The best immortal emperor

Chapter 50 Hey, the one with the broken umbrella!

Chapter 50 Hey, the one with the broken umbrella!

"Of course!" Brother Zhu said noncommittally.

Li Ming didn't ask, but listened attentively.

I only heard Brother Zhu said: "In this star world, there are too many natural disasters, only more terrifying, not the most terrifying. Once there was a black wind, the sun and the moon were dark, and even the monks in the Golden Core Realm were not spared. Zeng Jiang Passing flames of seven colors, Nascent Soul and old monsters call it ominous. Once there was heavy snow, half of the world was frozen, mourning was everywhere, and countless casualties occurred."

"This..." Li Ming was stunned and shocked. He didn't dare to imagine such a scene. The conditions in the Star Realm are too harsh, right?
Not to mention other terrible disasters, but the current rain of fire is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Everyone knows that the star realm is good, but who knows how evil it is?
Here, it is not suitable for ordinary people, only the strong can survive!
Brother Wenzhu continued: "In addition to these natural disasters, there are also man-made disasters. All in all, if you want to survive in the star world, you have to keep getting stronger! Strong enough to deal with natural disasters and man-made disasters, you can do what you want to do , otherwise it will be difficult to move an inch!"

In the past, in Yancheng, holding an oil-paper umbrella, strolling in the hazy mist and rain, it is a special feeling to walk like a car.

But at this moment, the rain of fire hit the umbrella, and the hot feeling spread from the handle of the umbrella to the palm of his hand, which made Li Ming very uncomfortable.

Occasionally, the wind blew, and the fire and rain slanted, shot into the umbrella from other angles, and fell on Li Ming.

A raindrop is a scar. The hot Li Ming grinned his teeth, he was so embarrassed, he didn't feel comfortable walking in the rain at all.

On days like this, non-powerful people are absolutely unwilling to travel!
Li Ming was also unlucky, he only came to the Star Realm, and he suffered this crime!
The rain of fire is getting bigger and bigger, the flames are getting stronger and stronger, and the raindrops are getting less and less.

In the end, only the flames remain!
Umbrellas are just low-grade utensils, and when there is a lot of fire and rain, they are somewhat overwhelmed.

The scorching flames washed over the umbrella. Although the defensive formation could resist some, it was stretched.

After a while, the umbrella began to melt.

Soon, the umbrella was melted into a hole!
The fire rain came out from the cave of the umbrella, Li Ming couldn't dodge it, and fell directly on his body.

Immediately, a big scar was scalded, and Li Ming screamed in pain!

The umbrella is broken, but it cannot be thrown away, because no matter how broken it is, it can withstand some fire and rain.

Otherwise, in an instant, Li Ming would turn into a Burning Man.

Although these flames are not enough to kill Li Ming's family, they will bring Li Ming a lot of trouble.

Li Ming controlled the bronze sword, his eyes kept looking around, trying to find a place to hide.

However, there is a flat river in all directions, open and boundless, how can there be a place to avoid the fire?
The ground was originally grassland, which grew very fertile.

However, after this rain, the grass was burned immediately, scorched, bare, and lifeless!
Li Ming sighed slightly, and secretly said: "In this star world, even if you want to be a quiet grass!"

Natural selection is the eternal law of nature.

In this star world, it is even more vividly displayed!
As Brother Zhu said, here, only by constantly becoming stronger, strong enough to cope with natural disasters and man-made disasters, can you do what you want to do!
At this moment, Li Ming didn't think about anything else, but only wanted to find a place to avoid the fire as soon as possible.

At this time, a fairy ship flew head-on.

The distance at first sight is still far away, far away in the sky.

But in the blink of an eye, the fairy boat was in front of him.

The fairy ship has sails, and it is fully blown by the wind.

The fire rain that fell from the sky hit the fairy ship, blocked by blue halos, and the fairy ship was unscathed!

I saw a banner hanging on the fairy boat, with a huge word "Thunder" written on it!

Seeing it, I only heard brother Zhu say: "Li Ming, you are lucky!"

"What?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"Follow that fairy ship." Brother Zhu said.

Li Ming paused and said, "Brother Zhu, is this inappropriate?"

Because, Li Ming had read in the classics that it is extremely impolite to follow a monk like this, and it is likely to anger the other party and bring about the disaster of killing lives!
Moreover, this fairy ship is not a mortal thing at first glance, at least it is a magic weapon level treasure.

The cultivator who can sit on this fairy ship is not easy!
As a newcomer, Li Ming didn't want to ask for trouble!
However, I only heard Brother Zhu say: "The whereabouts of this ship is related to your foundation establishment!"

Hearing this, Li Ming no longer hesitated, turned his sword head, and followed the fairy boat.

However, Li Ming didn't dare to get too close, for he was afraid that the people on the fairy ship would find him.

However, the people on the fairy ship still noticed him!
I only heard a little girl who was sixteen or seventeen years old, and said angrily: "Sister, there is a blind guy following us! Do you want to teach him a lesson?"

"Xiaoman, don't worry about it." The older sister on the boat dissuaded her.

"Sister, that guy doesn't look like a good person at first glance. He's holding a broken umbrella and is sneaky. He must be trying to plot something wrong! Let me teach him a lesson!" Xiaoman refused to listen to her sister's persuasion and insisted.

I saw my sister pursed her lips and said, "Xiaoman, you want to try the power of Bai Lingjian?"

"Sister..." Xiaoman blushed, as if she had been hit by the words.

"Okay, don't mess around, it's raining fire outside. This rain of fire is quite powerful, and it's not something you can deal with now." My sister persuaded.

"Don't be afraid, I have the Bibo Yunxia clothes from my sister, don't be afraid of this fire!" Xiaoman said stubbornly.

"That doesn't work either," said the sister.

"Why?" Xiaoman asked unwillingly.

"You are not his opponent. He is already at the peak of the Nine Realms, and he may break through at any time. Once the thunder calamity is caused during the fight, it will be troublesome." The sister said.

"Don't be afraid, with my sister here, what's a little foundation-building lightning calamity?" Xiaoman said disapprovingly.

"Okay, let's go with peace of mind. It's a long way back to Leixing Mountain, so don't make any troubles." said the elder sister.

"Boring, so boring!" Xiaoman said with a depressed face.

"If you feel bored, just sit down and meditate obediently," said my sister.

"What about me? Meditation is even more boring. I'm going to watch the scenery on the deck!" Xiaoman said.

The elder sister has a way to take the younger sister, so she can only let her go, and said: "Be careful, don't get out of the fairy ship."

"Got it, I'm just looking at the scenery." Xiaoman replied.

Afterwards, Xiaoman came to the deck of the fairy ship.

The clouds in the sky were burning red, and it was from these clouds that the rain of fire fell.

Xiaoman stood on the deck and looked at the sky and the ground for a while, feeling very bored, so he called Li Ming's attention!
Xiaoman walked around the stern and shouted to Li Ming, "Hey, the one with the broken umbrella!"

Li Ming's mind was always on Huo Yu, when he heard the shout suddenly, he couldn't help being startled, and secretly said: "No, I was discovered!"

I only heard Brother Zhu said: "What are you afraid of? She's just a little girl in the early stage of the Ninth Realm."

Hearing this, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, broken umbrella, what's your name?" Xiao Man asked.

(End of this chapter)

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