The best immortal emperor

Chapter 78 Who is coming?

Chapter 78 Who is coming?
Entering Heifeng Ridge, the atmosphere obviously became a little depressed. Everyone who was talking and laughing before, all shut their mouths now.

Even the horned horse was put on a mask to prevent it from barking and attracting robbers in the mountains.

Li Ming felt that these actions should not be of much use.

Since the robbers in Heifengling make a living by looting goods, they must set up guard posts, and you can't open more if you are careful.

Sure enough, as Li Ming expected, when the chariots and horses of Yaoshenzong entered the range of Heifengling, the sentry found them and immediately reported them to the leader!
"Is it from the God of Medicine Sect?" asked the bandit leader.

"Exactly, big boss." The sentry replied.

"Second brother, did the Yaoshenzong cross the border last time?" the big leader asked.

"Brother, the last time the goods of the God of Medicine Sect passed through the border coincided with fasting, so there was no rush." ​​The second leader replied.

"Oh." The chief nodded in response, and continued to ask: "Then can it be opened this month?"

"Big brother, it hasn't opened yet." The second leader said.

"Since this is the case, what are you still doing? Copy guys, follow me down the mountain to snatch them!" said the big leader.

"Boss, the God of Medicine Sect's status is supernatural, and there are tens of thousands of strong ones. Snatching their goods may cause trouble." The second leader reminded.

The chief also knew that the God of Medicine Sect was powerful, but how could he not take a bite of the fat in his mouth?

I only heard that the chief asked: "Military division, what good strategy do you have?"

There are three main characters in Heifengling, the big leader, the second leader, and the resourceful military adviser.

The military adviser thought for a while and said, "The God of Medicine Sect is far away from here. Even if we rob them of their goods, they will be beyond their reach. However, I am a little worried about the God of Medicine Sect."

"How do you say that?" the chief asked.

"Boss, the God of Medicine Sect is far away from here. If they send people to encircle and suppress us, we can temporarily disperse and fight against them. After they leave, we will form a gang. After all, it is impossible for the God of Medicine Sect to be stationed all year round. So. However, the Giant God Sect is different." The military division said eloquently.

"Continue," said the chief.

"The Giant God Sect has always been eager to make friends with the Medicine God Sect, but the Giant God Sect is only a small sect and has no qualifications at all. If the Giant God Sect hears about the robbery of the Medicine God Sect's goods, maybe they will take the initiative to ask for help and take our head Please them. The Giant God Sect's sect is not far away, once the Giant God Sect targets it, it will be a big trouble." The military adviser said.

The big leader nodded, knowing the seriousness of the relationship, but he was very unwilling and said, "Let them go like this? Brothers haven't seen any meat this month."

The military adviser frowned, thought for a while and said, "Boss, we can do this!"

The big leader was a little unhappy when he heard this, but it was the only way to think about it!That is to say: "Pass my order, all dispatched, old and weak, women and children all go together!"

"Yes!" The two leaders took the order.

Immediately, a group of bandits from Heifengling came down the mountain aggressively!
Liu Heng chose to go to Heifengling because he walked there last time without any accident.

I thought, the bandits in Heifengling were scared when they saw the banner of their Medicine God Sect!

However, just when Liu Heng thought he could cross Heifeng Ridge safely, a shout suddenly came from the entrance of the valley ahead, asking, "Who is here?"

Hearing this, Liu Heng couldn't help but pause, knowing that he had encountered a robber, he subconsciously turned his head to look at the coachman driving the first rare horse.

No one noticed this action, only Li Ming.

Li Ming knew that the real leader of the escort this time was the coachman!
 The third watch is over!
(End of this chapter)

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