Chapter 510

"This..." Tan Xiaoling Junyi was surprised, Fox asked: "Why are the soldiers on patrol so afraid of you? They still call you an adult? Are you a high official in this city?"

Li Ming smiled and said, "I'm not an official in this city. I'm on duty in Qindu. There are regulations in Qin law, and Beijing officials are one level older. I'm a sixth-rank official, but when I leave Qindu, I enjoy The treatment of a fifth-rank official. The city lord of this medium-sized city is only a fifth-rank official, so the patrolling soldiers are so afraid of me."

"So that's how it is." Tan Xiaoling suddenly realized, "I didn't expect you to be the official of the Great Qin Dynasty!"

Li Ming smiled without saying a word, and said: "The fairy boat has been bought, should we hurry back to Qindu, or rest here for a day."

"I don't want to rest anymore. I want to go to Qindu as soon as possible. I really want to see what Qindu looks like. Is it as prosperous as Yanjing?" Tan Xiaoling Junyi asked curiously.

Li Ming shook his head and said, "Don't be the same as Whisper. If you compare the population alone, ten Yanjings are not as good as one Qindu. But in terms of technology, Qindu is very backward. In other words, the world of practice has no technology at all, only spells .”

"No technology? Then how do they light? How do they cook? Do they use firewood?" Tan Xiaoling Junyi asked curiously.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help laughing, and said: "You are so naive! There are lighting stones for lighting, and monks who have reached a certain level can live by eating the spiritual energy of the world, and don't need to eat whole grains. You know, the foundation building is here, but It is the existence of the lowest level. Some children with powerful talents are born with a foundation, or even a golden core!"

"Ah..." Tan Xiaoling, Junyi and Shui Ling'er were really taken aback. They are only at the ninth level so far, and there is still a certain distance from the foundation establishment.

Li Ming went on to say: "Even if you really want to cook, the monks can use the fire spell casually. If not, there are some ores that can burn, such as pyrophosphite and so on."

Tan Xiaoling was startled, and couldn't help sighing: "The world of practice is really wonderful!"

"Okay, after you live here for a while, it won't be rare." Li Ming said.

Afterwards, a group of people went to the restaurant to call Shang Shiyan, and took the fairy boat to Qindu.

A journey of [-] miles would take at least ten days.

Along the way, Li Min never stopped, nor was he robbed by thieves and bandits.

After all, the fairy ship that Li Ming bought was too shabby.

Along the way, everyone cheered happily on the fairy ship. After all, the scenery on Star Continent is far different from that on Earth!

They feel rare when they see anything, and even a bird flies by, they will scream again and again!

Have you ever seen a bird with a wingspan of ten meters on the earth?

You can't blame them, it's the first time I've seen you after all!

Shi Yan, on the other hand, didn't have any surprises, and meditated all the way, as if he lived to practice.

The little white jade jinglin python and the great ape also arrived at the Star Continent for the first time, and they were very excited.

Day and night, without any stops.

Li Ming and his group arrived in Qindu at noon on the tenth day.

Seeing Qin Du, everyone was really surprised and couldn't help sighing: "What a high city wall!"

Not to mention them, even Li Ming couldn't help sighing.

At the gate of Qin Capital City, Li Ming got off the fairy boat, and a group of people walked down.

I only heard Li Ming said: "When you enter the city later, everyone, don't get separated, go back to the house with me first, and let's go shopping slowly in the future!"

After entering the capital of Qin, everyone couldn't help but look around.

Dacheng is indeed a big city, full of traffic, people coming and going, as expected.

Seeing such a prosperous capital of Qin, Tan Xiaoling asked in disbelief: "Li Ming, will we live here from now on?"

I only heard Li Ming say: "Of course, this will be your home from now on!"

After passing through several bustling streets, I finally came to the street leading to the gate of the mansion.

Li Ming pointed to the end of the road and said, "That's my residence."

"Li's Mansion! You are so bold, it seems that you are doing well in Qindu!" Tan Xiaoling joked.

Li Ming was slightly embarrassed, and said: "Actually, I can't even afford a small courtyard. This mansion is because of my meritorious service in suppressing bandits. Otherwise, if you come today, you can only arrange to live in a restaurant!"

(End of this chapter)

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