Chapter 665

Moreover, the price paid is often very small, one or two middle-grade spirit stones are enough.

One can imagine which monks went there!
Li Ming's face became more and more cold, and he asked deeply: "Where is the second lady?"

At this time, Li Ming already remembered who the second lady was, she was the one who insulted Lin Ruyu in the restaurant.

However, Li Ming didn't expect that he let her go. Not only did she not appreciate it, but she dared to have evil thoughts again.

Fortunately, Tan Xiaoling and Lin Ruyu are fine, otherwise, even if Li Ming destroys Taibaizong, it will not help!
Facing Li Mingzhi's questioning, Xiao Liu said tremblingly, "Second Miss, she went out to eat, and I believe she will be back soon."

"Okay!" Li Ming nodded, and then asked: "Can you recognize those people who have shot?"

"I recognize it, I recognize it." Xiao Liu said hastily.

"Go, point out those people." Li Ming said in a low voice.

"Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, we are just obeying the orders of the second lady, we can't help ourselves!" A disciple who had done something immediately knelt down in front of Li Ming and begged for mercy.

"Spare me, spare me!" Another disciple begged for mercy.

"Forgive your life, spare your life..."

All the disciples who had made a move knelt down one after another.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Elder Su, this is Gao Tiancheng, it's better for you to judge this matter."

In Li Ming's heart, this group of people must be killed!

Elder Su took a step forward, looked at the disciples of Taibai Sect who were kneeling on the ground, and said coldly: "You guys ignore my Gaotian City's laws and dare to cause trouble in my Gaotian City, and the target of your attack is my distinguished guest of Gaotian City. If I don't kill you, how can I be worthy of the decree made by Gao Taizu! Die!"

After saying that, Elder Su waved his hand and shot out a sword energy.

The sword energy swept across, and in an instant, several heads fell to the ground, and all the disciples of the Taibai Sect died tragically on the spot.

Elder Zhang of the Taibai Sect had a very bad face. He didn't expect that Elder Su would be so decisive, beheading all the disciples of the Taibai Sect in front of him.

Although these disciples are wrong, but the crime is not worthy of death!After all, the two captive women were not harmed, they were just surprised. An apology and some compensation would be enough.

However, Elder Su shot to kill him!
What Elder Su did was very appetizing to Li Ming, and Li Ming was very satisfied!
At this moment, the door of the Zhang residence was pushed open, and two figures walked in.

It was none other than the second young lady and her senior brother!

When Elder Zhang saw the second young lady coming back, his expression changed drastically. Why did he come back at this time?

Elder Su saw a couple coming in, so he asked: "Xiao Liu, is that woman Second Miss?"

"No, no." Elder Zhang hastily denied.

"Huh? You forgot what I said? Don't say a word more!" Elder Su immediately grimaced and glared at Elder Zhang.

Elder Zhang suddenly didn't dare to say another word!

At this time, the woman asked, "Uncle Zhang, why are you all gathering in the yard? What's the good thing?"

While speaking, the woman walked over here.

Uncle Zhang felt anxious for a while, but what could he do?of

When Li Ming saw the woman, he recognized her at a glance. It was the woman who had the quarrel in the restaurant!

I only heard Li Ming say: "Elder Su, she is it!"

"Okay, it's just in time!" Elder Su's breath changed drastically, and he reached out his hand, and directly captured the second lady of Taibai Zong!

"Ah!" The Second Miss Taibai Zong was startled, not knowing what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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