Chapter 80
"One hundred?" The robber was also given a meal.

The big leader jumped anxiously and asked, "Didn't you just promise to give one thousand?"

"I promised before, but you guys are really greedy, so now I only have 100 yuan!" Liu Heng said flatly.

"Damn it!" Both the chief and the second chief were enraged.

I saw the military division say: "100 yuan is 100 yuan!"

"Military division, you..." the chief asked with suppressed anger.

"Boss, don't be angry, I will explain to you later." The military division said.

"Okay, if you don't have a good explanation later, I'll take your skin off!" The big leader shouted coldly.

"Definitely, definitely." The military adviser smiled apologetically, but in the depths of his pupils was a viciousness like a poisonous snake!

"Let's go!" The big leader led the robbers away unwillingly.

When Liu Heng saw that the robbers had really retreated, he couldn't help but pause.

Then, Liu Heng put the 100 yuan mid-grade spirit stone on the spot.

Immediately, the convoy moved on.

However, the coachman driving the third rare horse claimed to relieve himself and left for the time being.

Li Ming had an ominous premonition, and his intuition told him that the robbers were going to be in trouble!
The big leader went back to the village angrily, the military division collected the spirit stones at the foot of the mountain, but he didn't return, which made the big leader even more angry.

The two leaders were also very angry, and muttered: "What is the meaning of this military adviser? One hundred spirit stones also agreed? The God of Medicine Sect is obviously a fat sheep!"

"Shut up!" The big leader shouted coldly.

The second leader can only keep his mouth shut, he is too depressed!
After waiting for a long time, the army division has not yet returned to the mountain, so the chief and second leaders are unavoidably anxious.

I only heard the second leader say: "Brother, why don't I go down the mountain to have a look."

The big leader had a gloomy face, and shouted: "Hurry up and come back!"

"Yes." The two leaders replied.

Immediately, the two leaders left the cottage hall.

However, as soon as he left the main hall of the cottage, the second leader fell down.

With an arrow in the eyebrow, he died!
The arrow is a sleeve arrow, with superb attainments, making it impossible to guard against!

Then, I saw a person walking into the main hall of the cottage!
When the chief saw an outsider coming, he couldn't help but frown and asked, "Who are you?"

The visitor didn't answer and said, "You are the only one left!"

"What?" The chief was startled and asked in surprise.

"Die!" The man shot suddenly!
The big leader was startled, and immediately resorted to a magic weapon to deal with it.

However, it was too late.

I saw that man pierced the big leader's heart with a sword, and by pulling it out, he split the big leader in half!

The big leader died and went to Huangquan!

This person, none other than the coachman driving the third rare horse!

After killing all the robbers, this person prevented the fire again and burned this place to nothing!

Immediately, this person quickly caught up with the large army.

This person thought that he had killed all the robbers, but he didn't know that there was still a fish that slipped through the net, the bandit military advisor!
When the big leader was asking for prices all over the sky, the military division had been observing secretly.

The strength of the military division is not weak, in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

The military division found that the minimum cultivation level of the escorted goods on this trip was Foundation Establishment, and there were a few unfathomable ones.

With such a lineup, the escort is by no means ordinary cargo.

Originally, these were just speculations.

However, seeing bursts of black smoke rising from the lair, the military adviser knew that his guess was right!

Because, if it weren't for the betting of heavy treasures, it would be impossible to make such a ruthless move!

The military master didn't go back to the mountain, afraid of meeting someone from the God of Medicine Sect.

There is a lot of money to bet on, such news is not trivial, and if used properly, you can definitely make a lot of money!
However, the price is a bit heavy, the lives of hundreds of robbers!

However, the military division didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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