Chapter 640

I saw the thunder and lightning suddenly merged together, becoming as thick as a child's arms.

There was only a bang, and it was smashed down hard.

The defensive formation retracted, and suddenly a crack was smashed out.

Then, the thunder and lightning blasted towards Lin Ruyu.

Obviously, this thief God does not intend to let Lin Ruyu go.

At this moment, it is the critical moment for Lin Ruyu to return to the sun.

Not to mention being hit by lightning, even if it is slightly affected by other influences, it may fall short!
Fall short?Li Ming would never allow such a result, only to see that Li Ming stood in front of Lin Ruyu without saying a word, and let the thick thunder and lightning penetrate him.

"Fenghuang, don't!" The old man shouted, and immediately cast his true energy, ready to forcibly pull Li Ming away.

Li Ming stomped his feet, the soles of his feet sank into the ground, and shouted: "No one is allowed to move!"

Seeing this, the elders of the great clan could only forcibly take back the true essence that was shot out, and said: "Fortify the formation, and the thunder and lightning can't penetrate it again!"

"Yes!" The clan elders responded.

Immediately, he saw the gap healed.

Li Ming's expression remained unchanged, he stared at the thunder and lightning that bombarded him.

The big clan elder and other clan elders had their hearts hanging in their throats, not daring to imagine what would happen next.

Now, they can only rely on the heart of immortality.

I hope Fenghuang Li Ming can carry it through!

Li Ming's eyes were cold, without any trace of fear, he said silently in his heart: "Come on!"

Li Ming released the golden thunderbolt, ready to welcome him.

However, seeing that the thick thunderbolt was about to strike Li Ming, he suddenly turned and attacked Lin Ruyu who was behind Li Ming.

Seeing this, Li Ming was horrified, and immediately rushed towards the thunder and lightning, grabbing the thunder and lightning.

As soon as he touched it, a tingling sensation spread all over his body.

Even though Li Ming was carrying the mysterious golden lightning, he still couldn't bear the power of the lightning with the thick arms of a baby!

Although Li Ming didn't feel good, he wouldn't let go, instead he held on tightly.

The thunder and lightning couldn't get rid of Li Ming, so they turned around and attacked Li Ming.

I saw that lightning penetrated into Li Ming's body in an instant, destroying it recklessly.

"Fenghuang, be careful!" the old man of the clan was anxious, but he couldn't help him!

Li Ming only felt that the blood in his body was overwhelming, and his internal organs were strongly impacted, and they burst instantly.

However, the Immortal Heart is not a vegetarian, and it immediately played its role, repairing Li Ming's internal organs in an instant.

After being destroyed and combined, the hardness of Li Ming's internal organs continued to increase.

After a while, Li Ming regained his strength, urged the golden thunderbolt, and tried to absorb the thick thunderbolt.

As soon as the golden thunder and lightning came out, the thunder and lightning couldn't help but startled, showing a bit of fear.

However, he didn't know that because he was relatively strong, he rushed towards the golden thunder and lightning in an attempt to disperse the golden thunder and lightning.

The golden thunderbolt is far inferior to the thick thunderbolt, but it is not afraid of the thick thunderbolt at all, allowing it to rush!

Sure enough, the thick thunderbolt hit the nail, instead of breaking the golden thunderbolt away, it was cut in half by the golden thunderbolt.

This time, the thick Thunderbolt that was divided into two showed some fear, watching the golden Thunderbolt vigilantly.

Li Ming inspected the changes in his body and saw that the golden thunder had gained the upper hand, so he couldn't help smiling.

Immediately, Li Ming controlled the golden thunderbolt to kill the thunderbolt that was divided into two.

At this time, how could the thick thunderbolt that was divided into two have the power to parry?Can only escape.

How could Li Ming let them go?Controlling the golden thunder and lightning, he pursued the victory!

(End of this chapter)

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