Chapter 608

It turned out that for the past half a month, the high priest of the Feng clan has been doing one thing, reckoning!
As a result, it was the scene in the old crystal ball of the Han clan.

It is exactly the same as Li Ming's description of the earth!
However, Li Ming didn't know this, nor did he know what was being calculated.

After a slight pause, I heard the old man's polite invitation: "Li Ming, come with me."

"Yes, senior!" Li Ming replied.

Now, Li Ming can only be at the mercy of the other party.

However, what puzzled Li Ming was why the elders of the Feng clan were so polite to him?

I have integrated the indestructible heart of their Feng clan's sacred objects, so it stands to reason that they should hate themselves, even if they kill themselves, they will not be surprised.

However, the situation is very different now, and he seems to have become a VIP.

Really weird!
Li Ming followed behind the big clan elder and walked into the Phoenix Hall.

A golden phoenix is ​​cast in the Phoenix Hall, which is a symbol of the supremacy of the Phoenix family.

The golden phoenix stands upright, spreading its wings and ready to fly, it looks very mighty!
Even though it was just a golden stone statue, it gave people a sense of oppression for no reason. Even though Li Ming already had the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm, he still felt like a huge stone was being pressed against his chest, and he couldn't even breathe freely.

At this time, the elder of the great clan said, "Li Ming, cut a cut on your hand, and then drip the blood on Phoenix's feet."

"Brother, do you really want to do this?" The elder of the three clans couldn't help but interrupted and asked.

"Do you have any questions?" the elder of the clan asked.

"Brother, if the calculation is wrong, wouldn't it be defiled..."

Before the elders of the three clans had finished speaking, the elders of the great clan asked in a low voice, "Are you questioning the high priest?"

"Don't dare." The elder of the three clans said hastily.

"Brother..." The other clan elders wanted to say something.

I only heard the big clan elder say loudly: "Okay, don't talk nonsense anymore, this matter is settled like this!"

Li Ming heard their arguing, his heart quickened, he didn't know what they were arguing about.

Facing the unquestionable eyes of the elders, Li Ming could only do what the elders wanted.

I saw Li Ming scratching the palm of his hand with his nails, and a hole appeared in the palm of his hand, and bright red flesh and blood could be seen.

However, just when Li Ming was about to squeeze out some blood, the cut in his palm healed automatically.

Li Ming paused, knowing that this was the effect of the immortal heart.

I could only scratch my palm again, but I tried several times without success.

Li Ming looked helplessly at the big clan elder.

The old man of the clan was silent for a while, and said, "I will help you!"

After saying that, Li Ming lost control of his physical body.

I saw a burst of energy passing through my palm, followed by a scorching pain, Li Ming's palm broke open, Dazu forced out a drop of blood.

Blood dripped, and the elder of the great clan waved his sleeves, and the blood fell to the feet of the golden phoenix statue.

The elder of the big clan withdrew his true essence, Li Ming's whole body relaxed, and the wound on his palm healed.

However, I still felt the scorching heat all over my body.

The blood dripped onto the golden phoenix statue, and it condensed into a single drop without scatter, just like that, it quietly fell on the golden phoenix statue.

The elders of the clan looked at the golden phoenix statue expectantly, but after ten breaths passed, the golden phoenix statue did not change at all.

I only heard the elders of the three clans sigh and shook their heads.

The other clan elders had the same expression, disappointed.

The elder of the clan frowned, apparently unable to believe such a result, only to hear that the elder of the clan said unwillingly: "How could this happen?"

"Brother, it seems that this Li Ming has nothing to do with the royal family! He will not be a descendant of the royal family!" The elder of the second clan sighed.

However, at this moment, the blood dripping on the golden phoenix statue actually changed, slowly blending into the golden phoenix statue!

(End of this chapter)

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