Chapter 664

"Second Miss?" Elder Zhang of the Taibai Sect couldn't help frowning, but then he yelled: "Xiao Liu, don't talk nonsense, you know that slandering Second Miss is a capital offense! Believe it or not, I'll kill you right now!"

"Elder, I..." Xiao Liu was so frightened by Elder Zhang's aura that he trembled all over, not daring to say another word.

Seeing this, Li Ming's expression darkened, and he waved to Xiao Liu, "Come here."

Xiao Liu tremblingly looked at Li Ming, then at Elder Zhang, not knowing what to do!

"Come here!" Elder Su snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, and directly sucked Xiao Liu over.

Seeing this, Elder Zhang couldn't help taking a step forward, as if he wanted to attack Xiao Liu.

"What do you want to do?" Su Changhu stared at Elder Zhang with an extraordinary aura.

Elder Zhang's face couldn't help but change, but how dare he fight Elder Su?I just hope that Xiaoliukou will be tighter and don't make this matter too big!Otherwise, it will be troublesome!

Immediately, Elder Zhang secretly passed on a message, implying that Xiao Liu would take this matter to task, and promised to do good things!
How could Elder Su not know Elder Zhang's tricks?

I only heard that Elder Su said: "Xiao Liu, tell me honestly what is going on? Who is the second lady? And why did you kidnap the wife of my distinguished guest in Gaotian City? And who is involved? If you tell me one by one Come on, I will grant you a license to join me in Gaotian City! I think Elder Zhang must have promised you a lot of benefits to let you bear this matter alone? However, if you really do this, I will kill you now. Don't count on you Elder Zhang can come forward to protect you! Just like I captured you, he dare not let a fart go!"

Xiao Liu was as quiet as a cicada, trembling with fright, especially when he saw Elder Zhang's majestic face.

However, Elder Su's words reminded Xiao Liu.As Elder Su said, when Elder Su grabbed him just now, Elder Zhang didn't dare to stop him.If he really took all the guilt, Elder Su would definitely kill him, and Elder Zhang would definitely not stop him.At that time, I will become a scapegoat!

Thinking through this, Xiao Liu boldly asked: "Elder Su, is it true that if I tell the truth, you can protect me from death?"

"Yes." Elder Su said.

"Xiao Liu, you!" Elder Zhang's expression suddenly changed, and he reminded Xiao Liu with a cold drink.

Elder Su's face darkened, and he said in a low voice: "Elder Zhang, if you dare to say one more word, I will recognize you as the real culprit behind the scenes!"

Hearing this, Elder Zhang's face changed again, and he shut his mouth obediently, not daring to say another word!

Offending Gao Tiancheng, even if you have ten lives, it's not enough to die!

Now that this matter has developed to this point, beyond the scope of his control, then the truth will simply come to light.

The second lady is the suzerain's daughter, if anything happens, the suzerain will come forward.

Thinking of this, Elder Zhang simply shut up and kept silent, so as not to please both sides!

I saw Xiao Liu calmed down and said: "The thing is like this, the second lady had dinner in a restaurant yesterday, and had some conflicts with them. Today, the second lady went shopping and saw them, so she asked the younger sisters to take the second daughter away." Mi Dizzy has been kidnapped and is going to be sold in Yanfang Building after the auction is over."

Hearing this, Li Ming's face fell to the bottom of the valley, Yanfang Building?That was the darkest place in Star Continent, the female monks who were sold there would never see the light of day, and let the patronizing male monks play with them.

(End of this chapter)

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