The best immortal emperor

Chapter 82 The White Fan of Moyun Cave?

Chapter 82 The White Fan of Moyun Cave?
Carry on and be safe all the time.

However, the phoenix-tailed vulture, which was lingering above the head and refused to leave, suddenly left.

Li Ming looked at the sky, it was blue and blue, but the uneasiness in his heart doubled.

The escort task stipulates that you can't leave the team, otherwise you will be killed without mercy!

Now, Li Ming only hopes to complete the task safely.

Wishes are always beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Three days later, there was a loud cry from the sky, and then the phoenix-tailed vulture, which had gone in suddenly, turned back.

Moreover, there was a man standing on its back.

I saw the man wearing a long-distance running in a black cassock, with a long silver belt around his waist, disheveled hair, holding a long gun, and a red heart between his eyebrows. He looked very strange!
When Liu Heng saw this person, his expression changed immediately, as did the expressions of the three coachmen.

Li Ming knows, please come to the door!

In an instant, the phoenix-tailed vulture flew over the heads of everyone.

The man with disheveled hair and a spear in his hand yelled loudly: "Listen, people below, and hand over the treasure quickly, or your life will be lost!"

Liu Heng's expression turned cold, and he asked, "Is the visitor the white fan of Moyun Cave?"

"You know me?" The man who was riding a phoenix-tailed vulture and holding a spear asked slightly surprised.

"Haha, of course I've heard of the name of White Fan." Liu Heng flattered.

"Don't get close to me, don't care if you've heard of it or not, quickly hand over the treasure you escorted!" Moyun Cave White Fan said without losing face.

Liu Heng turned cold, and said, "I don't know what you're talking about, what treasure?"

"Stop pretending to be ignorant, if you don't have a heavy treasure, are you going to kill the bandits in Heifengling?" Bai Fan asked.

"The bandits in Heifengling have been wiped out?" Liu Heng looked ignorant, but in fact, he was completely pretending.There are a lot of thoughts in my heart, thinking about where to show my feet.

"Stop pretending, their military adviser is not dead." Bai Fan said bluntly.

Hearing this, Liu Heng's face changed slightly, but he still refused to admit it and said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"I don't have the patience to talk nonsense with you, if you don't hand it over, you will die!" Bai Fan said harshly.

Liu Heng's face was not good-looking, and he reminded him heavily: "The Medicine God Sect is not easy to provoke. If you are so arrogant, aren't you afraid of bringing disaster to the Moyun Grotto?"

"If you kill all of you, no one will know that I did it?" White Fan said sinisterly, like a poisonous snake hiding in the grass.

"You..." Liu Heng's face became more and more ugly.

"Don't try to escape, you are only at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, I am already a Jindan Daoist, there is no possibility of you escaping in front of me!" Bai Fan said condescendingly.

"Golden Core Master! You have reached the Golden Core Realm!" Liu Heng looked in disbelief.

Li Ming was also taken aback. You know, the owner of Leixing Mountain is only a Golden Core cultivation base.

This white fan is actually a Jindan cultivator, with such strength, it is completely possible to establish a sect on its own!
"Is it necessary to be so surprised? Although Jindan Realm can be regarded as a small master, it is not difficult to break through. When I enter the Nascent Soul Realm, you will be surprised soon!" Bai Fan said arrogantly, and then said: "Let me Let me see what's on your car!"

As he said that, Bai Fan swung the spear in his hand, and a stream of gunfire swept out.

Immediately, Linjiao was startled and became restless.

I saw the gunfire sweeping towards the truck, trying to split the truck!

"Looking for death!" The leader of the coachman jumped suddenly, and at some point he had an extra weapon in his hand.

The shape of the weapon is a bit weird, half crescent, with a handle inside the crescent, and it fits perfectly when held in the hand.

The groom flicked the crescent blade, and immediately shot out a blue light, which pierced the white fan's gunfire.

"En?" Seeing this, Bai Fan didn't hesitate, and secretly said: "You are a master!"

After a slight pause, Bai Fan asked, "Who is here?"

"Your ancestor!" When the groom drank it, his body's body plummeted, and the blue groom's uniform turned into dust, revealing the cassock inside.

The cassock is purple in color and glows dazzlingly under the sunlight.

At first glance, it is a precious garment!
In addition, the broken shoes on the feet also changed suddenly, a pair of glass Xiangyun boots, dressed in plain clothes!
Bai Fanzi's expression was dignified. Although he didn't know the person in front of him, he had to pay attention to the cassock and boots as middle-grade treasures.

And the crescent-shaped weapon in his hand has reached the top-grade treasure.

Treasures of this level can only be found in the key disciples trained by the Medicine God Sect!

I only heard the man order: "Liu Heng, take everyone away and adopt the second plan!"

"Yes! Brother Qiu Yun!" Liu Heng replied.

Immediately, Liu Heng took everyone away.

"Want to leave? How can it be so easy?" Bai Fan let them go just like that.

"Your opponent is me!" Qiu Yun immediately stopped Bai Fanzi.

"Okay, I'll kill you first, take all your treasures, and then go to Liu Heng's rhyming treasure!" Bai Fan said coldly.

Saying this, the phoenix-tailed vulture under his feet uttered a high-pitched cry, which was extraordinarily imposing!

"Arrogance! Just rely on you?" Qiu Yun said disdainfully.

"Eat me!" Bai Fan shouted angrily.

Liu Heng left quickly with the big guys, including Li Ming, everyone dared not neglect.

The confrontation between Jindan young masters is extraordinary, and monks of their level are likely to be injured by mistake!
Li Ming had already seen that the first groom was extraordinary, but he never expected that he was actually a little master of golden core!
With the cultivation base of Jindan, it instantly kills all foundations, including the peak foundations!

The difference in level is like strict etiquette!Do not overstep!

Liu Heng didn't go on the plain, but entered the forest at the fastest speed.

The mountains and forests are towering, the cities are complicated, and there is miasma, so it is not easy to be chased.

Everyone ran for their lives, regardless of whether Senior Brother Qiu Yun was alive or not.

Because, no one here can help, except Li Ming!
Although Li Ming's strength is not good, he can arrange formations.

If Li Ming arranges an offensive and defensive formation for Qiu Yun, Qiu Yun will definitely occupy a favorable position.

However, Li Ming is not familiar with the disciples of the God of Medicine Sect, so there is no need to do this at all.If it is done, it will make people misunderstand and think that there is a conspiracy.

After entering the forest for a while, Liu Heng shouted, "Stop!"

Everyone looked at Liu Heng in puzzlement, the white fan might chase him at any moment, what did he stop for?
(End of this chapter)

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