Chapter 701

"Oh? You're not convinced?" Li Ming couldn't help being amused by the words of the Great Elder of the Medicine God Sect. On this Continent of Stars, what's the use of "I'm not convinced"?

"Yes, I don't accept it!" The Great Elder of Yaoshenzong said seriously.

"Tell me, why are you dissatisfied?" Li Ming asked.

I only heard the great elder of the God of Medicine Sect say: "For the safety of the world, the master of the God of Medicine Sect went deep into the caves of the Yin Corpse Sect to fight against dragons and tigers, and you guys took this opportunity to attack our God of Medicine Sect, wanting to take away the three gods of the God of Medicine Sect!" Ding, how can there be such a shameless person in the world?"

"Shameless?" Li Ming couldn't help laughing, and said, "Your Medicine God Sect Master went to the Yin Corpse Sect to fight for the chance of the Yin Corpse Sect's rise. It was forged by my Feng Clan and stolen by your ancestors of the God of Medicine Sect. Today, it is only natural for us to come and take it back!"

"You say that my Zhenzong Divine Cauldron belongs to your Phoenix Clan or your Phoenix Clan? What evidence do you have?" asked the Great Elder of the God of Medicine Sect.

"Certificate? Is it important? What if you have the certificate, so what if you don't have it? Do you want to fight to the end, or obediently call out?" Li Ming asked forcefully.

This is a big world of stars, strength is the most important thing, whoever has the biggest fist has the right to speak!
"You..." The Elder of Yaoshenzong was speechless, he wanted to tell Li Ming what was right and what was wrong, but Li Ming obviously didn't intend to do that.

"However, since you want a certificate, I'll show you and make it clear to you!" Li Ming suddenly said seriously, and then said: "But, if I show the certificate, can you return it?"

"This..." The elder of Yaoshenzong hesitated, not knowing how to respond.

"Seeing that you don't plan to hand it over like this, then I can only take it by force. What are you doing in a daze, first set fire to this mountain gate, and then take the three divine cauldrons!" Li Ming ordered.

"Yes!" The elders of the Feng clan responded, each offering their own strange fire.

Immediately, the surrounding temperature instantly rose, and the faces of the elders of the Medicine God Sect became very ugly.

If these different fires are cast together, even if they don't wipe out the ashes of their mountain gate, they will at least burn them into ruins, and the disciples in the gate will definitely not escape!
It can be said that their tens of thousands of years of foundation of the God of Medicine Sect will be destroyed!
The Great Elder of Yaoshenzong hastily expressed his opinion: "If you can really show the certificate, you will return it!"

"Okay! It's good to have your words!" Li Ming laughed loudly, and then asked: "Have you ever lent the three divine cauldrons of the Zhenzong of the Medicine God Sect to others?"

"Since it is the god of Zhenzong, it will not be borrowed." said the elder of Yaoshenzong.

"Okay, has that ever been shown to others?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"No." The Elder of Yaoshenzong continued to answer, but he was suspicious and didn't understand what Li Ming was doing.

"Okay, very good!" Li Ming said happily, then looked at the big clan elder, and said: "Tell him the characteristics, weight, and materials used of the three divine tripods one by one!"

"Yes!" The elder of the great clan replied.

Immediately, the details of all aspects of the three divine cauldrons were described one by one.

After hearing this, the Great Elder of Medicine God Sect looked at Li Ming in puzzlement before he could react.

Li Ming asked, "Your Zhenzong Divine Cauldron has neither the outside world nor shown to others. How do we know its various characteristics?"

"That's right, how do you know?" the Elder of Yaoshenzong asked full of doubts.

"Because we cast those three tripods, that's why we know such details. Since they were cast by us, they belong to us." Li Ming said seriously.

"This..." The Great Elder of Yaoshenzong was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that he would be surrounded by Li Ming.

"Is there anything else to say? If not, quickly fetch the three divine tripods and offer them up. Otherwise, we will have to fight each other!" Li Ming said very bluntly.

The Great Elder of the Medicine God Sect was completely at a loss for words, he had no way to refute, he could only say: "Wait a while, let me go back to the sect to get it."

"That would be great!" Li Ming said happily.

Seeing that the great elder of Yaoshenzong returned to the sect in disgrace, the other elders became anxious for a while.

This is the foundation of their God of Medicine Sect, how can it be offered like this?

However, if you don't offer it, you can only fight each other.

The elders of the Feng clan are carrying strange fires, and they are really desperate to fight. Their Medicine God Sect will only be reduced to purgatory.

At that time, even if the three divine cauldrons are kept, the disciples in the sect will definitely be killed and injured, but the foundation has really been shaken.

After careful consideration, the great elder of Yaoshenzong was forced to fulfill his promise!

Niu Wudi, who was standing by the side, couldn't help being anxious when he saw that Mingjin was about to withdraw his troops. He hated the God of Medicine Sect to the bone, so he couldn't help but whispered to Li Ming, "Brother, why bother to crush the God of Medicine Sect? I would like to be the vanguard and go forward bravely!"

Li Ming patted Niu Wudi on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I know you hate the Medicine God Sect, but now is not the time to act."

"Not the time?" Niu Wudi was taken aback, looking a little puzzled.

On the bright side, the Feng Clan definitely holds an absolute advantage.

Not to mention anything else, the silver guns and the red lotus Karma of the elders of the Feng clan are enough for them to drink a pot!

Li Ming nodded and said, "I'll tell you about this later, the Great Elder of the Medicine God Sect is coming back soon!"

During the conversation, a figure really flew out from the God of Medicine Sect.

It was none other than the Great Elder of the God of Medicine Sect, who was holding three divine tripods in one hand!

When the other elders saw that the Great Elder really brought the three divine cauldrons, their faces changed drastically, and a strong sense of humiliation filled their chests.

However, what can happen now?
A fight to the death?Is the fish dead and the net broken?
The Great Elder of Medicine God Sect fell in front of Li Ming and said, "Here are the three divine cauldrons!"

As he spoke, he turned his hands and pushed, and the three divine cauldrons fell in front of Li Ming.

"Good!" Li Ming praised, ordering the elders of the clan to accept the three divine tripods.

Then, I only heard Li Ming say: "The grievances between my Feng clan and your God of Medicine Sect, today is just the beginning, and when your suzerain returns in the future, it will definitely be settled again!"

"Waiting for you!" The Elder of Yaoshenzong said with a very bad expression.

"Let's go!" Li Ming said, and then left the Yao Shenzong with the elders of the big clan.

Taking back the three divine tripods and showing off their might to the world, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, so there is no reason to stay any longer.

Niu Wudi followed Li Ming sullenly, but in his heart he was thinking about how to defeat the God of Medicine Sect!
Uncle Jiu didn't speak for a while, and when he left now, he immediately yelled: "Happy, happy, seeing those old things of the God of Medicine Sect go down is so happy! It's a pity that the God of Medicine Sect wasn't crushed."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but smiled, shook his head, and said, "Do you think the Medicine God Sect is really that easy to deal with?"

"Otherwise? Just now we had an absolute advantage. Didn't we see that the elders of the Medicine God Sect turned blue with anger and didn't dare to make a move?" Uncle Jiu said.

Li Ming shook his head again and said, "That's just appearance!"

(End of this chapter)

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