Chapter 432

"Oh?" Situ Jianren was surprised, and looked at the place Li Ming was pointing at.

I only heard that Li Ming continued: "This is the only canyon in Erlong Mountain. You take people to set it up on the top of the mountain first. After I guide the bandits into the canyon, you fall into the rock and attack from behind to kill them." Kill here."

Situ Jianren nodded, and said: "This place is indeed a good place, if used properly, it will be like a tiger with wings added."

Although Situ Jianren didn't know much about it, but he was born in a general's family since he was a child, and he had heard a little about marching and fighting.

"Okay, I'll go to the school grounds to have a look." Li Ming said.

"By the way, Highness Yue has sent a letter." Situ Jianren said.

"What?" Li Ming asked.

"It's nothing, I want you to be careful." The corner of Situ Jianren's mouth twitched.

Because in the letter, there was no mention of him, Situ Jianren.

"That's all?" Li Ming asked.

"What else do you want?" Situ Jianren asked angrily.

Li Ming shrugged and said, "I thought there would be other important matters. If it's just a simple greeting, it's totally unnecessary."

"You..." Situ Jianren was at a loss for words, a little annoyed, this is a letter written by His Royal Highness Yue!How dare this guy ignore it like this.

However, looking at it from another angle, Situ Jianren became indifferent again, which at least shows that Li Ming really doesn't like His Royal Highness Yue!
After a while, Li Ming went to the school grounds.

On the school field, Xing Shenghai was practicing.

Seeing Li Ming coming, Xing Shenghai immediately flew to Li Ming and shouted, "Master Li."

Li Ming nodded and asked, "How is the training going?"

"Back to Mr. Li, two-thirds of the items have been trained." Xing Shenghaihui reported.

"Oh? So fast?" Li Ming was slightly surprised, this speed far exceeded his expectation.

At this time, Xing Shenghai and the others should have only trained one-third of the events.

It turned out that from the second day of training, this line of monks has no distinction between day and night.

Train during the day and train at night.

Every day, there is only one hour of rest.

It is because of this that the training process has improved so much.

Fortunately, these are all monks. If they were just ordinary soldiers, it would be no wonder that they would not be physically exhausted after such round-the-clock training.

After hearing Xing Shenghai's report, Li Ming said, "Let everyone practice."

"Yes." Xing Shenghai responded.

Then, Xing Sheng Haifei returned to the crowd and shouted, "Everyone has it!"

Immediately, a group of trained monks gathered immediately.

"Drill one by one." Xing Shenghai shouted loudly.

"Yes!" All the monks replied in unison.

Then, it was practiced in sequence according to the training formation.

Li Ming stood aside, waiting and watching.

Training can't just focus on speed, but also quality.

Otherwise, it will only be a fake chart.

However, the result also surprised Li Ming, as he had imagined it to be better.

At first glance, it looks like a veteran who has been trained for two or three years!

After the rehearsal was over, Xing Sheng Haifei came to Li Ming and reported, "Master Li, the rehearsal is over."

"Well, yes, keep up the good work!" Li Ming nodded and said, without showing much approval.

"Yes!" Xing Shenghai responded.

"Continue training." Li Ming said.

"Yes." Xing Shenghai responded.

Immediately, I saw Xing Shenghai return to the crowd and shouted: "Your training results are very poor. From today onwards, one hour of rest every day will be changed to half an hour of rest!"

(End of this chapter)

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