Chapter 607

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The Feng Clan still didn't do anything, and still entertained Li Ming with delicious food and drink!

However, Li Ming's range of activities is limited and he can only stay in the room.

Niu Wudi took Tan Xiaoling's mother and son out of Luoshui City, but there was no good place to go, so he went back to Mo Niu Mountain.

Demon Niu Mountain is Niu Wudi's home field, even if the God of Medicine Sect finds it, the chance of survival is higher than other places!
As for Li Ming, Niu Wudi has nothing to do now, he only hopes that his elder brother will be auspicious.

However, Niu Wudi had secretly made a poisonous oath in his heart.

If there is something wrong with the elder brother Li Ming, the Phoenix Clan, the God of Medicine Sect, and the Great Jin Dynasty will be wiped out in the future!
On this day, Li Ming's house was pushed away, and a member of the Feng family shouted: "Li Ming, the big family welcomes you."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause in his heart, he knew what was supposed to come was finally coming!
Li Ming took a deep breath and said, "Lead the way ahead!"

After saying that, Li Ming followed the Feng clan member.

After a little effort, Li Ming was brought to the main hall at the highest place in the sky.

There is a plaque of Zhu Hongtuojin hanging on this hall, with two characters written on it, Fengdian!
The font is free and easy, with extraordinary momentum.

The Phoenix Hall is located at the top of all the halls and is the most important place of the Feng Clan.

On weekdays, even the elders of several big clans are not allowed to enter here at will, let alone live here.

This is the patriarch's palace!
However, the last patriarch of the Feng clan passed away for 6000 years!

The Phoenix Palace has also been vacant for 6000 years!
Except for a family sacrifice every hundred years, the Phoenix Palace is always closed.

Today is just an ordinary day, but the Phoenix Hall is open, and an outsider like Li Ming was brought here, something extraordinary is definitely going to happen!

At the gate of Fengdian Hall, people from the Feng clan said: "Li Ming, the elders of the clan are all inside, you can go in."

Li Ming nodded and walked towards Fengdian.

In the past half a month, Li Ming hadn't thought of running away.

However, this is undoubtedly a stupid idea.

This is the core area of ​​the Feng Clan, and there are many clan elders sitting in the town, not to mention escaping from the Feng Clan, even escaping from the main hall is impossible!

Li Ming stepped into the hall, and saw the elders of the clan standing in the center of the hall, with six elders standing behind them.

The expressions of these clan elders are different, making people unpredictable.

I saw a big clan veteran holding a crystal ball in his hands, and images floating in the crystal ball.

The old man waved to Li Ming and said, "Li Ming, come here."

"Yes, senior." Li Ming replied.

In front of these strong men, Li Ming could not do anything other than be respectful, even if there were a million unhappy things in his heart, he could not show it.

If you offend these strong men a little, your life will be in danger.

It's not that Li Ming is afraid of death, but that he is unwilling to die like this.

What's more, now his wife and children have come to Star Continent.

If they die, who will protect them?Who will support them?

So, what Li Ming has to do now is to survive!

Only by surviving can we say anything else!

Li Ming walked in front of the old man, and saw the old man held up the crystal ball in his hand and asked, "Do you know the place inside?"

Li Ming looked at the crystal ball, and a scene suddenly appeared inside.

Seeing this, Li Ming didn't pause, and frowned accordingly.

"Where is this?" the elder of the clan asked again.

Li Ming took a deep breath and replied, "Earth!"

Yes, the scene inside the crystal ball is the earth.

However, Li Ming didn't know what the big clan elder meant.

However, upon hearing Li Ming's answer, the elder of the clan relaxed his tense face, and even secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Li Ming was even more confused and didn't understand!

(End of this chapter)

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