Chapter 616

"Speak wild words! Court death!" Feng Zhu shot and killed Li Ming.

As soon as Fengzhu made a move, the surrounding temperature rose by a few points, and a ball of flame appeared out of nowhere in Fengzhu's hand.

The Feng Clan is a natural fire control expert. I dare not say that they can control all the flames in the world, but ordinary flames are not a problem. They have very similar talents to the Fen family of the ancient Yan Kingdom!
Li Ming didn't change his face. Although he only had the strength of the early stage of Yuanying, with the golden thunder and lightning, even if he faced the masters of the middle stage of Yuanying, he would not be frightened!

"Accept the move!" The flame in Feng Zhu's hand fluctuated, and its power was extraordinary.

Ordinary people, in the face of such a strong flame, can only parry and have no power to fight back, even the mid-stage Nascent Soul monks of the same level are the same!

However, Li Ming was not like that!

In the face of Fengzhu's attack, Li Mingming was very calm and did not panic at all.

It seemed that Feng Zhu's attack couldn't hurt him at all!

For some reason, the flames of Fengzhu made Li Ming feel very comfortable, as if he was bathed in the sun.

After a slight pause, Li Ming felt a warm current gushing out of his heart.

Only then did Li Ming understand why he felt so comfortable, it turned out to be because of his immortal heart.

Originally, Li Ming wanted to use the golden thunderbolt to meet Fengzhu for a while.

Now, however, the focus has changed.

The higher the degree of fusion with the immortal heart, the more benefits you will get.

Naturally, Li Ming was unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity!

Feng Luan hurried over, fearing that Li Ming would suffer a little bit.

However, seeing Li Ming face Fengzhu's fierce attack with such ease and comfort, he couldn't help being stunned.

Thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Li Ming has the blood of the Phoenix King, and the flames of ordinary clansmen really can't hurt him.

Although Fengzhu is a genius, because of his short training time, he can only be regarded as an ordinary monk.

Only monks who have stepped into the realm of transforming gods are masters who can change the world with every gesture!
Seeing that Fengzhu couldn't hurt Li Ming, Fengluan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fengzhu had used her strongest means, but still couldn't hurt Li Ming, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious, she couldn't lose face in front of her beloved girl, so she couldn't help exerting a little more strength.

However, no matter how Ren Fengzhu attacked, Li Ming could handle it with ease!

After fighting for a while, Feng Zhu couldn't help sweating profusely, and asked: "Boy, what is your background? Why can't I, Feng Huo, do anything to you?"

Li Ming smiled and said, "Your phoenix fire can't hurt me, it just shows that you haven't practiced enough!"

"You..." In one sentence, Feng Zhu almost vomited blood angrily.

"Am I wrong?" Li Ming asked back.

"Looking for death!" Feng Zhu was furious.

"Don't just talk, show your strength if you have the ability!" Li Ming said with a smile.

"You..." Fengzhu was completely angry this time, only to hear Fengzhu sternly shouted: "If that's the case, then don't blame me for being cruel! Today I will let you see my true strength, Fengzhu!"

Saying that, Feng Zhu sacrificed a feather.

I saw Feng Zhu stab Ling Yu to the back of the head, like a golden needle piercing a point.

Immediately, Feng Zhu's aura surged.

Seeing this, Feng Luan's expression changed drastically, and he shouted loudly: "No!"

"Go away, I don't want you to intervene!" Feng Zhu shouted, ignoring Feng Luan at all.

Now, Fengzhu only wants to kill Li Ming!

Li Ming can feel the changes in Fengzhu, and now he definitely has the strength close to the late Nascent Soul.

Seeing this, Li Ming's complexion couldn't help but become solemn, that feather is absolutely extraordinary!
(End of this chapter)

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