The best immortal emperor

Chapter 69 Isn't it an ordinary true essence?

Chapter 69 Isn't it just ordinary real yuan?

"You have now survived the thunder tribulation and become a strong foundation builder, and because you have experienced the baptism of golden thunder and lightning, your strength is far stronger than ordinary monks in the early stage of foundation establishment! This Zhu Wei's foundation is not stable, it must be supplemented by foreign objects to overcome the tribulation Yes, it's not your opponent at all! And your true energy is not ordinary true energy, understand?" Brother Zhu Chuannian said.

"It's not ordinary true essence?" Li Ming was startled, a little confused.

"Try it and you'll know!" Brother Zhu said.

Li Ming focused his eyes, and immediately shot out a sword aura.

Zhu Wei swung the golden yang stick to resist, but when the sword energy hit the golden yang stick, Zhu Wei only felt numb all over, as if struck by lightning!

Li Ming was startled, Chuan Nian asked in surprise, "How could this happen?"

"While the golden thunder and lightning changed your physique, it also changed the true essence in your body. Now your true essence has a certain thunder attribute. However, the thunder attribute is still relatively weak. If you can get the method of thunder and lightning practice in the future, it will be of great benefit. Achievement!" Brother Zhu explained.

"The method of lightning cultivation?" Li Ming was startled, and secretly remembered this!

Zhu Wei recovered from his numbness, and shouted, "Everyone, let's go together!"

The monks who followed Zhu Wei immediately shot at Li Ming.

However, Zhu Wei himself took the opportunity to escape.

Zhu Wei didn't have the guts to fight Li Ming before, but he was really cornered by Li Ming just now.

However, Li Ming's sword energy had the power of thunder and lightning. Zhu Wei knew that even if he had two of himself, he was not Li Ming's opponent!

So, just run away!
"Little man!" Li Ming snorted coldly, and once again used the bronze sword, only to see a series of sword qi, and these monks in the nine realms were directly numb by the electricity.

The sword came out, and the head rolled to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, several monks following Zhu Wei were beheaded by Li Ming!

Li Ming chased after Zhu Wei, Zhu Wei panicked, took out some spirit stones from his body, and said: "Li Ming, I am willing to give you all my belongings, and I only ask you to spare my life!"

As he spoke, Zhu Wei threw a bag.

That is the magic weapon for storage, Qiankun bag!

"Abandon the car to protect the handsome man?" Li Ming squinted his eyes and snorted coldly.

With a wave of Li Ming's hand, a ring shaped like a jade bracelet was thrown out, flying towards the direction where the Qiankun bag fell.

That's not a jade bracelet, it's a white jade scale python that has practiced the Great and Small Ruyi Technique.

Zhu Wei wanted to use the Qiankun bag to lure Li Ming to give up chasing him, but his wishful thinking obviously failed.

Seeing Li Ming ignoring the Qiankun bag and continuing to chase him, Zhu Wei's expression changed drastically, and he asked, "Li Ming, what exactly do you want? There are quite a few spirit stones in my Qiankun bag, and they are middle-grade spirit stones." Shi! Just take it, I will never dare to trouble you again!"

"I want the Qiankun bag, and I want your life!" Li Ming said coldly.

"Li Ming, don't go too far!" Zhu Wei blushed and shouted thickly.

"It's too much, how can you recruit?" Li Ming said aggressively.

"You..." Zhu Wei was at a loss for words and had nothing to say.

"Take another blow from me!" Li Ming shouted coldly.

A sword qi was shot out, Zhu Wei couldn't defend against it, so he took the blow hard!
Li Ming's true energy has the attribute of thunder, and the sword energy is naturally strong and fierce.

A large piece of flesh and blood was cut off from Zhu Wei's back, and at the same time Zhu Wei's whole body was numb.

At this moment of numbness, Li Ming shot out another sword qi, directly taking Zhu Wei's head.

Now, Li Ming understands why Brother Zhu blamed himself for dodging just now.

Based on this lightning effect, even if Zhu Wei is holding a high-grade magic weapon, he is not his opponent.

Fighting at the same level, even a moment of distraction, is fatal!

For a villain like Zhu Wei, if he was killed, he was killed, and he was killed for nothing!

After beheading Zhu Wei, Li Ming snatched Zhu Wei's Jinyang Cudgel.

Li Ming is not good at using sticks, but the material of this Jinyang stick is very good. After melting, it can be used to refine magic weapons again.Even if you are afraid of trouble, you can directly take it to the store to sell, and you can exchange a lot of spirit stones!

At this time, the Baiyu Jinglin Python had already retrieved the Qiankun Bag.

Li Ming unleashed his divine sense to investigate, and found that there were quite a few items in the Qiankun bag, including mid-grade spirit stones worth 12 yuan, and several other top-grade mortal artifacts.

You know, a middle-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for 10 yuan for a low-grade spirit stone.

12 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones equals 120 million low-grade spirit stones!
However, 120 million low-grade spirit stones cannot be exchanged for a middle-grade spirit stone.

Because the purity of spiritual energy in spiritual stones is different, the reason why middle-grade spiritual stones are medium-grade spiritual stones is that the purity of spiritual energy is high.

The higher the purity, the higher the objects that can be supplied for cultivation, so the value is greater.

Low-grade spirit stones are generally only used by monks who refine qi and body, and rarely used by foundation-building monks, because the spirit energy in low-grade spirit stones is not pure enough, and some impurities will remain in the body after absorption.

Therefore, Foundation Establishment monks are more willing to use middle-grade spirit stones.

Of course, if there are top-grade spirit stones, or top-grade spirit stones, that would be great.

However, the best spirit stone is a rare treasure.

The time-honored top-quality spirit stone will generate self-awareness, self-cultivation, and possess great power!

In the black market, 150 million low-grade spirit stones are often needed to exchange for a middle-grade spirit stone.

Li Mingqing counted the treasures inside, three top-grade mortal vessels, ten medium-grade mortal vessels, and dozens of low-grade mortal vessels.

It is estimated that it can sell 80 million low-grade spirit stones.

After all, the materials of these mortal weapons are very ordinary, not special attributes like the Qingfeng sword!
At this time, I heard brother Zhu Chuan said: "Li Ming, leave this place as soon as possible, there are many masters coming! It should be because of that golden lightning!"

Li Ming took a deep breath, flew at low altitude with the bronze sword, and left quickly!
After flying for ten days and nights, Li Ming dared to stop and rest.

Li Ming asked, "Brother Zhu, have they chased you?"

"No." Brother Zhu replied.

Li Ming suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, I heard Li Ming asking: "Brother Zhu, I came here for the resurrection pill, should I go to the God of Medicine Sect now?"

After entering the Star Realm, Brother Zhu is the prescription for the Resurrection Pill, but that is only the main prescription, there are auxiliary prescriptions, and refining techniques.

Brother Zhu didn't know about this.

I heard from Brother Zhu that the Medicine God Sect is the largest alchemy sect in the world, and there should be auxiliary recipes and refining techniques hidden in it!
"The God of Medicine Sect?" Brother Zhu shook his head slightly, and said, "You are only at the Foundation Establishment Realm now, what can you do with the God of Medicine Sect? I'm afraid you can't even get in the door, let alone ask for prescriptions and refining techniques .”

"Then I'll visit the teacher and wait for the opportunity to steal the prescription and refining techniques." Li Ming said firmly.

"Worship to the God of Medicine Sect?" Brother Zhu hesitated slightly, and said for a long time: "It's not a way, it's just..."

"Just what?" Li Ming asked.

(End of this chapter)

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