The best immortal emperor

Chapter 67 What, Surprised?

Chapter 67 What, Surprised?

Li Ming narrowed his eyes, enjoying the surprised expressions of Zhu Wei and others, and asked unhurriedly, "Why, surprised?"

"Li Ming, we have no grievances. What happened before was purely a misunderstanding. Besides, we didn't hurt you, did we?" Zhu Wei said lamely with an excuse.

"Really? Misunderstanding?" Li Ming didn't intend to just let them go!

"Misunderstanding, absolute misunderstanding!" Zhu Wei affirmed.

Li Ming ignored it and said, "It doesn't matter whether it's a misunderstanding or not, because I want to use you to practice my strength!"

"You..." Zhu Wei and the others paused, but they didn't expect Li Ming to be so domineering.

"Accept the move!" Li Ming said in a commanding manner.

Li Ming survived the four thunder tribulations, and his strength was far above that of ordinary monks in the early stage of foundation establishment, and only a little lower than that of monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Therefore, dealing with Zhu Wei and others is effortless!
Zhu Wei knew that this matter could not be done well today, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Li Ming, let me tell you the truth, so you let us go."

"It's true?" Li Ming paused, and said to himself, "Could it be that there is something hidden in it?"

I only heard Zhu Wei said: "We are strangers to you, and we never thought of harming you. It was the Lu Shangxian who guarded the Thunder Cloud City who forced us to do this, otherwise we would not be able to hang around in Thunder Cloud City."

"Lu Shangxian?" Li Ming paused, and immediately remembered the disciple of Lei Xingshan who was guarding the gate.

However, Li Ming was very confused, he was new here, and it was also the first time he met that Lu Shangxian, why did he deal with me?
Li Ming frowned, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know why that person surnamed Lu wanted to deal with me?"

"I'm not very clear about the details, it should have something to do with Xia Yunrou," Zhu Wei said.

"Xia Yunrou?" Li Ming couldn't help but pause.

"Li Ming, can we leave now?" Zhu Wei asked.

"Wait!" Li Ming stopped him.

"What else do you want?" Zhu Wei was gloomy, a little displeased.

"When I crossed the catastrophe before, each of you cut me with a sword. I am a fair person, and I only cut you with a sword! As for whether you live or die, it depends on your own good luck!" Li Ming said leisurely.

"Damn it!" one of the monks said angrily.

"Brother Zhu, although this Li Ming looks strong, but he is only one person, we all fight together, I don't believe that we can't kill Li Ming together!" Another younger brother said angrily.

With gloomy eyes, Zhu Wei warned, "Li Ming, don't go too far! I've already told you the whole story of this matter. If you want revenge, go find Lu!"

The corners of Li Ming's mouth were slightly sinister, and he murmured: "I will go to him surnamed Lu, but I won't just let you go! Take the sword!"

"Wait." Zhu Wei shouted, then took out a few middle-grade spirit stones given by Lu Shangxian, and said, "This is the benefit given by Lu Shangxian, we will give you all!"

"When you take my sword, if you die, all the benefits of your body will be mine. If you don't die, I will snatch you all!" Li Ming said coldly.

"Damn it!" Zhu Wei didn't want to fight Li Ming, such a super genius, who knows what powerful magic weapon he will have?Even Zhu Wei would not be surprised if he took out a treasure.

However, Li Ming was so pressing, even if Zhu Wei didn't want to fight, he still wanted to fight!

Zhu Wei shouted coldly, "Everyone, join me in beheading Li Ming!"

"Okay, Brother Zhu!"

"I've thought this way a long time ago, why are you dragging someone alone?"

"Yes, two fists are no match for four hands. You are in the early stage of foundation establishment, and our brother Zhu is also in the early stage of foundation establishment. Are you still afraid of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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