Chapter 635

The elders hesitated for a while, whispered to each other, and discussed in low voices.

However, in the end, no result was negotiated.

But at this time, the high priest said: "Fenghuang, there are still many residues in the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron, you might as well take out these residues, identify their ingredients, and compare them with the ingredients needed to refine the resurrection pill. As long as they are consistent, don't you infer the type of the pill indirectly?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone clapped their legs and applauded, "Yes, yes, it can be done like this!"

Li Ming nodded, and was very satisfied with this method in his heart, so he said: "Then take out the residues in the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron and identify their ingredients!"

"Fenghuang, leave this matter to Lao Wu, he is good at these things." The elder of the clan said.

"Okay!" Li Ming nodded in response.

Immediately, the elders of the five clans took out the residue from the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron and went to compare and appraise it.

At this time, the elder of the great clan said: "Fourth, you are good at stealth, go to those teleportation formations to have a look. I am worried that the golden light shot from the pill just now will attract the attention of powerful forces in the Star Continent."

"I see, big brother." The elder of the four clans responded.

"Go quickly." The elder of the clan urged.

"Okay, big brother. Fenghuang, I'll go first!" said the elder of the four clans.

After a while, Li Ming handed over the remaining resources to the elders of the clan and asked him to keep them.

After all, the elder Dazu has been in charge of the Feng Clan for so many years, and his majesty and status are already supreme. If you leave it to him for safekeeping, everyone can rest assured and be convinced!

After a while, everyone dispersed, everyone was busy.

Now, the only thing Li Ming cares about is whether the elixir in the Nine Dragons Cauldron is the resurrection elixir.

There are still two months before Li Ming takes over as the head of the Feng clan, and the big clan has already made arrangements when Li Ming left the Feng clan.

The Feng family has been without a master for thousands of years, and now a new master is finally looking forward to, so how can it not be lively?

Just like a father marrying a daughter, as long as conditions permit, it can be as lively as it can be!
Li Ming also left Fengdian and returned to the place where he lived.

After entering the house, Li Ming couldn't wait to close the door and put on restraints at the same time.

Of course, the clan elders of the Feng clan wanted to spy on them, and Li Ming's confinement was completely useless.

The reason why the confinement is arranged is to prevent the passing disciples from hearing or seeing anything.

I saw Li Ming put the evergreen basin on the table, and then brought seven pills into the evergreen basin.

People of the Feng clan don't know the Resurrection Pill, so maybe Brother Zhu doesn't know it.

At the beginning, Brother Zhu claimed to know everything in the world. He knew everything in the first 5000 years and the next 5000 years!

Come to think of it, he should know the Resurrection Pill!

Regarding the existence of Brother Zhu, Li Ming didn't tell anyone in the Feng clan.

However, when dealing with Kunpeng Shuiyan Hanjing that day, brother Zhu had appeared, and I don't know if the elders of the second clan and the elders of the third clan noticed it.

Li Ming is ready, as long as the Feng people don't ask about Brother Zhu, Li Ming won't say anything!

After all, the less people know about Brother Zhu's existence, the better!
After entering the Evergreen Pot, Brother Zhu is still practicing in the Yuanshen Tree.

However, now it is not like retreating all day long like before. Now I only retreat when I am happy.

Brother Zhu sensed Li Ming's arrival, so he appeared and said, "If you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, what trouble do you encounter?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but smiled cheekily, and said, "Brother Zhu, you still understand me."

"Tell me, what's the matter." Brother Zhu urged impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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