The best immortal emperor

Chapter 77 Rumors of the Golden Lightning

Chapter 77 Rumors of the Golden Lightning

In a blink of an eye, it was bright.

The group continued on their way without any rest.

The speed of the Unicorn Horse is not fast, but it is not too slow either. If it were not for the bumpy path, the speed of the Unicorn Horse might be even faster!
Liu Heng didn't let everyone rest in place until business.

The disciple of the God of Medicine Sect who was driving also fed some fodder for the Linjiao horse.

The rest time was not long, and I continued to rush after a while.

On the road, very boring.

A monk asked, "Have you heard about the golden lightning?"

"Golden lightning? Is it the golden lightning caused by the foundation building and crossing the catastrophe that was full of wind and rain a while ago?" A monk asked.

"That's right, that's right." The previous monk replied.

"I've also heard about this. I heard that the guy who built the foundation was a genius. During the time of the catastrophe, the thunder spread hundreds of miles away. Now, the monks in the whole area are looking for the man who survived the catastrophe. news, but the person who crossed the catastrophe seems to have evaporated from the world." Another monk continued.

"That's right, if there is news of the person who has crossed the catastrophe, you can go to the Giant God Sect to receive ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones."

"Guan Liu, have you heard about the man who crossed the catastrophe?" a monk asked.

"I heard it a little bit." Liu Heng replied lightly.

"Is your Medicine God Sect also looking for this person's whereabouts?" Another monk asked.

"This is not the case. After all, this is the site of the Great Jin Dynasty. The emergence of talents is also the business of his Great Jin Dynasty. No one else can interfere." Liu Heng said.

"That's true." A monk responded: "I heard that the founding emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty also attracted golden thunder and lightning. Build your own dynasty."

"Establishing a dynasty is easier said than done? Is it a matter of time?" Liu Heng said.

"I don't think that person will live long," said a monk.

"Why do you know?" This question was not asked by others, it was Li Ming!

I only heard the man say: "Although the world is big, it has been divided up by the four great dynasties. All the dynasties want to expand their territories, and there are constant wars. The Great Jin Dynasty has always been small, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to tolerate such a genius. Just in case, he will be executed to avoid future troubles."

"Not necessarily. The Twelve Princes are currently in charge of the Great Jin Dynasty. The Twelve Princes have both ability and political integrity, and are eager to seek talents. If you can find someone who can overcome the catastrophe and build a foundation, I'm afraid they will be high-ranking officials and rich in salary. Train them well!" Another said a monk.

"No, no." The previous monk argued.

"If you don't believe me, then look at it with admiration. You will know when you find the cultivator who built the foundation through the catastrophe."

"Okay, let's not talk about that person, Heifengling is ahead, everyone be more vigilant." Liu Heng reminded.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

While speaking, Liu Heng took out a flag and hung it on the first car.

The flag moves with the wind, with the words 'God of Medicine' written on it.

This is the unique banner of the God of Medicine Sect!

Li Ming didn't know where Heifeng Ridge was in front of him. Seeing that the faces of the people who were talking and laughing became serious, Li Ming couldn't help becoming vigilant.

In the Star Realm, killings and robberies happen from time to time.

Especially in this wilderness far away from the city, it is not uncommon for one or two bandits to occupy themselves.

This Black Wind Ridge is occupied by a group of bandits.

This group of robbers is quite strong, and the leader of the bandits has reached the late stage of foundation establishment.

In this area, there is a small reputation, which is not something ordinary people can provoke!

 The second update is here, keep writing!There will be a third update.

(End of this chapter)

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