Chapter 521

The gate of the city was wide open, and Situ Jianren took Li Ming to the outer city.

The general guarding the city looked at Situ Jianren's leaving back, sighed in his heart, and shook his head, "How did General Situ give birth to such a son? It's useless, it's too useless!"

When he arrived in the outer city, Situ Jianren said: "Li Ming, the next step is up to you. The Sixth Prince has ordered the Forbidden City, and there must be his eyeliner among the guards. At this time, the Sixth Prince should have got the news. Hurry up." run away!"

"I know." Li Ming nodded and pleaded again: "Situ, I will trouble you to take care of the safety of my wife and children."

"Don't worry, as long as I have Situ, I will keep your wife and children safe!" Situ Jianren said very righteously.

Afterwards, Li Ming separated from Situ Jianren.

Everyone in the Li family was killed, leaving no bones or dogs behind.

After Li Ming and Situ Jianren separated, they sneaked back to the mansion.

He didn't know if the strong man from the God of Medicine Sect was still in the house, so Li Ming was very careful along the way.

When he arrived at the mansion, Li Ming entered through the back door.

There was no one in the house, and those maids, servants, and guards who died tragically had already been dealt with by Daqin officials.

Li Ming came to his room and was relieved to see that the evergreen basin was safe and sound.

Yesterday, I left in a hurry and forgot the evergreen basin.

Li Ming took the evergreen basin and left the Li residence quickly.

Yesterday, Lu Chengfeng failed to seduce Li Ming, so he received a killing order.

That night, blood slaughtered the entire Li Mansion.

It's just that Li Ming was not in the house, so he escaped the catastrophe.

Early this morning, Qin Yue received a letter from Yaoshenzong, asking her to hand over Li Ming, the culprit who murdered Zhenjun Huayang, otherwise Daqin's supply of pills would be cut off!

More than half of the pills in Daqin came from the God of Medicine Sect. If the God of Medicine Sect really cuts off the supply, the pill market will definitely be subject to great fluctuations.

Qin Yue is now the supreme commander of Da Qin, she can't ignore the overall situation, but she will not hand over Li Ming.

Therefore, they lied that Li Ming had left Qindu yesterday, and let Yao Shenzong arrest him by himself.

The God of Medicine Sect's influence in Qindu is limited, and Qindu has a large population. Shenzong of Medicine wants to find Li Minglai in Qindu, and it is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

But at this time, the sixth prince extended an olive branch, willing to help Yao Shenzong.

I don't know what kind of agreement the two sides reached in private, and now the Sixth Prince's people are going to hunt down Li Ming in an all-round way!

The sixth prince has painstakingly managed in Qindu for hundreds of years, and his eyes and ears are all over the place. It is very difficult to escape!

Just now, the sixth prince got a letter saying that Situ Jianren brought his servant out of the inner city, so he believed that the servant was Li Ming.

Immediately, let his confidant go to take over the guard of the outer city, and he can't let a fly out!
Li Ming left the Li Mansion, but did not go to the outer city. He knew that if he went out of the city at this time, he would undoubtedly fall into a trap and could only wait for the opportunity.

Fortunately, the outer city has a large population and mixed fish and dragons, making it easy to hide.

However, this is not a long-term solution, we still have to find a way to get out of the city!
The next day, the gates of the city were opened wide, and the number of guards doubled. Those who left the city were strictly interrogated, and even a sixth-grade monster blood mastiff was brought out!
The blood mastiff is good at distinguishing breath, even if the strong Nascent Soul is in front of it, it is difficult to hide its figure.

After Li Ming knew about this, he couldn't help but frowned, and secretly said: "This blood mastiff is a bit tricky. I originally wanted to change his appearance and sneak out of the city. But with the blood mastiff around, this plan will not work!"

While the sixth prince was controlling the city gate, he had already dispatched people to carry out a blanket search.

Li Ming's situation is very critical.

"No, I have to find a way to sneak out of the city, or they will find out sooner or later!" Li Ming thought to himself.

But how to get out of the city?

After a pause, Li Ming noticed the evergreen basin in his hand, and seemed to have an idea.

Inside the Evergreen Basin is an independent world, which can block the breath, and only needs to hide in the Evergreen Basin to escape the hunt of the blood mastiff.

But, how to send the Evergreen Basin out of the city?

Li Ming pondered for a while and searched in the city.

The emperor paid off, Li Ming searched the city for a while, looking for everyone to do bonsai business.

Coincidentally, a batch of goods will be sent to the neighboring city tomorrow.

Li Ming decided to mix evergreen pots into these bonsai.

The next day, the car of the bonsai business was loaded, and the staff escorted it to the neighboring city.

On the way, Li Ming put the evergreen basin in an inconspicuous corner.

Afterwards, Li Ming himself also entered the Evergreen Basin.

From the outside, the evergreen basin looks exactly like a bonsai. I hope you can get away with it!

After a little effort, the man drove the car to the gate of the city.

The soldiers guarding the city gates checked one by one as usual.

The guy stuffed a few mid-grade spirit stones for the headed guards, and said, "Officer, I'm the one who delivers flowers and plants, and I just went out from here two days ago."

"Oh, it's you, business is booming!" said the leading guard.

"It's all about running errands for the boss and earning some hard-earned money." The man said with a bow.

"Come on, check it out for me to see if there are any criminals harbored in this car!" said the leading guard.

"I can't do it, I can't do it." The clerk hurriedly took out a few middle-grade spirit stones and stuffed them into the other party's hands. These are precious flowers and plants, if they are damaged, even if it costs him his life, he can't afford it!
The guards are the ones who are open-eyed when they see money, and he doesn't really want to check. Doesn't he tell if there are Tibetans in the car at a glance?What's more, there is a sixth-grade monster blood mastiff sitting in the town!
He said this just to frighten the other party and want to ask for a few more spirit stones!

Sure enough, the other party was so frightened by him, and took out a few middle-grade spirit stones.

After getting a middle-grade spirit stone, I only heard the guard in charge say: "Let go!"

The man drove the car out of the city gate.

Li Ming stayed in the evergreen basin and counted the time, it took more than half a day before he dared to release his consciousness.

Sure enough, as Li Ming expected, he managed to get out of Qindu!
After leaving Qindu, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Just, where to go next?
The God of Medicine Sect will definitely not let it go, the world is so big, where can we find shelter?
After a slight pause, Li Ming thought to himself: "Forget it, take one step at a time."

Afterwards, Li Ming flew out of the evergreen basin and left with the evergreen basin.

The man only felt that there was a gust of wind, and the sand was blinding his eyes, and he didn't know what happened.

The cities near Qindu can't stay for long. After the sixth prince has searched Qindu in a blanket manner, he will definitely realize that he has left Qindu and search the surrounding cities.

Li Ming performed the technique of turning the rainbow, and flew into the distance.

Li Ming was suspicious, how did the Yao Shenzong know that the death of Zhenjun Huayang was related to him?
After a slight pause, Li Ming thought of the means of the strong against the sky. The lord of the Medicine God Sect is so powerful that he is not inferior to Qin Huang. Maybe he has the ability to reverse time and space to see the past.

Li Ming performed the technique of turning the rainbow, and flew for two months before stopping to catch his breath.

Li Ming felt a little worried in his heart, secretly said: "I don't know what happened to Xiaoling and Siming?"

(End of this chapter)

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