The best immortal emperor

Chapter 545 The Ultimate Treasure?

Chapter 545 The Ultimate Treasure?

"No more?" The middle-aged man paused, frowning, looking depressed.

After a slight pause, the middle-aged man looked at Li Ming and asked, "Do you have any wine?"

Li Ming was startled, and took out a jar of wine casually.

The middle-aged man took it unceremoniously, and drank it loudly.

"Ah, good wine, strong enough!" The middle-aged man exclaimed with a long cry.

Li Ming smiled and didn't say much.

This was purchased by Li Ming from Wuliangye Distillery when he left the earth. It was a thousand altars of original brew!

On weekdays, Li Ming would drink sparingly. After all, he ran out of drinks and had no place to buy them.

Unless, go back to Earth.

However, the cost of returning to Earth is too high, and it is not worth it for a mere appetite!
The middle-aged man let out a cry, raised the wine jar and drank.

Just like that, the middle-aged man drank up all the wine in an instant.

The wine jar was empty, and the middle-aged man threw the wine jar to the side, which was not fun!

"Good wine, good wine! Do you have any more?" asked the middle-aged man.

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, then took out two more jars.

"Okay, okay!" The middle-aged man was overjoyed, with a smile on his face, he picked up the wine jar and drank it, regardless of Li Ming's strange sunshine.

In this way, it was two more jars.

Li Ming has already made up his mind that if the other party still asks him for it, he will say no.

After drinking three altars in a row, the middle-aged man seemed to have had his fill of fun, and said: "You wait in the courtyard, and I will fetch the treasure for you!"

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, the middle-aged man entered the house and walked towards the backyard.

After entering the backyard, the middle-aged man closed the door.

Li Ming waited in the front yard, hoping that the middle-aged man could really bring out a treasure.

However, just when Li Ming was suspicious, an extraordinary power suddenly surged up in the backyard. Even though Li Ming was already at the peak of Jindan, he was still shocked by this power.

Li Ming was startled, and secretly asked, "What's going on?"

The power appeared suddenly, and disappeared without a trace.

Just when Li Ming wanted to explore what was going on with that power, it had disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the door of the backyard was opened, and the middle-aged man came out from the backyard.

I saw him staggering as he walked, as if he had been drinking.

Walking in front of Li Ming, the middle-aged man turned his palm and took out something, and said, "Here, this is what you want."

Li Ming took it, only felt a scorching power coming, and immediately wrapped it with zhenyuan.

Looking at the small and unique golden clock in his hand, Li Ming sized it up for a while, and found something was wrong, "Isn't this... a low-grade treasure?"

"Yes, this is not a low-grade treasure, but a top-grade treasure!" said the middle-aged man.

"A top-grade treasure?! This is a top-grade treasure!" Li Ming couldn't believe it. Just now, he only thought that this golden bell was unusual, not just a low-grade treasure, but he never expected it to be a top-grade treasure!
Slightly startled, Li Ming came back to his senses, and said with some embarrassment: "Boss, I may not be able to pay."

"It's okay, you can pay as much as you have spirit stones. I see that you are a nice young man, you are polite, and you can sell them to you at a discount." The middle-aged man said disapprovingly, and then said: "Of course, if you feel that you owe me, you can give it to me again." Give me some jars of wine!"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, he couldn't believe his ears.

This is the best treasure!

After a while, Li Ming came back to his senses and took out all the spirit stones on his body, as well as five hundred altars of original brewed Wuliangye!

When the middle-aged man saw five hundred altars of fine wine, his eyes were straightened, and he kept saying, "I've made a fortune, I've made a lot of money!"

I saw the middle-aged man holding a sigh of wine and walking towards the house while drinking.

 My mother is recovering well from the operation and can already drink a little fish soup.If there is no problem, he will be discharged from the hospital next week.

(End of this chapter)

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