she was defenseless against Li Ming, and continued: "Heaven pays off, I learned from Elder Tongshan two years ago that my father was the last one to see the Resurrection Pill. At that time , I wondered if my father would leave any clues. So I went back to Daqin and started looking for it. However, I never found it. Later, I searched for records about the soul essence stone in the library, but it happened that a The news of the Resurrection Pill in this "Excerpts from Exotic Lands" is definitely not a mistake."

Hearing this, Li Ming was startled and asked cautiously, "What does the book say?"

"The book said..." After saying this, Qin Yue seemed to realize something, looked at Li Ming with a smile, and asked: "Li Ming, you seem to be quite interested in the resurrection pill, do you have anyone who wants to be resurrected? "

"Me? Is there? I'm just curious." Li Ming denied it.

Only one of the Resurrection Pill has been refined, if Qin Yue knows that she is also looking for the whereabouts of the Resurrection Pill, even if she does not take action against herself, she will be on guard.

Maybe, I can't even stay with Daqin anymore!
Qin Yue was slightly startled, and murmured: "Actually, if you are also looking for the resurrection pill, we can look for it together."

"Really?" Li Ming almost blurted out the words.

However, when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them abruptly.

Accustomed to intrigues and conspiracies, Li Ming has no reason not to suspect that this is a tentative remark?
Hearing that Li Ming was avoiding him, he said duplicity: "I'm not that interested. There's only one Resurrection Pill. If I find this, wouldn't I become a public enemy? I don't know how I will die."

"Hey." Qin Yue couldn't help being amused when she saw Li Ming's timid and fearful appearance, and said, "You're the only one who would say that! Who in the world wouldn't want to get the Resurrection Pill?"

Li Ming smiled and said nothing, but secretly swore in his heart, "No matter how difficult it is, we must find the resurrection pill!"

At the same time, Li Ming secretly wrote down the title of the notebook that Qin Yue mentioned, "Excerpts from Exotic Lands".

However, I don't know if that excerpt is still in the library, or has it been put away by Qin Yue privately?

Li Ming didn't inquire about the Resurrection Pill anymore, but changed the topic to avoid Qin Yue's suspicion.

Two days later, it was the anniversary of Qin Yue's mother and concubine's death.

Qin Yue took Li Ming to the clan's mansion and met Uncle Da Zong.

After getting the warrant to go to the imperial mausoleum, twenty passed through the teleportation array and came to the imperial mausoleum.

This is Li Ming's second visit here, but he is still overwhelmed by the majesty of the imperial tomb, it's really grand!
After entering the imperial mausoleum, he came to the tomb of Concubine Qin Yue's mother in a short while!
(End of this chapter)

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