The best immortal emperor

Chapter 444 Don't Make Trouble After Entering the City

Chapter 444 Don't Make Trouble After Entering the City
Immediately, all the people retreated.

After leaving the court, Li Ming asked puzzledly: "Situ, you are just my deputy, why did you add a fifth-rank official, and I am only a sixth-rank official?"

The grades are different, the rights, court worship, etc. are different.

In the court hall, Li Ming couldn't ask directly, after all, His Royal Highness Yue gave such a reward for a reason, and the officials did not object.

I only heard that Situ Jianren explained: "Because of my father, we brothers and sisters received the court service from birth, and the court service from the fifth-rank officials. Product officials begin."

"So that's how it is." Li Ming suddenly realized that no matter where he goes, with a good father, he will really work less.

"Okay, don't be discouraged either. You are His Royal Highness Yue's confidant, as long as you have merit, you will be promoted very quickly." Situ Jianren comforted.

Li Ming smiled slightly and didn't say anything. He was just curious and didn't care much about these false names.

This trip to Dongling City has yielded quite a lot, in addition to the mansion, the sixth-rank officials, and more importantly, Tiansuo.

After Brother Zhu refines Tiansuo, he can return to Earth to pick up his wife and children!
After leaving the palace gate, Situ Jianren asked Li Ming to drink and celebrate.

Li Ming thought of the Li family army who were still waiting for him outside the city, so he said, "Someday, the two hundred or so monks who followed me are still in the outer city. I don't know how to settle them yet."

"Oh, I almost forgot about it. Let's go, I'll go with you. Don't worry about settling in. There are so many restaurants in the city, just find a place to live." Situ Jianren said.

Li understood and looked at Situ Jianren, and said, "The capital of Qin is Dongling City? You don't know when the mansion will be built. If you stay in a restaurant for one night, no matter how poor it is, you still need a middle-grade spirit stone." , can you afford it?"

Situ Jianren was stunned, and said: "The minister of the Ministry of Industry is a veteran under my father's command. I will tell him to hurry up and finish the construction within three days at most."

"Three days? How fast?" Li Ming was surprised, and it took a while to realize that this is the world of monks, and building a house is just the simplest thing!
After a slight pause, Li Ming nodded and said, "Then let them stay in the restaurant first."

"Li Ming, do you really plan to keep that group of people? Most of them are at the foundation-building stage, and they are almost useless. If you really want to recruit retainers, I suggest you recruit them in Qindu, at least they are Jindan cultivators. " Situ Jianren reminded.

Li Ming shook his head and said, "These cultivators believed in us when we were alone and helpless. We can't cross the river and demolish the bridges. It's unkind to disperse the bandits after we've calmed them down."

Hearing this, Situ Jianren couldn't help lowering his head, feeling a little ashamed.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, let's bring them in first." Li Ming said.

Before, when Li Ming went to the court, he was worried that the Li family's army would be scattered in the outer city, so he asked them to wait outside the city.

After a while, Li Ming came to the gate of the outer city.

The Li family army hadn't recovered from the shock, they looked at the towering city walls of the capital of Qin in disbelief, and exclaimed, "This is the capital of Qin!"

It wasn't until Li Ming came out that all the Li family troops came back to their senses and stood in line immediately.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Come on, follow me into the city, two rows side by side! Remember, after entering the city, don't cause trouble or disturb the people!"

"Yes! Master Li!" Li Jiajun responded one after another.

Immediately, Li Ming led the Li family army into the capital of Qin!
(End of this chapter)

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