The best immortal emperor

Chapter 402 Li Ming, Do You Believe in Karma Wheels?

Chapter 402 Li Ming, Do You Believe in Reincarnation

Qin Yue narrated the events of this year in front of her mother's concubine's tomb, praying, anticipating, and expressing the distress in her heart one by one.

Li Ming stood by, listening and watching quietly.

One day, a full day, Qin Yue came out of the imperial mausoleum.

Along the way, no one spoke until they left the clan mansion!
At this time, the sky was already dark, and the starry sky was not as bright as before, only a few stars could be seen.

However, these few stars are extraordinarily bright.

Suddenly, Qin Yue asked: "Li Ming, do you believe in reincarnation?"

"En?" Li Ming was startled, and looked at Qin Yue in surprise.

I only heard Qin Yue say: "I think there should be karmic reincarnation. Maybe we were lovers or Taoist couples in our previous lives. Otherwise, I wouldn't have such a vivid dream in the Forest of Illusion and Reality!"

Li Ming nodded slightly, somewhat agreeing with Qin Yue's statement.

If Qin Yue was the only one who had such a dream, maybe it was just a coincidence.

However, Li Ming himself had such a dream.

If it is said that there is no connection between them, Li Ming definitely does not believe it!
Seeing Li Ming nodding, Qin Yue couldn't help being surprised, and happily asked, "Do you also believe in reincarnation?"

"Indeed, I'm just curious. Where will a person go when he dies? If the primordial spirit is dead, is he really completely dead?" Li Ming asked curiously.

Qin Yue thought for a while, and said: "Death is like a lamp going out. It is said that the soul will be taken to Fengdu City by the dark wind. As for the death of the Yuanshen, whether it is really a complete death or not, I can't tell. However, I don't think so. So easy!"

"Fengdu City?" Li Ming was stunned and asked, "Is it the legendary ghost city?"

"Yes, there are ten ghost cities in the legend, and the city lord in charge of the ghost city is known as the king of hell. Above the king of hell, there seems to be someone stronger!" Qin Yue said uncertainly.

Li Ming was slightly surprised, and asked, "Where did you know all this?"

""Strange Events", "The Legend of the Soul", "The Chronicles of the Yin Corpse", "Guangping Wild Biography" and so on." Qin Yue listed a few books.

Li Ming nodded, and secretly wrote down the titles of these books. He will go to the outer city some other day to see if he can buy a few books.

After a while, a thought suddenly came to Li Ming's mind, and he asked curiously: "Yue'er, you said that the resurrection from the dead means that you forcibly took back his captured soul and placed it in the body again?"

Qin Yue frowned slightly, and speculated: "It shouldn't be that simple, right? After all, if Hun'er leaves his body, his body will die. Even if Hun'er returns, he won't be resurrected. There should be something in between. As for what, I can't tell either."

"What about the Resurrection Pill? Can taking it really reverse life and death? Is it just a rumor?" Li Ming suddenly realized this problem.

After all, so far, Yao Shenzong has only refined one resurrection pill, and let that pill escape, there is no successful precedent at all.

Hearing Li Ming's words, Qin Yue couldn't help being startled, became hesitant, and murmured to herself, "That's right? Can the Resurrection Pill really reverse life and death?"

After a slight pause, Qin Yue said: "It should be possible, right? It has been passed down like this since ancient times."

"Maybe, this is just a beautiful lie." Li Ming couldn't help but said.

"Lies?" Qin Yue's spirit suddenly became trance. If the life-and-death reversal pill was just a lie, what should she do?
Li Ming himself was afraid of such speculation.

(End of this chapter)

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