Chapter 443
After entering the capital of Qin, pass through the outer city, come to the inner city, and go straight to the imperial palace.

Today's political affairs have already been concluded, but because of Li Ming, he did not retreat from the court.

Just now, after discussing political affairs, His Royal Highness Yue chatted with the officials about family matters.

After hearing the report, Li Ming returned triumphantly, and the court returned to a serious atmosphere.

After a little effort, Li Ming followed the head of the imperial guards to the court hall, accompanied by Situ Jianren!
This time, Situ Jianren really gave Situ's parents a face.

It's not because of the merits of pacifying the bandits in Dongling City, but because of Situ Jianren's earlier actions.

In the eyes of others, it is a standard moth, carrion.

But now, this moth has found his way back and served the country!
Li Ming and Situ Jianren went to the court hall and kowtowed to His Royal Highness Yue according to the rules.

I only heard that His Royal Highness Yue said lightly: "Pingshen."

After a slight pause, His Royal Highness Yue continued: "The two of you have contributed to the pacification of Dongling City, what reward do you want?"

I saw Situ Jianren humbly said: "Serve the country and don't expect anything in return."

This is a common saying, and it is also what Situ Jianren said from the bottom of his heart.

His Royal Highness Yue nodded. Even so, those who should be rewarded will still be rewarded, so he looked at Li Ming and asked, "Li Ming, what reward do you want?"

Li Ming thought for a while, cupped his fists and said, "His Royal Highness, I want a big house."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the court, because no one had ever said that he wanted a reward!This seems too unreserved.

However, Li Ming still expressed his thoughts, not all for himself, but also for the Li Jiajun who followed him!

After a while, the hall became quiet. After all, what you want is just a house, which is not too much!

His Highness Wenyue asked curiously: "Li Ming, why do you want a house? With achievements like yours, you can write about more practical things, such as exercises, precious medicines, or other things. After all, a house only needs Money can buy it."

Qin Yue's words were asking Li Ming, and also reminding Li Ming that he could ask for other things.

I saw Li Ming cupping his fists, making a bow, and said: "As soon as I entered the Medicine God Sect, I followed Your Highness all the way to the capital of Qin. This time, it is my job to put down the bandits in Dongling City. I dare not ask for any rewards." However, during this pacification, I have recruited a lot of Jianghu monks. These monks came to the capital of Qin with my ministers, just to make a living. However, I have no stable foothold in the capital of Qin, so I boldly rewarded a A big house. After all, with the savings of a humble minister, it is really impossible to buy a big house in Qindu."

Hearing this, all the veterans in the court nodded and said to themselves: "If you are rich, don't forget each other! You should be rewarded!"

If there is a minister, His Royal Highness Yue can borrow a step to go down, and said: "The inner city is only for senior officials of the fourth rank and above to live in. Although you are the sword servant of my highness, my highness can't break the order set by my father." According to the rules, there is no suitable house in the outer city. I will allocate a piece of land in the outer city for you, and let the Ministry of Industry build it quickly, everyone agrees."

"His Highness is holy."

"His Highness is holy."

All the courtiers had no objection.

I only heard that Qin Yue continued: "Everyone has contributed to the suppression of the Dongling bandits this time. The monks who established the foundation will reward 5000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, the monks of Jindan will reward [-] yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, and Li Ming and Situ Jianren will each reward [-] yuan. .In addition, add Li Ming as a sixth-rank official, Situ Jianren as a fifth-rank official, and receive corresponding imperial honors!"

"Thank you, Your Highness Yue, for the reward!" Li Ming and Situ Jianren kowtowed their thanks.

"Retire." His Royal Highness Yue announced.

(End of this chapter)

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