Chapter 509

The bastard cried out, Li Ming's temper was not good either.

Li Ming threw five mid-grade spirit stones on the ground, and said very bluntly: "If you want it, don't get out!"

"Damn it, you dare to be arrogant in Lao Tzu's territory. Brothers all come here. If you don't pay a thousand and eight million today, none of you want to leave." The leader of the bastard was arrogant.

Tan Xiaoling was a little scared. After all, she was new here, so she couldn't help but tugged at Li Ming's long sleeves, and said in a low voice, "Li Ming, why don't you lose money?"

Li Ming smiled wryly in his heart. He bought a fairy ship just now, and now Li Ming only has 500 to [-] middle-grade spirit stones left on him. How can he get [-] million?

Don't say that Li Ming can't get it out, even if Li Ming can get it out, he will definitely not pay for it.

When several bums heard Tan Xiaoling's words, they immediately laughed. One of the bums praised: "It's because this girl is knowledgeable and she can pay for it. Otherwise, we'll drag you to the government!"

"Meet the official?" Li Ming couldn't help laughing, and said indifferently: "Then see the official."

Seeing that Li Ming was upright and not afraid at all, Er Liuzi couldn't help hesitating.

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, the other party broke his own things, even if he saw the official, he was justified, so he said: "Let's go, see the official when you see the official."

"Don't bother, there is a patrol over there." Li Ming said.

Immediately, he circulated his true energy and shouted: "That patrolman, come here."

Er Liuzi was taken aback when he saw the patrolling man walking towards this direction. The patrolling man was not Wang Huo, he was born as a gangster on the street. If his sister hadn't married into a good family, how could he be a patrolling soldier?
On weekdays, Wang Huo is domineering, hates others to look down on him, and likes others to call him Guan Ye.

Just now, this guy in front of him was bluffing and shouting, come on patrol?

Isn't this the tone of calling a servant girl?
The bastards laughed, pointed at Li Ming and said, "Boy, you're finished, our Lord Hu will never let others call him on patrol."

When Tan Xiaoling heard this, she immediately became nervous. People don't fight with officials. This is an eternal truth!
Li Ming patted the back of Tan Xiaoling's hand, and said in relief, "It's all right, everything is up to me."

At this time, the patrolling soldier Wang Huo came over, holding his head up, like a big rooster, staring at no one.

I only heard that Wang Huo asked arrogantly: "Who called me? What's the matter?"

"Officer Hu, this kid is calling you, his friend broke my jade hairpin, and he doesn't want to lose money." The bastard who was the leader of the blackmail said hastily.

"That's not the case, they blackmailed us." Tan Xiaoling hastily argued.

"Shut up, blackmail or not, I will make my own judgment." Patrol Wang Huhu said.

Li Ming didn't talk nonsense to Wang Huo who was on patrol, he took out a waist card and showed it in front of him.

When Wang Huo, who was still so proud just now, saw the waist card, he was startled immediately, and hurriedly bowed, and said: "My lord is here in person, the little one has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, and I hope you will forgive me."

"How dare these guys openly blackmail, the security of your city really needs to be improved!" Li Ming said unhurriedly.

"Small convictions, minor convictions." Wang Huhu said hastily.

"Okay, I still have something to do, you can handle it yourself." Li Ming said, and then left with a group of people.

Tan Xiaoling Junyi was puzzled, and asked in surprise: "Li Ming, are you leaving now?"

"Otherwise?" Li Ming asked back with a smile, "You want to educate them? It's not worth it. Educating these people will only dirty your hands."

(End of this chapter)

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