The best immortal emperor

Chapter 75 Registration

Chapter 75 Registration
The City Lord's Mansion is the center of the Giant God's Pool, in charge of some administration, and is also the symbol of the Giant God's Sect in the Giant God's Pool, with a transcendent status!
Regardless of the fact that the disciples of the Giant God Sect who run errands in the City Lord's Mansion do not have high cultivation levels, no one dares to easily offend them.

If you offend them, even if you fail to receive the task, you might be blacklisted and banned from entering the city forever!

The city built by each sect is not only used to open shops and trade and make profits, but it is more to shelter the surrounding casual cultivators.

The star world is not stable, besides natural disasters and man-made disasters, there are often beast hordes.

The beast horde is coming, and the casual cultivators can only escape the catastrophe if they enter the city.

Otherwise, he would definitely die in the beast horde!

Of course, the price of avoiding disasters is not cheap, often bankrupt, and even have to sell themselves!

After completing the registration, Li Ming left the City Lord's Mansion.

Three days later, the mission stone wall will announce the list of accepted missions.

After a while, Li Ming moved around the city.

When it was getting dark, Li Ming came out of Jushenchi.

The night in the mountains outside the city is not peaceful, and monsters often appear.

If you encounter a big monster and go out, you will definitely die.

However, there are regulations in Jushenchi. When it gets dark, the store will be closed and no traffic will be allowed on the street.

If you want to stay in the city, you must stay overnight in a city restaurant.

Otherwise, once it is seized by the moat team, it will be thrown into prison and become a criminal!

However, the charge of the Jushenchi restaurant is not low, and the simplest room requires a hundred middle-grade spirit stones.

Li Ming only has 12 yuan, even if he has a hundred middle-grade spirit stones, he still can't bear it!

There are many monks like Li Ming who can't afford the accommodation fee, and they leave the city as soon as it gets dark.

This time, the gate of the city was already a little congested.

According to Li Ming's estimate, the number of people leaving the city is no less than 6000!
During this time, Li Ming has been staying in the mountains outside the city.

A few times I did encounter a big demon traveling, but Li Ming avoided them all.

After leaving the city, Li Ming found a place to stay and stayed here for three days.

On the fourth day, Li Ming went to the city to check whether the task was accepted or not.

After paying ten low-grade spirit stones, Li Ming entered the Giant God's Pool and went straight to the large square next to the City Lord's Mansion.

Many missions announced the list of recipients today, and many monks gathered in the square.

Most of them are foundation-building monks like Li Ming, who also have Jindan cultivation.

The tasks that Jindan Realm receives are usually to follow the Yuanying strongman to explore unknown caves, or to hunt for treasures.

The risk factor is high, and the rewards are extraordinary.

There are two sources of danger, one is the danger of the task itself, and the other is from the person who issued the task.

Because, if a giant treasure is obtained during the exploration, the person who issued the task is likely to silence and block the news.

Therefore, Jindan monks should be extremely careful when accepting tasks!

Li Ming waited for a while, and when he saw the list of tasks for escorting the spirit grass to the God of Medicine, his name was on the list!
I saw at the end of the list it said, those who accept the task, report to Yaoshendian today, and leave tomorrow!
Afterwards, Li Ming went to the God of Medicine Store!

When he came to the Yaoshen store, Li Ming expressed his intention to come, and the store owner asked Li Ming to go to the backyard.

Four monks have come here to report and are waiting.

After a while, all ten monks who took over the task arrived.

The person in charge of escorting the spirit grass said: "Everyone, everyone will rest in this yard today, and leave early tomorrow morning. It is estimated that we will arrive at the God of Medicine Sect in three months. It will be hard work along the way, and I hope you will bear with me! If you want to quit now, There is still time. Once you set off, you are absolutely not allowed to leave the team, otherwise you will be killed without mercy!"

 Today, I helped my friend move. Tonight, my friend invited the hero to have a big meal. It’s so cool!Another three catties fat.

(End of this chapter)

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