Chapter 49
As the dark clouds cleared, Li Ming heaved a sigh of relief.

However, Li Ming immediately asked: "Brother Zhu, with my current strength and supplemented by formations, I should be able to survive the thunder disaster, right?" "It should be possible." Brother Zhu replied.

"Then why don't you just cross the catastrophe and step into the Foundation Establishment Realm as soon as possible?" Li Ming asked suspiciously, but he knew that the Star Realm was full of dangers, and his strength in the Nine Realms was only the lowest level of practitioners in the Star Realm.Therefore, if you can overcome the catastrophe as soon as possible and enter the foundation building state, you will have an increased ability to protect yourself!

Brother Zhu shook his head slightly, and asked, "Is your vision only limited to the Foundation Establishment Realm?"

"En?" Li Ming paused, looking a little puzzled.

Brother Zhu explained: "Lei Jie baptizes the body, the degree of baptism is different, the effect of foundation building is also different, and the benefits of future practice are also different."

Hearing this, Li Ming paused and said, "I understand."

Then, Li Ming asked again: "Brother Zhu, how should I survive the catastrophe?"

"Lead the thunder into the body, temper it with the thunder." Brother Zhu said without thinking.

Li Ming was taken aback, only feeling that the pores all over his body were trembling.

Being struck by lightning is already very terrifying and unbearable.

If this leads thunder into the body, then it's okay?

However, Brother Zhu must have his reasons for saying this!Li Ming nodded his head, expressing his understanding!

At this time, Li Ming thought of Mo Xia, Yi Beast, Laomo, Du Yueya and the others. He looked around and saw no one. He asked in surprise, "Where are they?"

"Maybe it was teleported to other places?" Brother Zhu speculated.

"Is the gate of the Star Realm teleported randomly?" Li Ming asked.

"I don't know, maybe they took a step first, or maybe they died in the teleportation." Brother Zhu said.

Li Ming was slightly silent, suddenly feeling a little lonely.

Star Realm, such a strange world, I broke in alone like this!
After a while, abandoning negative emotions, Li Ming asked, "Brother Zhu, where should we go now?"

Brother Zhu looked up at the sky, and saw that the originally blue sky suddenly turned red.

No, it is not the sky that turns red, but the clouds that turn red.

After a pause, Brother Zhu said, "The sky is going to be on fire."

"What?" Li Ming was taken aback, thinking that his ears had been misheard.

"It's going to fire." Brother Zhu repeated.

Li Ming heard it clearly this time, but he was a little confused. He only heard that it was going to rain, but never heard that it was going to fire.

Li Ming asked, "Brother Zhu, are you not confused?"

"You are confused." Brother Zhu said angrily, "Hurry up and make an umbrella, this fire is not small."

"This..." Li Ming was still very puzzled and wanted to ask, but brother Zhu urged: "Hurry up, the fire is coming soon."

Although Li Ming didn't understand, he trusted Brother Zhu very much.

And Brother Zhu, after all, has stayed in the Star Realm, so he must have more knowledge than himself.

At this moment, even if brother Zhu told Li Ming that the knife was about to be cut, Li Ming would believe it.

Build an umbrella?
Li Ming took out all the available materials on his body and started to build.

When meeting Du Yueya, Li Ming snatched back the Naling Jade Plaque that was stolen by Bai Yezi!

There are many refining materials in the Naling Jade Brand, but they are all low-end products, and it is not known whether the umbrellas made can block fires.

However, Li Ming has a Qingfeng sword on his body.

The Qingfeng sword didn't even break through the thunder calamity, so the material must be unusual.

However, Li Ming didn't intend to use the Qingfeng sword to refine umbrellas. He thought it was a waste and should be used to refine some powerful treasures!

Li Ming used the flame technique to melt the materials needed for refining.

After that, it started to condense—umbrella!
Li Ming discovered that the power of using the fire technique here is much greater than that on the earth, and the true energy in his body does not feel the slightest loss.

This is related to the aura around him, because the aura is too strong, the depleted true energy will be replenished between breaths!

Therefore, I don't feel that my true essence is wasted!
After removing the flame, the magic weapon umbrella began to solidify.

It is said to be a magic weapon, but in fact it is just a metal umbrella and a simple defensive circle.

It should be the least popular magic weapon!Not even Fanpin!
Magic weapons are divided into mortal, magic, treasure, spirit, and the legendary fairy level!
Half-step foundation establishment versus upper foundation establishment realm, only the flying magic weapon among spirit treasures can save their lives, which shows the gap between half-step foundation establishment and foundation establishment realm.

It's not that fighting spirit treasures are bad, it's that half-step foundation building can't exert the power of spirit treasures at all, not even one percent!
Each level is divided into four grades, low, medium, high, and extreme!

For example, the umbrella Li Ming refined at this time can only be regarded as a low-grade ordinary weapon, the bronze sword can be regarded as a high-grade ordinary weapon, and the Qingfeng sword should be regarded as a high-grade ordinary weapon.

As for the pole, it is between the two levels.

For example, if you want to refine a low-grade magical weapon, but the refining fails due to the heat, the formation method, or other factors, you will become a top-grade mortal weapon!
After refining the low-grade mortal weapon, more and more red clouds gathered in the sky, making people look a little creepy.

Looking at the blossoming red clouds, Li Ming paused for a moment, and asked slowly, "Are you really going to get angry?"

"Pa..." A drop of warm raindrop hit his face, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked in surprise, "Isn't this raindrop?"

While talking, the raindrops were falling, and a heavy rain happened unexpectedly!

Li Ming asked puzzledly, "Brother Zhu, didn't you say you were offended?"

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning!" Brother Zhu said unhurriedly.

Li Ming found that the temperature of the rainwater was getting higher and higher. At first it was only warm, about [-] degrees, but now it was a bit hot, [-] or [-] degrees, but it was getting hotter and hotter.

Li Ming didn't know what the hell it was, why it was raining so hot, he could take a hot bath!
Just when Li Ming was muttering in his heart, the raindrops suddenly changed.

I saw that the bean-sized raindrops actually burst into flames, which looked like flames!

"Damn, I'm really angry!" Li Ming exclaimed, and hurriedly held up his umbrella.

I only heard Brother Zhu said: "This fire is not small, your umbrella may not be able to hold it, quickly find a place to take shelter."

Li Ming held an umbrella and flew at a height of one or two meters above the ground with a bronze sword.

The rain of fire hit the umbrella with a crackling sound. Fortunately, this umbrella is considered a low-grade mortal weapon, otherwise it would not be able to stop the rain and fire!
The fire rain became bigger and bigger, and the fire rain fell along the edge of the umbrella, forming long flames.

I only heard the white jade Jinglin python turned into a bracelet and asked: "Master, is this the Star Realm? It's amazing, the sky is still on fire!"

"Yes, this is the Star Realm!" Li Mingyu said earnestly.

Brother Zhu said disdainfully: "This is just an ordinary rain of fire!"

"Is there anything more terrifying?" Li Ming asked.

 I can finally sit down and type today, thank you for your support, and do another survey, do you support Li Ming and Lin Ruyu together, or support Li Ming and Tan Xiaoling together?Everyone remember to leave a message.

(End of this chapter)

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