Chapter 73
After a slight pause, Brother Zhu said intentionally or unintentionally: "It is said that the founding emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty also attracted golden thunder and lightning when he established the foundation and crossed the catastrophe in the early years!"

"Golden lightning has also been attracted?" Li Ming suddenly became inexplicably excited.

"Yes, and he only has three lightning tribulations!" Brother Zhu said.

"There are only three ways!" Li Ming suddenly had a sense of superiority. The founding emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty only had three ways of lightning calamity, but he himself had four ways!

"Okay, let's buy the mansion panacea." Brother Zhu broke the atmosphere.

Li Ming came back to his senses and walked towards the city.

Giant God's Pool is larger than Thundercloud City, covering three times the area of ​​Thundercloud City, and it is double-layered!

There is a layer on the ground, and there is another layer suspended in the sky!
The palace suspended in the sky is often used for auction.

Large-scale auctions are only held once every ten years.

Therefore, that layer in the sky is closed all year round.

Li Ming came at the wrong time. The ten-year auction just ended a month ago. If he had come a few days earlier, he would have been lucky enough to participate.

Just attend, not participate, though!
With a worth of millions, even a pair of shoes can't be photographed!
There are three elixir shops in Giant Spirit City, one of which is mainly engaged in elixirs refined by Dynasty Dansifang.

This is the Great Jin Dynasty, so the elixir pharmacy reads of course: Special offer for the Dajin Dan Sifang!

Because it is a national system, the guarantee is high. If you buy a waste pill, you can replace it with a new one for free!

In the general sale of medicinal pills, if you buy and leave your hands, they will not be returned or exchanged.If you buy a waste pill, the seller will not admit it, and the buyer can only consider himself unlucky!

Therefore, the elixir provided by Dansifang is of course high!

The other one, which mainly sells pills provided by Yaoshenzong, is called Yaoshendian!

Because of the special existence of Yaoshenzong, his elixir has been sold for four dynasties, and the unified store is called Yaoshendian!
The price of pills in Yaoshendian is relatively reasonable, but the types of pills sold are very limited, and they are all low-grade products.

After all, pills are huge profits, and all dynasties strictly control them.

As for the effect, because it is a low-level pill, it is not much better than Dansifang.

The other store is a private store!
The elixirs sold were provided by some sects in the Great Jin Dynasty. Due to the lack of supervision and lack of guarantee, the effect was not guaranteed.Naturally, the price is also the cheapest among the three stores!
Li Ming hesitated for a while, and walked towards the God of Medicine shop!

With the word "medicine god" hanging on it, it sounds awesome.

Moreover, Li Ming intends to go to the God of Medicine Sect, so it's better to get closer sooner!

However, after entering the Yaoshen Store, Li Ming realized how stupid he was.

I have the intention to get close to Yaoshendian, but it rejects people thousands of miles away.

A mansion panacea requires a full 12 middle-grade spirit stones!

Yes, mid-grade spirit stones!

But now, Li Ming only has 12 yuan!

Helpless, Li Ming had no choice but to leave the Yaoshen shop in pain!
In fact, Li Ming should have thought about the high price of Fu Ling Pill, after all, it is a pill that can only be used at the Golden Core Realm!
The God of Medicine store can't afford it, and the special offering of Dajindansifang can't afford it even more. Li Ming can only go to the pharmacy that doesn't even have a name, but only hangs a banner with the word "Dan" on it!
A pharmacy like this is not qualified to be listed.

Of course, Li Ming didn't hold out too much hope!
Although the price is cheap, the difference should not be too big.

Sure enough, a Fuling Pill in the pharmacy with the Pill Banner is priced at [-] middle-grade spirit stones.

It was a full 4 yuan cheaper than Yaoshen Store, but it was still not affordable for Li Ming.

A penny stumps a man!

Li Ming was a little puzzled, wondering how to make money?
Without money, Li Ming could only get up and leave!

(End of this chapter)

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