The best immortal emperor

Chapter 71: Cultivating Primordial Spirit?

Chapter 71: Cultivating Primordial Spirit?

"It is possible to reach the Jindan state, but it is not the best choice. The real improvement is the double improvement of strength and state of mind. Retreat can only improve strength, but not good for state of mind. You invite golden thunder and lightning, and accidentally open up the Jade Mansion, which is comparable to Others should cultivate the gods as soon as possible. Once the consciousness turns into the primordial spirit, you will have an absolute advantage in the same level contest!" Brother Zhu murmured.

"Cultivate primordial spirit?" Li Ming paused and asked, "How to cultivate?"

"Introduce the spirit into Yufu, continue to conceive and raise it, and after a long time, you can refine the primordial spirit!" Brother Zhu replied.

"Then what's the difference between primordial spirit and divine consciousness?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Not to mention the actual difference, the primordial spirit is just a more powerful consciousness. However, cultivating the primordial spirit means having a second life! If unfortunately the body dies, the primordial spirit can still exist independently and meet certain conditions. It can even be reborn." Brother Zhu said.

"Like Sheduo?" Li Ming asked.

"It's almost the same, but the method of reviving the soul is broader. It's not limited to sheduo, it can also resurrect the genius Dibao, etc.!" Brother Zhu said.

Li Ming nodded, expressing his understanding!
As his cultivation improved, what Li Ming heard became more mysterious.

This is the charm of practice. Every time you climb to a higher level, the scenery you see will be different.

"Since we want to cultivate the primordial spirit, I'll find a place to retreat for a while!" Li Ming said.

"Don't worry, your Jade Mansion is just completed, and it's not stable yet, so don't rush to cultivate your spirit." Brother Zhu said, "Before, you got some mortal artifacts, and you can just sell those things and buy some pills for casting the Jade Mansion. "

Li Ming nodded and said, "Thunder Cloud City must not be able to go, and I don't know what other cities are nearby?"

Now, Li Ming desperately hopes to get a map!
"When we find the city, we'll see if there are any maps for sale, and we'll come when we walk in the future!" Li Ming thought to himself.

Now, Li Ming can only look for it with black eyes.

After searching for half a month, Li Ming finally found a city in a dense forest!

No, it's not a city, it can only be called a market place!

Li Ming dropped the flying sword and walked towards the market.

I only heard Brother Zhu Chuannian said: "See if there are any maps for sale. I have been away from the Star Realm for several years. The landforms, cities, and mountain gates of the Star Realm must have changed. Remember, don't buy the pills in the market. Don't ask the monks in the market easily!"

"Why?" Li Ming asked in confusion.

"There are charts for the pills in the market, and many of them are defective products." Brother Zhu replied.

"Then why can't you inquire about things?" Li Mingji asked.

"Shifang is a black market, unlike a city that is bound by etiquette. When you ask others, you unintentionally expose your own details. A casual cultivator like you who has no background is likely to become the target of robbery." Brother Zhu explained .

Li Ming nodded, made a note secretly, and said in his heart: "The Star Realm is really a place where people eat people! You may be robbed wherever you go! Walking in the future, it seems that you should be more careful!"

Sure enough, as soon as Li Ming entered the market, several pairs of eyes glanced at him, and the eyes were quite unfriendly!
Li Ming ignored it and walked straight into the market!
There are only three stores in the market place, one sells pills, one sells magic weapons, and the other has a big signboard with the word 'Miscellaneous', it is a grocery store!

Li Ming went into the grocery store, and the things inside were really miscellaneous. There were medicinal materials for alchemy, materials for refining tools, and corpses of monsters for sale.

Of course, there are maps too!
 The third watch is over, and the writing is a bit tiring. If everyone likes it, please vote for it, bookmark it, and support it if you have money.Thanks to the heroes, tomorrow will continue with three chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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