The best immortal emperor

Chapter 512 Void Realm?

Chapter 512 Void Realm?

Li Ming gave each of them [-] middle-grade spirit stones as pocket money. After all, they were newcomers and penniless.

This morning, Li Ming looked at the accounts. In the past two years, the business of snack bars has been very prosperous, and there are already more than [-] restaurants.

Over the course of a year, after excluding all kinds of expenses, there was a profit of tens of millions of middle-grade spirit stones.

Two years, that is 2000 million.

There are 300 million medium-grade spirit stones left in the mansion for turnover, and all the rest are stored in the bank opened by Situ's family.

The existence of Lingshi in the bank is not for nothing, and there is still a lot of interest every year.

As far as criminal management estimates, as long as there are 5000 million middle-grade spirit stones in Qianzhuang Village, the annual interest is enough to cover the government's expenses.

After breakfast, the group went shopping.

Li Ming was worried about them, so he asked Xing Shenghai to accompany them.

Li Ming went to work on his own. Two years ago when Li Ming returned to Shuilanxing, he declared that he was going to retreat, and deliberately handed over the work in hand. Now that he is back, he has to go through the relevant procedures again.

Of course, the position of the chief patrol officer of the Eastern District may not still be there, but the identity of the sixth-rank official will not change.

After a busy half a day, Li Mingcai went through the relevant procedures.

Sure enough, someone has already taken the position of Chief Patrol Officer in the Eastern Region.

There were no other corresponding job vacancies for a while, so Li Ming could only pretend to be a sixth-rank official!
Li Ming didn't care too much about this. It's fine if he doesn't have a job arrangement, so he can concentrate on practicing.

Now, Li Mingke already has the cultivation base of Jindan late stage, one more step, and he will usher in six or nine thunder calamities.

Once you pass it, you can enter the Nascent Soul.

To become a Nascent Soul master, the status is quite different.

Among the sects, the strong Nascent Soul can stand on the top of a mountain, a cave, and be called a real person!
In the dynasty, the strong Nascent Soul can be worshiped as the city lord!

If you want to win the Resurrection Pill, you must have strong strength.

Nascent Soul is far from enough, Li Ming wants to pursue greater strength!
But up to now, Li Ming still doesn't know the strength above Yuanying, so he couldn't help being curious, he entered the Evergreen Basin, and asked: "Brother Zhu, what is the realm above Yuanying?"

Brother Zhu was practicing in the Primordial Spirit Tree, and when he saw Li Ming coming in to disturb him, he was somewhat impatient.

But thinking that Li Ming already has the strength of the late Jindan stage, he said: "Below the Yuanying, one is cultivating the physical body, and above the Yuanying, one is cultivating the Yuanshen. The Yuanshen transforms into a baby, which is called Yuanying. Then, the Yuanshen transforms into a god." , it is regarded as the realm of transforming gods, and after transforming the gods, the gods will return to the void. Only when you enter the void state can you be considered a real strong!"

"Void Realm?" After a slight pause, Li Ming asked curiously, "What about the Void Realm?"

"Beyond the Void Realm is..." The tone of the conversation suddenly changed, and Brother Zhu reprimanded: "Don't be too ambitious, first step into the Nascent Soul and then talk about it."

"Brother Zhu, what was your heyday? The Void? Or above the Void?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"You are so easy to cultivate when you are in the Void Realm?" Brother Zhu said angrily.

"Brother Zhu, you have cultivated yourself as a god?" Li Ming speculated.

"How is that possible! I'm just one step away from breaking through the void!" Brother Zhu said angrily.

Li Ming was surprised, he didn't expect Brother Zhu's cultivation level to be so high in his heyday, he could cross the Void Realm with just one step!
What is above the void?Are Qinhuang, Tanghuang, Minghuang, and Jinhuang in their realm?
Li Ming didn't ask, because he wouldn't be able to tell if he asked Brother Zhu.

When monks step into the golden core cultivation base, ordinary spirit stones can no longer support their cultivation, unless they have top-grade spirit stones or attribute spirit stones.

Li Ming doesn't have a top-grade spirit stone, let alone an attribute spirit stone, all relying on spirit water!
Otherwise, I don't know that the year of the monkey and the month of the horse can reach the current state!

After a while, Li Ming flew out of the evergreen basin.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and the guard reported: "Master Li, Mr. Situ is here, and he is in the hall."

"I see, here we come!" Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming left the room and walked towards the hall.

Situ Jianren paced back and forth in the hall, distracted, as if he had something on his mind.

Li Ming coughed lightly, and Situ Jianren came back to his senses, saw that it was Li Ming, and said, "My good brother, you have passed the test!"

"What's wrong?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"Of course there is something, otherwise why would I come to you!" Situ Jianren said anxiously.

"What's the matter?" Li Minghu questioned.

"Something has happened, something has happened, our Great Qin is going to marry Datang." Situ Jianren said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, looked at Situ Jianren wonderingly, and said, "Isn't the marriage between the two dynasties a good thing? Why are you in a hurry?"

After a slight pause, Li Ming thought of a certain situation and couldn't help becoming nervous, and asked, "But His Royal Highness Yue is going to be married to Datang?"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Ming felt something was wrong.

At the beginning, when Qin Yue broke through the Nascent Soul Realm, the original marriage was abandoned.

Now, Qin Yue has become the helm of Daqin, how could she marry Datang?

"Of course not, it's me, it's me!" Situ Jianren said anxiously.

"You want to marry to Datang?" Li Ming was startled, feeling that something was wrong!

"It's not about marrying, it's about marrying a Princess of the Tang Dynasty." Situ Jianren said.

After a slight pause, Li Ming cupped his fists and congratulated, "Situ, congratulations!"

"Fuck you, are you still a good friend?" Situ Jianren suddenly became unhappy!
Li Ming frowned slightly, looked at Situ Jianren in surprise, and asked, "Isn't this a good thing? If you marry the princess of the Tang Dynasty, you will become the bond between the Great Qin and the Great Tang. Your status and status will naturally increase day by day. Is there anything wrong?"

"Good sir! Don't you know that I like His Royal Highness Yue?" Situ Jianren said angrily.

"I know, but what does it matter? Three wives and four concubines are really important for a monk, and some powerful female monks will have three or four faces!" Li Ming said disapprovingly.

"Do you really not know or are you pretending to be confused with me?" Situ Jianren's lungs were almost blown out by Li Ming.

"What and what?" Li Ming looked at Situ Jianren puzzled.

"His Royal Highness Yue is the princess of Great Qin, and now she is the queen of Great Qin! Do you think His Royal Highness Yue will marry a man with a wife?" Situ Jianren asked back.

"This...isn't necessarily impossible! As long as the man is good enough, it's possible!" Li Ming said hesitantly.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Situ Jianren retorted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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