The best immortal emperor

Chapter 617 Is there any problem?

Chapter 617 Is there any problem?

Facing the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Li Ming might still have the strength to fight, but he has nothing to do against the monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul.Even if the golden thunderbolt is used, it is not against the opponent.

Seeing this, Feng Luan's expression changed drastically, and he shouted: "Fengzhu, stop!"

"Go aside, it's none of your business here!" Feng Zhu couldn't listen to a word at this moment.

Fengluan had no choice but to invite the elders of the clan.

Li Ming's expression was solemn, and he threw out a golden thunderbolt in his palm, ready to fight Fengzhu.

Li Ming guessed that the time for Lingyu to improve his strength is definitely not long, as long as he persists, it will be fine.

However, just when Li Ming was about to give it a go, a figure suddenly appeared and stood in front of Li Ming.

The person who came was none other than the elder of the great clan!
Seeing the angry face of the big clan elder, he was very displeased, and asked, "Fengzhu, what do you want to do?"

"Grandpa?" Feng Zhu couldn't help being stunned when he saw the big clan elder who suddenly appeared, he seemed very shocked, he didn't know why the big clan elder appeared suddenly.

"Hmph!" The old man snorted, and shouted angrily: "Feng Zhu, you are so brave, you dare to attack Feng Huang, do you want to die?"

"Feng Huang?" Feng Zhu was startled, and stared at the elder of the clan in astonishment.

After a while, Feng Zhu came back to his senses, looked at Li Ming in disbelief, then at the elder of the clan, and asked, "Grandpa, is he the Phoenix Emperor?"

"Are you questioning?" The old man snorted.

"Feng Zhu dare not." Feng Zhu said quickly, he never thought that this outsider was actually Feng Huang.

"I'm sorry you don't dare!" The old man said angrily, "However, if you dare to disrespect the Phoenix Emperor, you must not be lightly forgiven. For the sake of your ignorance, I will abolish your ability and be a good person from now on. Ordinary people!"

"Grandpa, don't." Fengzhu knelt down with a plop, begging for mercy.

"Hmph! If it wasn't for your grandfather's sake, I would have killed you on the spot! It would be easy to waste all your abilities!" the elder of the clan said very rudely.

"Grandpa..." Fengzhu's face was ashen, never expecting that this person was Fenghuang.

If I had known that he was the Emperor Feng, I would not have dared to disrespect Li Ming if I borrowed Fengzhu's courage!
Just when the elder Dazu was about to make a move, Li Ming said: "Old Dazu, I think it's better to forget it, Fengzhu doesn't have any intentions, and there are few people in my Fengzu clan, and there are even fewer people with high talents. Fengzhu can be rated as one of the top ten geniuses, there must be something extraordinary. If he is abolished like this, it will not be a loss to our Fengzu? Why not save his life and let him serve the Fengzu well."

The patriarch paused for a while, but he didn't expect Li Ming to make such a ruling. He couldn't help admiring him and said, "It's still the patriarch who is benevolent and righteous."

Slightly startled, the elder of the clan shouted: "Fengzhu, why don't you thank the patriarch for your kindness?"

Fengzhu immediately bowed her head to Li Ming, and said gratefully: "Thank you for the kindness of the patriarch."

"Get up." Li Ming said.

Thinking for a while, Li Ming said: "Actually, Feng Luan and I just met for the first time today, and it was the elder of the big clan who arranged for her to take me around to learn about the Feng Clan. It's not like you think."

In fact, as Li Ming, he didn't need to explain to Feng Zhu at all.

However, Li Ming still said it.

Li Ming was captured from the Feng Clan, and somehow became the patriarch without any foundation.

Therefore, it is not advisable to make enemies.

When Feng Zhu heard Li Ming's explanation, she couldn't help being stunned, she didn't know what to say.

"Go." Li Ming said.

"Aren't you leaving yet?" the old man shouted.

"Yes." Fengzhu didn't dare to linger for a moment and immediately turned and left.

The elder of the clan turned around and apologized: "Patriarch, I will discipline him strictly later on."

"No need, let's leave this matter as it is. I want to go to the Nine Hearts Parasol Forest." Li Ming said.

Immediately, the group returned to the Nine Hearts Parasol Forest.

Uncle Kang and Uncle Ye who were guarding the Nine Hearts Wutong couldn't help frowning when they saw Feng Luan and the others go and return.

However, when he saw the elders of the great clan, he immediately became respectful.

The old man of the clan waved at them and said, "Xiaokang, Xiaoye, come and meet the patriarch!"

Uncle Kang and Uncle Ye were taken aback, and looked at the elder with suspicion.Because following the eyes of the big clan elders, what they saw was Li Ming, a foreigner!

"What are you still doing?" The old man frowned displeasedly.

Uncle Kang and Uncle Mo immediately came to their senses, walked up to Li Ming, knelt down on one knee, and shouted, "Meet the patriarch!"

"Please hurry up, both of you." Li Ming said modestly.

"Yes." Uncle Kang and Uncle Ye stood up.

However, they were at a loss and did not understand what was going on.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Old man, you go back, Feng Luan and I are wandering around here."

"Okay, Emperor Feng, feel free to let me know if you have any questions." The old man said respectfully.

Afterwards, the elder of the clan quickly left.

Li Ming and Feng Luan walked towards the Nine Hearts Parasol Forest.

Now, Uncle Kang and Uncle Ye dare not stop them.

The patriarch, in the Feng Clan, has the majesty of unswerving promises, even the elders of the big clan dare not go against the wishes of the patriarch.

Unless, the decision made by the patriarch is wrong!

Walking into the Jiuxin Wutong Forest, most of the Jiuxin Wutong trees here are unfinished.

However, it is also five or six meters high.

Looking at the earth, it can be considered an ancient tree.

The faint fragrance from the Nine Hearts Parasol made Li Ming feel refreshed, with an indescribable sense of comfort.

I only heard Li Ming ask: "Feng Luan, what's so wonderful about this Nine-Hearted Parasol Tree?"

Feng Luan paused, and replied: "The most important use of the Nine Hearts Wutong is to calm the mind. Our Feng family is good at controlling flames, and our temper is also very hot. If we are dissatisfied with our words, we will fight. However, this Nine Hearts Wutong It can cultivate one's nature and dispel inner fire."

Li Ming nodded and said, "No wonder I feel refreshed and peaceful when I come here."

"Li Ming, if you need it, you can cut down the 3000-year-old Nine-Hearted Indus in the forest." Feng Luan said.

"The 3000-year-old Nine-Hearted Indus?" Li Ming was stunned, and asked, "How big is the 3000-year-old Nine-Hearted Indus?"

"This way please." Feng Luan guided.

Afterwards, the two walked to the depths of the Nine Hearts Parasol Forest.

After a while, Li Ming came under the 3000-year-old Nine Hearts sycamore tree that Fengluan said.

The trunk is thick, and the canopy is shaded from the sky, and it grows very lush.

I only heard Fengluan say: "Li Ming, this is the 3000-year-old Nine-heart Indus, the only one in my family."

Li Ming nodded, without saying a word, he went straight to the Nine Hearts plane tree.

This 3000-year-old Nine-Hearted Indus exudes powerful spirituality. On the thick bark, a tree pattern resembling a human face grows, as if it is about to become a spirit!
In 3000 years, this nine-heart sycamore has grown for 3000 years!

Slightly startled, Li Ming thought of something, and couldn't help asking: "Feng Luan, can our Feng Clan know how to make alchemy?"

"Alchemy?" Feng Luan was taken aback, with a very strange expression on his face.

"Is there any problem?" Li Minghu asked.

(End of this chapter)

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