Chapter 433

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, he couldn't help thinking about his military career, and he didn't know how China is now.

After a while, Li Ming sighed slightly, and secretly said: "When I borrow Tissot, I have to go back!"

For some reason, Li Ming's homesickness has become more and more intense recently.

After half a month, the training was finally over.

Li Ming was very satisfied with the result.

However, as for the effect, it is hard for Li Ming to say now, and he will only know after confronting the bandits.

Li Ming decided to tell the destiny tomorrow to put down the bandits!

The next day, dawn.

Li Ming set up a platform, killed chickens to pray for blessings, and told the destiny.

Afterwards, he led a group of monks in the house to Erlong Mountain.

At this time, all the monks put on uniforms, which were specially designed by Li Ming when he sent people to Qindu. A full set would cost three thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

The defensive effect of these battle uniforms is no worse than that of magic robes. In the middle of the chest, there is a huge Li character written on it!

The group left Dongling City in a hurry, and the owner of Dongling City specially sent them off to the gate of the city.

In fact, it stands to reason that the owner of Dongling City should go out with him. After all, Li Ming came to put down the bandits for their Dongling City.

But the city lord of Tanglin didn't, he just said: Wait for Master Li to return triumphantly!

Regarding this, Li Ming didn't say much, and he didn't force the owner of Dongling City to go out together!
Today, the sky is clear and cloudless.

Li Ming flew to Erlong Mountain with a group of people, and arrived at Erlong Mountain at noon after half a day.

Situ Jianren, leading five teams, went to the canyon to set up an ambush secretly.

At this time, the thieves usually go back to the village to rest, and will not continue to make trouble until the sun is about to set.

Li Ming formed a battle, and said to Xing Shenghai: "Call the battle!"

"Yes, Master Li!" Xing Shenghai responded.

Immediately, he saw Xing Shenghai circulating his true energy, and shouted loudly: "The bandits from Erlong Mountain, come out and surrender!"

With this shout, Erlongshan immediately exploded.

I saw a crowd of thieves and bandits flying out of Erlong Mountain in a dense mass.

After a little effort, a group of thieves and bandits came to Li Ming's formation.

I saw a burly man with a beard and a copper hammer in his hand, yelling and cursing: "Who is here, dare to come to your grandfather's mountain to call for battle, can't you die?"

Xing Shenghai looked at Li Ming, as if he was asking Li Ming for instructions.

I only heard Li Ming say: "You let the head of his family come out!"

"Yes." Xing Shenghai responded.

I only heard that Xing Shenghai shouted: "Tell your family to carry the handle out!"

"I am!" said the bearded man.

"Go away, who are you? Are you the only one who is still in charge?" Xing Shenghai said dismissively.

The bearded man didn't scold each other, after all what Xing Shenghai said was true, but he was not the leader of Erlongshan.

Li Ming had seen this bearded guy before, it was the guy with the long sister-in-law and the short sister-in-law that night.

It should be a leader of Erlong Mountain!
After a while, I saw the bearded man preaching the Taoist order.

After a while, a person flew out of Erlong Mountain, his aura soared to the sky, he was definitely at the peak of the golden core!
The Li family's troops were all foundation-builder cultivators. As soon as this person appeared on the stage, his expression changed drastically.

However, it was just a big change, there was not much panic, and there were no timid escapers.

Li Ming was very satisfied with this.

When marching and fighting, deserters are the most taboo!
Not only is it a bad omen, but it also affects morale.

As soon as that person came out, Li Ming knew that this person was the owner of Erlong Mountain.

I only heard that the man looked towards Li Ming and asked, "Who is in charge?"

(End of this chapter)

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