Chapter 511

A group of people talked and laughed, and came to Li's mansion.

Seeing Li Ming coming back, the guard guarding the gate hurriedly shouted: "Lord Li!"

Li Ming nodded and asked, "Has anything happened in the house recently?"

"Back to Mr. Li, there is nothing special, but Mr. Situ has come to see you several times, and Brother Fang who was sitting in the mansion left. He said that the one-year agreement has come." The guard said.

"I see." Li Ming replied.

It took eighteen months to go back and forth to Earth this time, that is, nearly two years. At the beginning, Brother Fang only lost a bet for one year, so he left when the time came.

Afterwards, Li Ming led a group of people into the mansion.

At this time, the Li Mansion was no longer the former Li Mansion. There were two hundred servants and maids alone, and two new rows of houses were built.

In the past two years, the business of the snack bar has been booming.

As soon as Xing Shenghai, the steward of the house, heard the news of Li Ming's return, he immediately came to greet him.

Before Li Ming left, he handed over all the big and small things in the house to Xing Shenghai.

Now, Xing Shenghai seems to be the chief executive of the Li family, with high prestige.

However, Xing Shenghai didn't dare to forget his roots, he knew that he was able to have what he is today, all thanks to Lord Li.

As soon as they met, Xing Shenghai bowed and shouted, "Lord Li."

"Lao Xing has worked hard for you in the past two years." Li Ming said.

"It's not hard work, it's all I should do." Xing Shenghai said, and Xing Shenghai took out the account books of the past two years, handed them to Li Ming, and said, "Master Li, this is the account book of the past two years. Please have a look at the accounts."

"No need, I believe in your old Xing's character." Li Ming said with a smile, accepted the account book, and continued: "Old Xing, help me arrange a table of food."

"Okay, Lord Li." Xing Shenghai responded.

Immediately, Xing Shenghai went to work.

A group of people entered the living room, and after sitting down for a while, the maids brought up the dishes.

Xing Shenghai didn't know who Li Ming brought back, so he could only serve him carefully.

After moving the chopsticks, everyone started to eat.

I only heard that one of them, who looked like Li Ming, praised: "Father, this dish is really good. Although I don't know what kind of meat it is, and the taste is a bit weird, but it is delicious!"

Li Ming smiled and said, "This is Miro Roma. The meat is slightly sour and suitable for roasting. It's not the best. When I have a chance, I will take you to taste the authentic Roma Roast Meat!"

"Okay." Tan Siming replied.

Hearing this, Xing Shenghai was secretly taken aback, he did not expect that this person was Master Li's son.

At that moment, I heard Xing Shenghai say: "Master Li, I will step back first, if you have any orders, I will wait outside the door."

It is not suitable for Xing Shenghai, an outsider, to be present at this kind of family banquet.

Li Ming nodded and said, "Then it will be hard work for you."

"It should be, Lord Li." Xing Shenghai said, and then stepped back.

Although the cuisine of the Great Qin Dynasty is not as good as that of Huaxia, it tastes very good.

While eating, Shen Junyi's expression changed slightly, a little weird, she only felt a burst of fire in her stomach, and a naughty aura exuded from her stomach.

Li Ming saw Shen Junyi's thoughts and explained: "These are high-grade monsters, and their flesh contains spiritual power. After eating them, they will automatically integrate into your body, just like drinking elixir soup. "

"It's so amazing!" Shen Junyi said in surprise.

Li Ming smiled and said nothing, just invited everyone to have dinner together.

During the dinner, Shi Yan didn't move his chopsticks much.

Li Ming paused, and Fox asked: "Brother Shi Yan, but these meals are not to your taste? How about I ask the servants to prepare some again?"

"Don't bother Li benefactor, I don't need to eat." Shi Yan said.

Li Ming paused, remembering that Shi Yan jumped out of a rock and was different from ordinary people, so he stopped persuading him to eat it.

This meal lasted for half a day, and the show ended when it was dark.

Li Ming arranged for everyone to stay.

Afterwards, he took Tan Xiaoling back to the room.

I only heard Li Ming say affectionately: "Xiao Ling, from now on, this is our home!"

Tan Xiaoling nodded and responded.

After a slight pause, Tan Xiaoling asked, "Where's Lin Ruyu? You should have brought her here too, right?"

Li Ming didn't lie, he nodded and said, "I arranged her in a magical place."

"I want to meet her." Tan Xiaoling said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause.

"Can't you?" Seeing that Li Ming was hesitant, Tan Xiaoling questioned.

"Yes." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Li Ming took Tan Xiaoling into the Evergreen Basin.

"Where is this?" Tan Xiaoling was really taken aback by the sudden change;

Li Ming patted her on the shoulder and said, "This is an independent space, Ruyu is there!"

Tan Xiaoling followed the direction Li Ming knew and saw an ice coffin.

Afterwards, Li Ming brought Tan Xiaoling closer.

Tan Xiaoling looked at Lin Ruyu in the ice coffin, and couldn't help being slightly silent.

After a while, Tan Xiaoling looked back at Li Ming and asked, "Can she still be alive?"

"Yes!" Li Ming said without thinking.

Tan Xiaoling stroked the ice coffin, looked at Lin Ruyu lying quietly inside, and said for a long time, "Maybe, we will become good sisters!"

"Xiaoling, you..." Li Ming was taken aback, he didn't expect Tan Xiaoling to say such words, did she accept Ruyu completely?

Tan Xiaoling rubbed her temples and said, "Li Ming, I'm a little tired and want to go back and rest."

"Okay!" With a thought, Li Ming brought Tan Xiaoling back to the room.

Once the spring breeze comes, only Li Ming is strong enough to be able to bear it.

Otherwise, if you were an ordinary person, you would have died a long time ago!

At dawn the next day, the group got up early and planned to go to the street after breakfast!
(End of this chapter)

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