Chapter 74

"Young man, don't rush away. Take a look again. Although the pills in our store are not as good as the two next door, but the price is cheap, I guarantee you won't suffer a loss if you buy it!" As a customer, he would not let Li Ming go easily.

The shop owner hurriedly said: "We have a wide variety of elixir in our store. Do you want the elixir for body casting, the elixir for nourishing the spirit, or other special elixirs."

Li Ming felt bitter, and said helplessly, "Boss, I'm sorry, I don't have money to buy it."

"The price is negotiable, which elixir do you like?" the shop owner said with a smile.

"Fu Ling Pill." Li Ming said.

"Fu Ling Pill?" The store owner paused, looked at Li Ming in surprise, and asked, "You haven't reached the Golden Core Realm yet, have you?"

"Boss, I came to see for my brother. He has no time to get out because of his retreat." Li Ming lied.

"That's right." The store owner frowned and asked, "How many spirit stones do you have?"

"Ten middle-grade spirit stones." Li Ming said shyly.

"Only ten yuan?" The store owner looked very surprised.

"En." Li Ming definitely answered.

The shop owner thought for a while, and said: "Young man, if you can have ten thousand pieces of middle-grade spirit stones, I can still lend you the mansion spirit pill on credit for the time being, and you can pay back the owed money slowly in the future. However, ten yuan is really ..."

The shop owner also looked helpless.

"I know, then I'll leave first, and come back when I have the spirit stone." Li Ming said.

"You are welcome anytime!" The store owner was still smiling, "By the way, if you want to earn Lingshi, you can go to the bulletin board next to the City Lord's Mansion."

"Bulletin board?" Li Ming couldn't help but pause.

"Yes, the bulletin board. If you want to post a mission, you have to go through the bulletin board of the City Lord's Mansion. Private posting is not allowed." The shop owner explained.

"Oh, I'll go and have a look." Li Ming asked the direction of the Qing City Lord's Mansion, and left straight away.

Not long after, Li Ming came to the City Lord's Mansion.

Sure enough, there was a large stone wall standing on the square next to the City Lord's Mansion.

There are missions posted on the stone wall, the easiest one is to send a letter to the small town below.

Complete the task and get 300 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.

Higher tasks include escorting, hunting monsters in teams, and the rewards vary, more or less.

Among them, the most attractive one is to find out about the golden thunder and lightning a while ago. Anyone who provides valuable information will get [-] middle-grade spirit stones!
Seeing this, Li Ming's heart skipped a beat, the golden thunder and lightning he had attracted the Giant God Sect's attention!
However, fortunately, Zhu Wei and others who saw the golden thunder and lightning that day had all been beheaded.

Li Ming felt a little more at ease in his heart!

The golden thunder and lightning not only attracted the attention of Giant God Sect, but also spread to the Great Jin Dynasty!
Moreover, the dynasty has sent a general here to investigate the matter.

Li Ming didn't know that the idea of ​​the Dajin Dynasty had been aroused, let alone that the Dajin Dynasty had come to investigate!

Li Ming, who was paying attention to the task, suddenly lit up, and a task attracted Li Ming.

Escort the spirit grass to the God of Medicine Sect!
Remuneration, [-] middle-grade spirit stones, mission requirements, minimum initial stage of foundation building!
I only heard Li Ming muttering to himself: "This task can be done. Although the reward is only a hundred middle-grade spirit stones, it will be a good thing if I can go to the God of Medicine Sect to have a look!"

Li Ming did not hesitate and was ready to take on this task.

Accepting the task is very simple, whichever task you like, just register at the gate of the next door City Lord's Mansion.

 There are only two updates today, something is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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