Chapter 403

After all, Li Ming was not afraid of hardships and went to the Star Realm for the resurrection pill!
If the Resurrection Pill doesn't have such an effect, wouldn't it be a waste of time?
Li Ming sent Qin Yue to the gate of the palace, then bid farewell to the outer city, and did not return to the Princess Palace!
Li Ming has been staying in the Princess Hall for the past few days. I believe that there are many things in the Eastern District. Li Ming has to go back and deal with these things.

Of course, this is just an excuse.

Li Ming wanted to ask Brother Zhu about the Resurrection Pill, but Li Ming never questioned it.

However, when he was chatting with Qin Yue just now, Li Ming was really taken aback by the thought that popped up suddenly.

If this matter is not clarified, Li Ming will have trouble sleeping and eating.

After a while, Li Ming left the inner city and came to the outer city.

The outer city and the inner city are simply two worlds. The outer city is very lively, and the night market is full of people coming and going. It is a scene of prosperity.

As for the inner city, as far as the eye could see, there was not even a single person.

Li Ming didn't linger at the night market, and went straight back to his foothold in the outer city.

This is the benefit of being the patrol chief of the Eastern District, a small courtyard with a single family.

At first, Li Ming wanted to buy one for himself. After all, he would bring his wife and children here in the future, so there was always a place to stay.

However, the high housing price made Li Ming stop, and he could only dispel such thoughts.

Originally, the Outer City Management Center arranged for Li Ming to live with other patrol envoys.

However, within two days, the Outer City Management Center received an order from above, and then arranged a small courtyard with a single family for Li Ming!

Obviously, this is what Qin Yue meant.

Of course, Qin Yue didn't tell Li Ming about it.

After all, to Qin Yue, such a trivial matter was too insignificant.

After a while, Li Ming returned to his small courtyard.

However, as soon as he entered the small courtyard, Li Ming felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and immediately became vigilant.

At this time, a black shadow came out from a dark corner.

I only heard the black shadow say: "Li Xunzhan, you are back, I have been waiting for you for two days and two nights!"

Hearing this, Li Ming's heart tensed up immediately, and he asked cautiously, "Who is your Excellency?"

"Who? It doesn't matter who it is, what matters is what I want you to do!" Hei Ying said coldly.

"What are you going to do?" Li Ming asked cautiously.

Since coming to Qin Capital, Li Ming has always acted carefully and did not offend anyone, except for the patrolling soldier surnamed Sun.

Could it be that the man surnamed Sun found someone to take revenge on him?
Li Ming became more vigilant and ready to fight at any time!

But at this moment, Hei Ying said, "Send a gift!"

"Gifts?" Li Ming was taken aback, looking extremely surprised. Could it be that what the other party said was ironic?

"Yes, it's a gift!" Then, the black shadow took out something, hit Li Ming, and said, "This is a storage ring, which contains tens of millions of middle-grade spirit stones, and I give it to you!"

Li Ming didn't pick it up easily, but instead circulated his true energy to keep the storage ring half a meter in front of him.

Hearing what the other party said, Li Ming became even more confused, wondering what the other party was doing?
For no reason, I gave myself tens of millions of middle-grade spirit stones, could it be because I was handsome?
However, there are so many handsome people in the world, why not send others?

Among them, there is definitely an ulterior secret!

Li Ming snorted and said, "There is no such thing as a free lunch. Even if there was, it wouldn't fall on my head. This tens of millions of middle-grade spirit stones is even more amazing wealth. Some people can't earn it all their lives." Come on, you and I are not relatives, and you said you want to give it to me? It made me feel confused and panicked! Could it be that this is money for my life?"

(End of this chapter)

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