Chapter 639

Li Ming held his breath and watched Lin Ruyu quietly.

Now, all Li Ming can do is wait for Lin Ruyu to wake up!
Thunder and lightning rumbled, and heavy rain swept across the Feng Clan.

The group of clansmen had never seen such a scene like today, as if the world had been destroyed, they were terrified and hid in the sycamore house, not daring to come out.

Such days, according to the elders of the great clan, will last for seven days!

Time passed minute by minute, very slowly, much slower than usual. For Li Ming, it seemed like years.

Finally, three days have passed, and there are still four days left!
In the past three days, the thunder and lightning did not stop at all, and hundreds of thunderbolts fell.

On the fourth day, instead of weakening, the thunder and lightning became stronger and stronger.

The clan elders who blessed the formation were all pale, obviously the wear and tear was too serious, only the elders of the big clan and the elders of the second clan were slightly better.

Seeing this, Li Ming hesitated slightly, and finally decided to take the thing out.

Li Ming turned his palm and took out a white porcelain bottle, which contained nothing but spiritual water!
Li Ming walked towards the elder of the clan and said, "Elder of the clan, I have a bottle of good things to restore the true energy, you share it with everyone."

"En?" Dazu paused, not thinking that what was in the white porcelain bottle would be of any use, but took it anyway.

The elder Dazu opened the white porcelain bottle, sniffed it slightly, and was immediately attracted by the contents in the white porcelain bottle. He looked at Li Ming in disbelief, and asked, "This is it?"

"Distribute it to everyone first, and then explain it later." Li Ming said.

"Okay!" The elder of the great clan replied.

I saw the big clan's old hands exert their strength, and shouted: "Everyone, it's done!"

Immediately, the liquid in the white porcelain bottle flew out into the air, and with a touch of the elder Dazu's finger, the liquid dispersed evenly.

The elders of other tribes opened their mouths and sucked slightly, and the liquid entered their mouths.

After that, everyone suddenly felt different.

The severely depleted true essence is being rapidly replenished. Even the well-informed elders of the big clan have never heard of such precious water, which is simply incredible.

The elders of the clan took the spirit water, and their pale faces eased, and it was not so difficult to support the formation.

Seeing this, Li Ming secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, the black clouds in the sky began to change.

The black cloud swirled and became like a whirlpool.

Seeing this, Li Ming's complexion couldn't help changing, and he thought: "What are you going to do?"

At this moment, the elder of the great clan said: "Fenghuang, this should be a resurrection, everyone open a hole and let the Yin spirit come in!"

"Okay!" The clan elders responded.

Immediately, a gap was opened in the formation above the Phoenix Hall.

I saw an illusory shadow breaking free from the swirling black cloud and entering the magic circle.

"Shut up!" the old man shouted.

The gates of the formation of veterans of all clans were closed.

Li Ming looked at the illusory shadow, his heart was pounding, and he thought to himself: "Is this Ruyu's soul?"

As if being summoned, that phantom floated towards Lin Ruyu's body.

Li Ming held his breath, not daring to make any moves.

Slowly, that phantom came to Lin Ruyu's side.

The phantom looked at Lin Ruyu, hesitating for a while.

At this time, the high priest yelled: "If you don't return to the sun at this time, when will you wait?"

After all, that phantom got in from Lin Ruyu's Tianling cover.

Seeing this, Li Ming's heart beat to the extreme, and he didn't dare to breathe, for fear of disturbing Lin Ruyu Huanyang!
But at this time, the thief God has released his power.

 Before the outbreak, it was updated twice a day. I originally wanted to update it three times, but the pressure to save manuscripts was a bit high, and I couldn't save any manuscripts for the third update.In addition, now that the hero has some saved manuscripts, the settings are updated regularly, at nine o'clock in the morning and twelve o'clock at noon every day.Two more.You don't have to stay up all night waiting for the heroes to update.

(End of this chapter)

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