Chapter 76 Escort
After a slight pause, the person in charge scanned the crowd and asked, "Do you understand everything?"

"Understood." Everyone responded in unison.

The reason for not being allowed to leave the team halfway is to prevent the route from being exposed and cause trouble!
Although the God of Medicine Sect is a famous sect in the world, as long as it is done cleanly without leaving any evidence, the God of Medicine Sect has nothing to do.

Moreover, this kind of thing happens from time to time, and one time out of ten escorts will suffer disaster!
However, Jushenchi is just a small town, and the spiritual herbs purchased are limited, and they are all ordinary goods.

Therefore, there are almost no accidents in the escort here.

Afterwards, the person in charge briefly explained the main points of the escort and left.

The monks who accepted the mission stayed in the courtyard and could not go anywhere.

The yard is relatively spacious, with tea tables and chairs.

Li Ming sat in a corner, drinking and checking.

Suddenly, a monk came over, looked around, saw that no one noticed him, and asked in a low voice, "What's your name, Xiongtai?"

Li Ming turned to look at him, and asked without answering, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay." The man smiled, but then he suppressed his voice and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Brother, have you heard? The spiritual grass we escorted this time is hidden in the sky Materials and treasures."

"En?" Li Ming couldn't help but pause, what happened?

"You don't know?" The man was slightly surprised.

Li Ming shook his head, expressing that he did not know.

The man looked around again, and said in a low voice, "I'm also hearing about this, so I don't know if it's true or not. However, if there are really treasures, I'm afraid this trip will not be peaceful!"

"Okay, remember to keep this matter secret, others will tell you." After the man finished speaking, he got up and left.

I saw that person came to the side of other monks and muttered again.

Li Ming knew that he was definitely talking about the treasures of heaven and earth.

Not long after, everyone in the escort team knew about it.

However, they dare not discuss it.

In a blink of an eye, it was getting dark.

Li Ming stayed up all night, and the matter of Tiancaidibao was always echoing in his mind, as if he was dazed.

The sky turned white, and it was just a little bit dim when the person in charge of escorting the spirit grass came to organize everyone to set off.

However, it was empty-handed.

It wasn't until the gate of the city that Li Ming saw the spirit grass being escorted. There were three big carts pulled by rare horses!

The Linjiao horse is covered with fish-like scales and looks like a horse. It has a docile temperament and is good at long distances. It is the first choice for escorts of different schools.

Seeing the three big carts of spiritual herbs, Li Ming felt a little puzzled. There is no shortage of magic treasures in the Star Realm, and these spirit herbs can be transported away in the magic treasures.That will not only save trouble, but also be safe.

Escorted by a truck like this, there will be ghosts if there are no problems.

Li Ming didn't know that the three big carts were not filled with spiritual herbs, but magic treasures filled with spiritual herbs.

I saw a man in Jushenzong's attire beside the truck approaching, clasped his fists at the escort and said, "Brother Liu Heng, the cargo is here, do you want to inspect it?"

"Don't be so troublesome, the reputation of the Giant God Sect has always been good, and it's not the first time you and I have dealt with each other!" Liu Heng, who was in charge of the escort, said indifferently.

"Then I won't give it away." The Giant God Sect disciple said.

"Farewell!" Liu Heng clasped his fists.

Immediately, Liu Heng led everyone out of the Giant God Pool!
The person driving the car was brought by Liu Heng himself, a disciple of the God of Medicine Sect!
Li Ming and other ten people are only responsible for the safety of the goods.

A group of people, wearing the stars and wearing the moon, set off facing the sky.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, the convoy tried to choose a small road with few people.

 Let's start from the first update and continue to write.I am on vacation today, I have plenty of time, and I will write three more chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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