The best immortal emperor

Chapter 70 Brother Zhu, where is Yunze Lake?

Chapter 70 Brother Zhu, where is Yunze Lake?
I only heard Brother Zhu said: "Accepting disciples in the sect is a major event. Not only do they have requirements on qualifications, but they are also very strict on conduct. Every entry-level disciple has to go through multiple assessments."

"My aptitude and conduct should be fine!" Li Ming said.

Can attract the existence of the fourth thunder calamity, and it is a golden thunder calamity, how can the aptitude be poor?
As for character, Li Ming thinks there is no problem!

Brother Zhu nodded and said: "There is no problem, but there is only one thing that is wrong?"

"Which point?" Li Ming asked with a frown.

"Age!" Brother Zhu replied: "The Zongmen's apprentices generally only accept children between the ages of eight and 13, and at most no more than 15 years old. Are you in your thirties now?"

"This..." Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but fell silent.

But Li Ming was very unwilling, and asked: "Is there no other way?"

"Yes." Brother Zhu affirmed.

"What way?" Li Ming asked.

"Some sects will recruit some powerful casual cultivators as offerings to protect the sect." Brother Zhu said.

"What kind of realm does that require?" Li Ming asked.

"At least Nascent Soul Realm!" Brother Zhu said uncertainly.

Hearing this, Li Ming was silent for a while.

After a while, Li Ming raised his head, looked at the blue sky, and said solemnly: "No matter how difficult it is, I will obtain the auxiliary formula and refining method of the resurrection pill!"

From the establishment of the foundation to the Yuanying, there is also a golden core in the middle, and each realm has the beginning, middle, late stage, and peak!
The higher the realm, the slower the speed of improvement.

Especially in the golden core state, the ordinary heaven and earth aura is no longer able to maintain cultivation, and one needs geniuses, earth treasures, or special auras.

And above the golden core, it is six or nine thunder calamities.

Only after passing through, can the Nascent Soul transform into an infant and become a master of the Nascent Soul Realm!
The road ahead is dangerous and full of dangers, not only to fight with people, but also to fight with the sky!

What can be achieved without a firm will requires a chance.

However, firm will is the foundation of everything. Only with firm will can we go higher and see farther!
After a long time, Li Ming asked, "Brother Zhu, when are you going to Yunze Lake?"

"Your realm is still very low now, wait until you step into the Jindan realm." Brother Zhu said.

Going to Yunze Lake was a promise he had made to Brother Zhu as early as on Earth, and Li Ming never forgot it.

Li Ming asked, "Brother Zhu, where is Yunze Lake?"

"A mansion I used to have! There are still many usable things in it!" Brother Zhu said.

"Your mansion?" Li Ming couldn't help being startled.

"It's just one of them." Brother Zhu corrected.

"Then how many mansions do you have?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"I'll do the math." Brother Zhu calculated.

"Not many?" Li Ming wondered.

"Estimated, about [-] seats." Brother Zhu said.

"Nine hundred?" Li Ming was taken aback, and asked in puzzlement, "Brother Zhu, why are you building so many mansions?"

"Why do you people on Earth buy so many houses? There are as few as two houses, as many as four or five houses, and more than ten houses, or even dozens of houses!" Brother Zhu asked back.

Li Ming was dumb, unable to answer.

After a while, Li Ming asked: "Brother Zhu, is there any good place to retreat? I plan to retreat for a while, and it is best to break through the Golden Core Realm in one fell swoop!"

When Brother Zhu heard this, he almost fell down.

After a while, Brother Zhu said: "Do you think that strength is so easy to improve? And break through the golden core realm in one fell swoop?"

Li Ming was startled, and said: "With my talent, I should be able to reach the Jindan state after several decades of retreat, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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