The best immortal emperor

Chapter 636 You want to test me, kid?

Chapter 636 You want to test me, kid?

I saw Li Ming turned his palms and took out seven pills, which were exactly the pills from the Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron, and asked: "Brother Zhu, you have seen a lot, so I wonder if you can recognize that these pills are He Dan?" medicine?"

"You kid want to test me?" Brother Zhu said with some displeasure.

Li Ming smiled and said nothing, and didn't say much.

I only heard Brother Zhu said: "Pass the elixir, I want to see what elixir it is!"

Immediately, Li Ming stretched out his hand and handed the pill to Brother Zhu.

Brother Zhu stared at the pill in Li Ming's hand for a while, his expression became more serious.

After a while, Brother Zhu became surprised, and asked in a low voice: "Li Ming, what kind of elixir is this? I really can't tell."

"En?" Li Ming was stunned and said in surprise: "Brother Zhu, even you can't recognize this elixir? Don't you claim to know everything?"

"This..." Brother Zhu didn't feel his old face blushing, so he could only ask cheekily: "Li Ming, what kind of elixir is this?"

Li Ming sighed, shook his head helplessly and said: "Brother Zhu, to tell you the truth, I don't know either. In the records of the Feng Clan, it is said that there is a cauldron in the Fengdao secret room, and there is an unformed resurrection pill in the furnace. These seven The elixir came from the cauldron in Fengdao's secret room, but I was not sure if it was the resurrection elixir, so I came to ask Brother Zhu."

"Returning to life pill?" Brother Zhu couldn't help being confused when he heard these five words.

"It's still uncertain." Li Ming added.

After a slight pause, Brother Zhu seemed to remember something, and said: "The Resurrection Pill is a god-defying pill. When it was released, there was a vision in the sky, and the light shot directly at Doufu. Subtle changes will take place in the whole world."

Li Ming nodded, and said: "When the pill was formed, there was indeed a golden light rushing towards the Doufu, and the heaven and earth also produced a vision, but it cannot be concluded just like this."

"By the way, you should go and check the composition of the residue in the cauldron. There should be a complete alchemy formula in the Feng clan's classics. When the time comes, you can compare it to determine whether the pill is the resurrection pill." Brother Zhu reminded.

"The elders have already been asked to do it." Li Ming said.

Brother Zhu paused, a little unhappy, and muttered: "I've already had people do this, and you still come to ask me? You want to deliberately embarrass me?"

"Brother Zhu, I definitely don't mean that. I just want to confirm the identity of this pill as soon as possible. You know, Lin Ruyu..." Li Ming obviously underestimated at this point.

"I know, no need to explain, I'm just teasing you!" Brother Zhu said with a smile, and then said: "Li Ming, although I can't be 5.00% sure that this pill is a resurrection pill. But look at it , smelling its fragrance, and the vision when it came out of the furnace, but at least [-]% [-]% sure. When the composition of the residue is determined, if there is no discrepancy, it will be [-]% sure. It is not too short of time, just wait patiently That's it."

Li Ming nodded, expressing his understanding.

So Li Ming sat cross-legged in the room and waited patiently.Anyway, the elixir has already been obtained, and it is not too late in the past few days!

In a blink of an eye, four or five days passed.

There was a knock on Li Ming's door, and Li Ming woke up from meditation.

Pushing open the door, it was none other than the elders of the four clans who were in charge of identifying the composition of the residue.

Li Mingpo asked nonchalantly: "The elders of the four clans, what's the matter?"

"Huifenghuang, it has been analyzed, and the composition of the residue is exactly the same as the formula for refining the resurrection pill." The elder of the four clans said.

Hearing this, Li Ming let out a long sigh of relief, and he was determined!
Secretly said: "It seems that this is the resurrection pill!"

The elders of the four clans hesitated to speak, as if they had something to say.

I only heard Li Ming say: "The elders of the four clans, if you have something to say, it's okay to say it."

"Fenghuang, since this is the case, I'll just say it straight. Although the resurrection pill is wonderful, it can bring the dead back to life. However, it cannot be used lightly. Once used, whether it is the user or the person taking it, it will be stained with karma..." The elder of the four clans wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Li Ming, saying: "Elder of the four clans, I have made up my mind on this matter, so let's stop talking."

The elders of the four clans were stunned, sighed slightly, and continued: "Fenghuang, the resurrection pill is a forbidden pill. After taking it, there must be a vision in the world. If you really want to use it, it is best to use it in the Phoenix Palace. There are many people in the Phoenix Palace. Formation, and with the blessing of a few clan elders, there shouldn't be any trouble."

"Okay, I'll go to Fengdian right now, and you call other clan elders for me." Li Ming said.

"Yes!" The elders of the four clans responded, and then went to call other elders.

Li Ming returned to the room, entered the Evergreen Basin, and walked towards Lin Ruyu who was lying in the ice coffin, his face became more and more gentle.

Li Ming sniffed slightly, and muttered to himself: "Ruyu, I finally found the Resurrection Pill, and you will be resurrected soon."

There is not much to say about this in the Primordial Spirit Tree.

Li Ming picked up the ice coffin and walked out of the evergreen basin.

After leaving the door, Li Mingfei headed for Fengdian!

After entering the Phoenix Palace, all the clan elders and priests have already arrived at the Phoenix Palace.

I only heard the elders of the great clan say: "Feng Huang, the matter of bringing the dead back to life is going against the sky. I'm afraid of being jealous by the gods. I think it's better to ask the priests to make a divination and count it as a good day. How about taking it?"

Li Ming paused, but finally nodded and said, "Alright! Then ask the three priests to make a divination."

"Yes." The priests took the order and immediately began to make divination.

After a long time, a set of rituals was completed, the high priest drew out a lot, waved his hand, and there was a dead word on the sign, and the next sign was fierce!

Seeing this, the high priest sighed, and said helplessly, "Fenghuang, I have tried my best."

Li Ming's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "No matter what the consequences are, I am willing to bear them."

As he spoke, Li Ming took out a resurrection pill and walked towards Lin Ruyu who was lying in the ice coffin.

At this moment, I only heard the elders of the great clan yelling: "Set up the formation, in order to prevent the sky from being jealous and thunder calamity!"

"Yes!" Several other clan elders responded.

Li Ming shattered the ice coffin with one palm, Lin Ruyu didn't seem to have changed much, as if she just fell asleep.

With a smile on his face, Li Ming leaned over to look at Lin Ruyu, and put the resurrection pill into her mouth.

Afterwards, Li Ming exhaled lightly, and the resurrection pill contained in Lin Ruyu's mouth entered the internal organs along with this breath.

The resurrection pill melted, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became different.

The thief God also seemed to have insight into something, and his face sank immediately.

Immediately afterwards, there was lightning and thunder, as if they were about to cross the catastrophe!
The elders of the clan have arranged a large formation in case of accidents!
Li Ming's face was solemn, and he looked nervously at the 'sleeping' Lin Ruyu, hoping that the resurrection pill would really have the effect of resurrecting the dead!

Li Ming held his breath, his heart was pounding and he was very nervous.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Ming has never been so nervous even when he was going through the six or nine thunder calamities!
Suddenly, the wind and rain were blowing, and the raindrops fell with thunder and lightning.

Li Ming knew that the effect of the Resurrection Pill should be slowly exerting its effect!
(End of this chapter)

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