The best immortal emperor

Chapter 81 When in danger, save your life No. 1!

Chapter 81 When in danger, save your life first!

Yao Shenzong's convoy continued to move forward, and the driver of the third truck had already returned.

However, there is a faint smell of blood on the body, no matter how good the demonstration is, it will not work!
Li Ming seemed to have guessed something, and felt a little uneasy.

The origin of the bloody smell on the driver's body is self-evident, it is those robbers.

Here comes the question, since the coachman can eliminate those robbers by himself and is absolutely powerful, why should he recruit Li Ming and his like?
The answer is obvious, the God of Medicine Sect didn't expect them to help deal with the bandits at all, but to cover people's eyes and ears.

"What are you betting on for this trip?" Li Ming thought to himself.

It seems that what the monk who revealed the news of Tiancaidibao before was true!

Thinking of this, Li Ming couldn't help but sneak a glance at him!
The convoy has been moving forward for more than half a month, and has been in peace.

But at the end of the month, it began to rain lightly.

Fortunately, it was Xiaoyu, not Huo, otherwise Li Ming would be in trouble.

The robe on Li Ming's body is just a simple robe, not a cassock, which cannot avoid fire.

The last time there was a big fire from the sky, it was very embarrassing!
The rain was a little pattering, and the road ahead became a little muddy.

However, it has no effect on the unicorn horse, and they are on their way as usual!
It rained for a full week, the water in the river surged, and mudslides occurred in some places.

Some villages at the foot of the mountain were buried underground forever!
After the rain stopped, the sky cleared up, and the sky was blue and blue!
The air after the rain is very fresh, this is the purest air Li Ming has breathed so far, without any pollution, pure and natural!

After walking for a few more days, Liu Heng suddenly said: "Everyone cheer up, there are some unrests recently."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and the bad feeling suddenly became stronger.

The other monks didn't take it seriously. Looking around here, there was nothing dangerous!

Li Ming secretly sent a message and asked, "Brother Zhu, what happened recently?"

I only heard Brother Zhu Chuannian said: "Have you noticed that bird in the sky?"

Li Ming paused, Chuan Nian said: "I noticed, is there something wrong with it?"

"That's not an ordinary bird, it's a phoenix-tailed vulture. This eagle is good at tracking and is often kept in captivity." Brother Zhu Chuannian said.

"So, someone is already watching us?" Li Ming was secretly startled.

"Yes." Brother Zhu replied.

After a slight pause, Li Ming continued to ask: "Brother Zhu, you may have detected what was on the three trucks?"

"Storage magic weapon." Brother Zhu said.

"Storage magic weapon? Isn't it a spiritual herb?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"The spirit grass is naturally placed in the storage magic weapon." Brother Zhu said.

"Three carts full of magic treasures?" Li Ming gasped, how many spirit herbs must be loaded?
After a slight pause, Li Ming continued to ask: "Brother Zhu, you may have detected what is stored in the treasure?"

"No!" Brother Zhu said directly.

Li Ming was slightly disappointed.

Brother Wenzhu reminded: "Li Ming, be careful yourself. In case of danger, save your life first!"

"I know." Li Ming replied.

Li Ming didn't want to die, let alone die. Lin Ruyu was still waiting for him in the ice coffin, as was his wife and children at home.

Therefore, he must not die in this star realm!
He must go back alive!

After walking in fear for a few days, I walked out of this plain and came to a mountain.

In a mountain like this, traps are the easiest to set up, and once trapped in the formation, it will be very troublesome.

Liu Heng looked at the dense forest in front of him, and then at the phoenix-tailed vulture hovering in the sky.

In the end, I decided to go to the plains to bypass the mountains!

The price of such a decision has increased the journey by half a month!
However, it is safer than taking the mountain road.

(End of this chapter)

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