Chapter 546

Seeing this, Li Ming felt ashamed for a while. Although the original brewed Wuliangye is not cheap, as long as you have money, you can buy it.

However, the ultimate treasure is not so easy to obtain.

Sometimes, even if you have enough spirit stones, you may not be able to buy them.

Only now did Li Ming deeply understand the truth that people should not be judged by appearances.

If it is true, this sloppy middle-aged man actually took out a treasure, and it is a top-quality treasure!

The most important thing is that he regards the spirit stone as dung, and he sells it to himself for the sake of a few jars of fine wine.

After a while, Li Ming bid farewell to the boss and went out.

This trip was worthwhile, I didn't expect to actually get a treasure, and it was the best treasure!

Li Ming was even more confident about the Liujiu Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation.

Immediately, Li Ming walked out of the city, preparing to join the Baiyu Jinglin Python!
The shop waiter followed Li Ming until Li Ming was about to leave the city.

Li Ming didn't pay attention to the behavior of the waiter in this shop, but it was just a mere nine realms.

Will the elephant stop because of the ants?
After leaving the city, Li Ming directly used the technique of transforming the rainbow and flew towards the white jade scale python.

On the way, Li Ming suddenly realized that something was wrong.

It's not that there's something wrong with the Admiralty, but that there's something wrong with the whole thing.

The middle-aged man asked himself to choose the style first, and then asked about the grade.

In the end, when I handed it over to myself, there was still heat left on the magic weapon.

Reminiscent of the power that suddenly appeared, Li Mingyan guessed a situation, "This golden bell is not originally there, and the middle-aged man made it temporarily."

Thinking of this situation, Li Ming couldn't help but gasped.

If this golden bell was just refined, what is the state of the middle-aged man?How advanced is the refining level?
Li Ming couldn't imagine it, it was really incredible.

Guessed this, but Li Ming did not dare to go back and ask for confirmation.

Such a powerful person, who lives in seclusion here alone, absolutely does not want to be disturbed by others, so it is better not to go back.

After a little effort, Li Ming arrived at the mountain range where the Baiyu Jinglin python hunts demons.

The waiter who went back to the shop told the shopkeeper everything.

The shopkeeper thought about it for a while, and passed it to Lingzha.

After a while, a group of people went to the gate of the city to intercept Li Ming, obviously planning to rob Li Ming.

This kind of phenomenon is very common. The bosses of some shops collude with the robbers outside the city. The bosses are responsible for finding fat sheep, starting the disaster, and then dividing the spoils afterwards!
However, until they waited until dark, they did not see the person described by the shopkeeper.

It turned out that Li Ming had already left when the group arrived.

In fact, count them lucky.

Among this group of people, the strongest is only the late Jindan stage.

If they really intercepted Li Ming, the consequences can be imagined, no doubt the little ghost has met the Living Hades, and the only way to die is!
Li Ming returned to the mountains, sensed the existence of the white jade scale python, and immediately flew over.

At this time, the Baiyu Jinglin Python had already hunted hundreds of monsters.

It's just that the realms are relatively low, basically at the foundation-building stage, and there are only a few golden elixirs.

This can't be blamed on the Baiyu Jinglin Python, it's because the level of monsters in this mountain range is relatively low.

Li Ming is not in a hurry, after all, he still has to refine Admiralty and other magic weapons.

I believe that when I finish refining, the Baiyu Jinglin Python should have hunted enough monsters.

Afterwards, Li Ming searched for a place to refine treasures.

The group of people guarding outside Luoshui City waited until dark and didn't find the person described by the shopkeeper. They were so angry that they entered the city and beat up the shopkeeper and the waiter!
This is one's own fault, a cycle of cause and effect, evil comes with evil!
(End of this chapter)

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