The best immortal emperor

Chapter 72 Why can't the mud support the wall?

Chapter 72 Why can't the mud support the wall?

Li Ming pointed to the map and said, "Boss, give me one and wrap it up!"

"Okay." The boss responded, immediately took out a map, and said, "300 yuan low-grade spirit stone."

"Here." Li Ming took out 300 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.

Lingshi in one hand, map in the other hand, both money and goods are paid, and neither is owed.

After getting the map, Li Ming turned and left.

"Objectively, I have many other good things here, do you want to take a look again?" Seeing that a customer finally came in, the shop owner was willing to let him go like this?
"No need." Li Ming said lightly, and then left.

After leaving the market place, Li Ming stepped on the bronze sword and left.

Sure enough, two blind-eyed people followed up.

Li Ming didn't want to cause trouble, so he easily got rid of them.

Unfolding the map, Li Ming learned that this place is called Jingdi, which is the site of Jushenzong!
Li Ming easily found where he was. The nearest city happened to be the Giant God Pool built by the Giant God Sect!
Hesitating slightly, Li Ming decided to go to the Jushenchi to have a look, and buy some pills to shape the Yufu by the way!

If Leiyun City is regarded as the government of a small town, then Jushenchi is the district government that governs the town!
It is conceivable that Giant God Pool is much more prosperous than Thunder Cloud City!
Li Ming left with his sword, and arrived at the Giant God's Pool six days later!
I saw that there were two huge stone statues standing outside the city, which were the guardian spirit beasts of the Giant God Sect.

However, he died in the dynasty conquest a hundred years ago.

Statues are for commemoration!
Through the city gate, Li Ming can see the prosperity of the city from a distance, people come and go, it really is not comparable to Leiyun City.

Even the cost of entering the city is five times that of Leiyun City, which requires a full ten spirit stones!
However, ten low-grade spirit stones are a small amount of money to Li Ming, and he is now a millionaire!
After paying ten low-grade spirit stones, Li Ming entered the Giant God's Pool!

As soon as he entered the Giant God's Pool, Li Ming felt a sense of peace, and his heart became inexplicably peaceful!

I only heard that brother Zhu passed on and said: "This is the meditation formation, which can help the monks to be peaceful and peaceful. The bigger the city, the better the effect of the meditation formation! The four royal cities can eliminate the demons!"

"Have you been there?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised.

"Naturally." Brother Zhu said noncommittally.

"I'll go and have a look if I have the chance." Li Ming said while pulling his fist.

"It's not easy to enter the king's city. You can't enter without paying the spirit stones. You need an entry order!" Brother Zhu said.

"Do you have any?" Li Ming asked.

"No." Brother Zhu said.

"Then how did you enter Chengwang City? Or did you lose it?" Li Ming asked.

Since he has entered the royal city, there should be an order to enter the city!
"They invited me over and over again." Brother Zhu said disapprovingly.

However, Li Ming gasped.

please?If you don't go yet, please ask again!
What kind of powerful person was this brother Zhu before he was alive?How can a dynasty be treated so politely?
Li Ming couldn't help thinking of the allusion of visiting the thatched cottage three times!
"Okay, don't be surprised, it's nothing. As long as you are strong enough, there will be a dynasty to invite you, and you may even create a new dynasty yourself!" Brother Zhu said.

"Open a new dynasty?" Li Ming couldn't help but pause.

"Yes, the new dynasty!" Brother Zhu said: "However, establishing a dynasty is not an easy task, it requires absolute strength!"

Li Ming shook his head, he didn't seem very interested, only to see Li Ming said: "I just want a resurrection pill!"

Brother Zhu was furious, wishing he could slap Li Ming twice, why couldn't the mud support the wall?

(End of this chapter)

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