Chapter 79
I saw Liu Heng stepped forward and said: "Everyone who is a green forest hero, we belong to the God of Medicine Sect. Let's do something else. There are a hundred middle-grade spirit stones here!"

With that said, Liu Heng took out a hundred middle-grade spirit stones.

At this time, if the robbers stop here, they will leave, and Liu Heng only needs to put down the spirit stone.

However, it is clear that a hundred middle-grade spirit stones cannot satisfy the appetite of the big leader.

I only heard that the big leader said: "We have a family, at least 500 people, and you only have [-] middle-grade spirit stones. How do we divide them?"

"It's easy to say, another four hundred!" Liu Heng said.

Hearing this, the big leader was slightly silent, only to hear the military adviser next to him say: "Big leader, it's almost time to accept it."

"No." The chief said with a wave of his hand: "Getting five hundred middle-grade spirit stones so easily is definitely not their bottom line."

I only heard the big leader open his voice and said: "Five hundred is still less, at least one thousand!"

Liu Heng paused, glanced at the coachman, and said after getting a hint: "One thousand is one thousand!"

On the other side of the valley, the chief hesitated slightly, and said, "It's really weird, I didn't expect this Yao Shenzong to be so easy to talk to! If you want one thousand, you can give one thousand! I should have known that it was two thousand!"

"Brother, it's still too late to change your words." The second in command said, he had never seen such an easy target to rob.

The military adviser dissuaded him and said, "Boss, don't change your mind anymore."

"What are you afraid of? Look at the appearance of these people from the Yaoshenzong. They are all cowards. Two thousand is not enough!" I saw the big leader shouting greedily: "Just now I suddenly remembered that our village is broken. You donate some spirit stones!" Repair it for us? Not much, just five thousand middle-grade spirit stones!"

Hearing this, Liu Heng couldn't help frowning.

Although five thousand mid-grade spirit stones is not a small amount, it is nothing to the rich and powerful Yao Shenzong.

However, the robber's insatiable greed irritated Liu Heng a little, he promised to give five hundred, asked for one thousand, promised to give one thousand, asked for five thousand, and if he promised again, the price would rise to ten thousand again!

Liu Heng stepped forward and asked coldly, "Is your appetite too big?"

"Big? Is it big? I've always been like this!" the chief said disapprovingly.

"Since this is the case, then I will teach you how to do it!" Liu Heng said coldly.

With a wave of Liu Heng's hand, the recruited guards rushed up, facing each other with swords drawn.

Regardless of the large number of bandits on the side, there are only five or six who can really fight.

Other than that, they are all little Luo Luo who has not established a foundation.

There is a world of difference between building a foundation and not building a foundation. Building a foundation can instantly kill monks who have not established a foundation, and can also kill ten monks one by one!

The guards recruited on this trip are at least in the early stage of foundation establishment, and the robbers are not their opponents at all!
Seeing that they were about to fight, the two leaders were anxious and asked, "Military Master, what should I do?"

"Damn it, what are you afraid of? At worst, we all join forces and snatch the goods together. If you are worried about being retaliated, at worst, change the mountain and become king again!" The big leader also had a bad temper, and said coldly.

The military division was slightly silent, and said: "This matter is a bit strange."

"Strange? Where is the strangeness?" The big leader asked in surprise.

"Let's talk about this matter later, first stabilize the people of the God of Medicine Sect." The military division stepped forward and calmly said: "How much money are you willing to pay for the road?"

Liu Heng paused and said, "One hundred middle-grade spirit stones, the most!"

 There is a change today, there is a dinner tonight, and I don't know what time I will be back.

(End of this chapter)

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