The best immortal emperor

Chapter 68 What's flashing?

Chapter 68 What's flashing?
Li Ming chuckled, that smile was so wicked that it made people shudder.

I only heard Li Ming say in a low voice: "Since that's the case, then you all have to do your best!"


Zhu Wei and the others were full of murderous intent, since they had already decided to fight with their lives, they absolutely had no reservations!

The appearance of the golden thunder and lightning spread hundreds of miles away, not only Leixing Mountain was alarmed, but also the blood evil sect and other sects farther away were alarmed!

Transcending the catastrophe and building the foundation attracted the fourth thunder catastrophe, and it was the golden thunder and lightning that should only appear when the Nascent Soul transcends the catastrophe. Isn't it a trivial matter?
Immediately, Lei Xingshan and the surrounding sects reported to the Giant Spirit Sect who controls this large territory!

There are natural disasters and man-made disasters in the star world, small sects cannot exist independently, and can only escape those disasters by attaching to the big sects!
However, the Great Sect is not the biggest force in the Star Realm, and there are some super Sects and dynasties that rule everything!

The dynasty has existed for an unknown number of years, probably hundreds of millions of years, right?

The establishment of every dynasty means the birth of a super peerless powerhouse!

Today, the Star Realm is occupied by the four great dynasties!

They are the Great Qin Dynasty, Great Tang Dynasty, Great Ming Dynasty, and Great Jin Dynasty!

The dynasty has the top cultivation resources in the star world, the top cultivation techniques and peerless beauties!

Those peerless beauties, whenever a man takes a look at them, he will be fascinated and can't sleep at night!

However, those peerless beauties are only the women of the dynasty masters, no man dares to take a second look!
Otherwise, the catastrophe of killing life and genocide will come!
Leixing City is the closest to the place of crossing the catastrophe. Lord Leishan forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart and flew out of Leixing Mountain to investigate.

Because, if you don't find out, if the Giant Spirit Sect is held accountable, he, the mountain master, will definitely bear the blame!

As for fear, it is fear of the identity and background of the person who crossed the catastrophe.

The existence that can attract the fourth thunder calamity is definitely not an ordinary person, it is likely to be a super sect, or even the heir of a dynasty.

These transcendent existences have quick and weird tempers, and if they offend them even a little, it will harm the whole clan!
However, Li Ming is just a boy from the earth, with no background, no influence, and he is completely a mediocre Leishan master!
At this time, Zhu Wei and the others had already made a move, but their flying swords had been useless before, and now they could only take out a weapon at will.

Or a flying sword, or a big knife, or a long stick, and so on!

Li Ming also sacrificed his bronze sword, ready to fight.

The weapons of Zhu Wei and others are low-level enough, but compared with Li Ming's bronze sword, they can be called treasures!
The Bronze Sword is a middle-grade mortal weapon, and everyone else is a top-grade mortal weapon, and Zhu Wei even took out a low-grade magic weapon!
When you saw Li Ming offering a medium-grade mortal weapon, you couldn't help but pause, and asked, "Are you going to use this broken sword?"

"It's enough to kill you!" Li Ming shouted coldly.

"Looking for death!" Zhu Wei shouted, "Break it!" He used his long stick!

This cudgel is called Jinyang Cudgel, a low-grade magic weapon, which he obtained by plundering a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment.

However, because Zhu Wei is good at using swords, and he has a flying sword of the same level, this Jinyang stick is rarely used.

Naturally, the stick method is just average!

Li Ming knew his own shortcomings, he was not as good as them with weapons, and he would never do it head-on.

Therefore, Li Ming instinctively avoided dodging when the Jin Yang stick hit him!
"What are you flashing?" Brother Zhu asked dissatisfied.

"What?" Li Ming paused, looking very puzzled.

 The third shift is over, and the third shift will continue tomorrow, please ask for a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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