The best immortal emperor

Chapter 520 Not Opening the City Gate?

Chapter 520 Not Opening the City Gate?

"What? Medicine God Sect? You actually provoked Medicine God Sect? Did I hear correctly?" Situ Jianren suddenly became agitated when he heard the word Medicine God Sect.

Li Ming didn't know what to say, his expression was very bitter.

After a long time, Situ Jianren calmed down and said, "No, it can't be like this. We have to go to the palace to meet His Highness Yue immediately. Only His Highness Yue can settle such a big incident. Moreover, His Highness Yue was also a disciple of the God of Medicine Sect. !"

Li Ming shook his head and said, "It's useless, no one can settle it!"

At this time, a young servant's voice came from outside the door, "Master, the personal maid of His Royal Highness Yue please see me."

"Please." Situ Jianren said hastily.

After a while, His Highness Yue's personal maid came in.

The personal maid took out something and said, "Li Ming, Your Highness Yue asked me to give this to you."

Li Ming took the things handed over by the maid, and Situ Jianren next to him couldn't help but pause when he saw this, "Is this the Dragon Talisman Order?"

Those who see the Dragon Talisman are like seeing the Emperor Qin!

Li Ming was a little flattered and startled, but he didn't expect Qin Yue to hand this thing over to him!
Only the personal maid said: "Li Ming, Your Highness Yue asked me to tell you something."

"What?" Li Ming asked.

"Escape! Never come back!" said the personal maid.

After finishing speaking, the personal maid saluted slightly and said, "Li Ming, Mr. Situ, I'm going back to the palace to return to my life. Your Highness Yue is in a very bad situation now!"

Afterwards, the personal maid left.

Li Ming's face is very ugly, it seems that Yao Shenzong has dealt with it cruelly!

That calling order is a complete lie!

I only heard Situ Jianren said: "The guard on duty in the inner city is my father's old subordinate. After dark, I will take you out of the city!"

"My wife and children?" Li Ming hesitated.

"Don't worry, with me, as long as my Situ mansion doesn't fall down, I will protect your wife and children for a day!" Situ Jianren said very loyally.

"Thank you!" Li Ming said gratefully.

Afterwards, Li Ming explained to his wife and children twice, and explained some things about the snack bar to Situ Jianren.

In a blink of an eye, it was dark.

Situ Jianren took Li Ming out of the mansion. In order to deceive others, Li Ming changed into a servant's costume and pretended to be Situ Jianren's domestic slave.

After leaving the mansion, Situ Jianren took Li Ming to the gate of the inner city.

At this moment, the inner city is closed.

As soon as the soldiers guarding the city saw someone coming, they immediately shouted: "The city gate is closed, please avoid it."

"Where are your guards?" Situ Jianren asked.

At this time, a person flew down from the tower and said, "So it's Master Situ, I don't know what's your business at this late hour?"

"Open the city gate, young master, I want to find a girl!" Situ Jianren said viciously, showing his former dandy appearance.

The general guarding the city was a little embarrassed, and said, "Master Situ, is this not good? Today, the sixth prince specially issued an order that no one is allowed to leave the city at will."

"Sixth Prince?" Situ Jianren frowned, immediately displeased, and asked, "You are now taking refuge with the Sixth Prince?"

"Don't dare, dare not, I will swear allegiance to General Situ and the Emperor Qin to the death!" the general guarding the city said hastily.

"As long as you know, open the city gate!" Situ Jianren said arrogantly.

"This..." The general who defended the city looked puzzled.

"Still opening the city gate? Do you want me to go back to the mansion to get the Tiger Talisman Order?" Situ Jianren said bluntly.

The general guarding the city had no choice but to turn around and shout: "Open the city gate!"

(End of this chapter)

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